Wednesday, May 20, 2009


This is a reminder that the River Kids family gathering is scheduled for this Friday at the 21 O'Fallon Building (That's the actual address.) from 4-6pm...this is the home office for the William H. Kerr Foundation.  All family members are welcome to attend.  I need to hear numbers so we can order the correct amount of pizza.  Please reply to this email with the number of people you expect to have there.

Also, River Kids and family members are invited to bring an item for a time capsule.

Kids are also invited to give a speech.  I need to know about this ahead of time.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Invitation to Parents

I would like to recruit one more adult to help out with the trip tomorrow
and Saturday.  If any of you are able and interested in joining in the fun,
please let me know.  We can do without, but it would be nice to have the
extra hands.


Last Chance

I have 11 kids in for the trip this weekend.  More are welcome, but if this
is the final number, then I may rent a van instead of a bus.  If you have
not replied, this is your last chance to let me know.

Noelle K-B
>Maddie R
>Jacob R
>Riley K
>Mary W
>Sara B
>Jessica R
>Charlie B
Maggie L
Elizabeth B
Tasha S



Just a couple reminders for those going on the trip tomorrow -

We will be meeting at NCS at 8am.  I'll be driving a van now instead of
using a bus.

Bring the necessary paperwork.  We'll get all of it in line before leaving.

We plan to leave at 8:30am.

Make sure you have -

   - A lunch/snack/drinks for Friday on the way down.
   - Rain gear - probably necessary gear this go around
   - A journal and pencils

We will return a little before 3pm on Saturday.  Parents please be at NCS by
3pm for pickup.

FYI - We are planning on canoeing out to our campsite in a private area of
the lake surrounded by next to nothing.  That said, we'll still be in cell
range.  (Ironic, huh?)

My cell in case you need to call us is 314-680-9442.  If you can't reach me,
Theresa's (Land for Learning staff) cell number is 618-967-6876.

My final count was 13...if any extra show up, they'll have to ride on the
roof!  Hee haw!


Location Info

In case you'd like it - the address for where we will be staying is 788
Hidden Bay Lane, Makanda, IL 62958


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

River Trip - Plan B

L4L crew called and they say the rivers are out of their banks right chance of us camping along a river this weekend.

Instead of canceling the trip altogether, since we're really out of possible alternative dates, we thought up a plan B.  We are going to travel to Southern Illinois to Little Grassy Lake, where L4L has its home base, and spend the night there.  This is the same location to which the 6th grade travels each year, and where 4th camped this year.

We'll canoe out from their main camp onto the lake to a planned destination. We'll camp on the shore of the lake.  In all honesty, having been there a number of times, I consider this a privilege.  While it's not the river, it's an AMAZING atmosphere with an abundance of wildlife and plant life, as well as the most amazing night sky views around.

Nothing will change in terms of preparation for the trip.  Pack the same.

However, because their camp is near Carbondale (3 hours away) we'll be leaving earlier than originally planned.  We'll meet at NCS at 8am, pack up and leave by 8:30am.  If this affects anyone, beyond making you a little crabbier that morning, please let me know.

We will still plan to return to NCS at 3pm on Saturday.  A number of people have obligations in the evening so we won't change that time.

Let me know if you have any questions at all regarding the new location.

And please don't forget to bring a journal, per Curt's request.  There will be an activity using them.



End of the Year Party

On the RK calendar, that's somewhere beneath the pile of May to-dos, is a final meeting date for all RK on May 22.  In the past, River Kids has turned this final meeting into a family picnic.  We have a unique opportunity this year to mix it up and have the picnic elsewhere.

Thanks to some fancy footwork by RK parent David Lobbig, we've secured the 21 O'Fallon Building as the location for our gathering.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the location, this is the home of the William H. Kerr Foundation.  It has a green roof on top with decking that allows for gatherings such as ours.  We'll be able to eat, drink and be merry while looking out at the Mississippi flowing by.

Before I go any further, let me point out that there is a 6th grade party planned for the kids that evening at NCS starting at 6:30-6:45.  We are planning on having our gathering from 4-6pm in hopes of staying clear of that party.

So here is the plan for our gathering:

4pm - Arrive and Meet the owner and director of the Kerr Foundation, Dr.
John Sweet, for a brief tour of the building and the green roof.
4:30pm - Pizza and Drinks served
   - Social time - Time Capsule
   - Speeches from select RK Members
5:45 - Cleanup
6pm - Goodbyes

There are two parts of this schedule that may need some clarification:

   Time Capsule - we are arranging to have a time capsule on site for this gathering.  All River Kids and family members may bring a small item to insert in the time capsule.  Photos, trinkets, notes, drawings, or anything else that strikes your fancy.  This will be a 30 year capsule and will be housed on the NCS grounds in a location TBD - possibly under the new deck by the green roof.

   Speeches - River Kids wanting to give a speech at the event should communicate their interest in speaking directly to me.  If there are too many people to accommodate, we'll problem solve.  Know that I will give priority to graduating members.

If anyone has any questions about this event, please let me know.  Thanks to the kids and the parents for all they've done this year to help RK continue its success.


Monday, May 11, 2009


I have not heard from enough people to know if there will be a trip this
weekend.  I need to report a number to Land for Learning by tomorrow.  So
far I have the following kids on my list as going:

Noelle K-B
Maddie R
Jacob R
Riley K
Mary W
Sara B
Jessica R
Charlie B

A simple reply with "In" will suffice in order for me to track numbers.  You
will still need to fill out a waiver for NCS and Land for Learning and bring
them Friday.  I've attached them again here for convenience.



Saturday, May 9, 2009

Stream Team Birthday

We've been directly invited to attend the MO Stream Team Birthday Party June 13-14.  I personally have plans, but I thought I'd extend the invitation to participate to all RK families.  It will undoubtedly be a fun time.

If you'd like to go, you may register yourself, or send an email to me stating your interest by next Friday, May 15 and I'll register a group.

Follow the link above to find out all the details on the event.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Green Roof Trip Tomorrow

RK Families,

Earlier today I was contacted about a second possible Green Roof Trip to Jost Greenhouses TOMORROW - May 6.  While we'd all love more notice about these things, the bottom line is, there's an opening and we're taking it.

So to all River Kids and parents who would like to attend:

Please fill in blanks and reply to this email to grant permission for children not bringing an adult.

I give permission for ________________________ to travel May 6, 2009 with River Kids by bus to visit the Jost Greenhouses to learn about the plants that will be used in the installation of the green roof.  I understand that the group will leave NCS at 3:45 and return by 6pm.

Parent's E-signature: ___________________

If you have any questions, please let me know.


Friday, May 1, 2009



The river is up and it was even too wet for plan B.  After some discussion with Land for Learning, we realized it was just better to reschedule.

This may be bad news for those of us planning to be out on the river, but it may wind up being good news for others who can now join in the fun later on.

The new date for the trip is Friday, May 15 and Saturday May 16.  We do not have school that Friday at NCS.

Please RSVP for the new date by replying to this email with "in" or "out."

