Monday, November 29, 2010

Support Missouri Stream Team License Plate
Hello All!  Above is a shortened link to a page where you may take a look at the proposed MO Stream Teams license plate.  MOST is campaigning to get this specialty plate approved for purchase.  If you like the plate and the idea, there are some directions for how to support the push for approval with a simple email.  If you hate the plate or are categorically opposed to fun ideas, please leave this site …and perhaps seek help.

By the way, River Kids is an official MO Stream Team and has been for the past 4 years…it's a great organization that has some 4,000 or so teams around the state…and the list is growing.

See you all soon,


Saturday, November 20, 2010

No Need for a Board Meeting

After remembering that 4th is gone today, I realized that the 4-5pm meeting will be just 5th graders, so we're going to treat it like a Board Meeting (and include non-Board 5th graders in the meeting as well.)

SO, there's no need for 5th graders to stick around for a 5-6pm meeting… we'll all be tired anyway after the performance from this morning… hopefully that will take a little load off this evening.

See you soon!


Thursday, November 18, 2010

RK Update

Hello, RK Families!

Hope all is well with all the young world changers on our River Kids crew…

Regular Meeting this Friday, November 19 - 4–5pm – in the library as usual

Important Change - Board Meeting Rescheduled – there is a Board Meeting scheduled to follow this week's regular meeting.  We just had one last week, so I'm moving this one to Dec 3.  We'll still have one on Dec 10 as well since we won't meet again for a while.  Here's the meeting schedule again in case anyone still needs it or needs a refresher:

Dec – 3*, 10*
Jan – 7, 21*, 28
Feb – 11, 18*
Mar – 4*
Apr – 1, 8*, 15 (prep for Earth Day), 22, 29
May – 6, 20 (Final Meeting - RK Party - location/time TBA

*Asterisks mark dates of Board Meetings

I've been blown away by the work that's been done so far this year.  Our last few meetings have been used to push forward with the planning and development of a variety of projects and events.  Here's the scoop on what's in the pan:

 1.  RK Lock-in – this group has been working diligently to outline the details related to what they hope will be the 2nd annual River Kids Lock-in…They have begun to describe a budget and itinerary for the event.  They must still select possible dates, coordinate adult supervision, and secure permission for everything from NCS administration.
 2.  RK Annual Campout – The kids are formulating a plan for a possible 2-night campout along a local riverway in the springtime.  They are currently hoping to arrange the campout on Mosenthein Island (where they camped out last year.)  The kids are considering inviting Land for Learning crew along on the trip to connect those great folks with Mike Clark and the big rivers for the first time.
 3.  RK Annual Polar Bear Pickup – the group working on this event is working hard to figure out a few possible dates.  They are hoping to host the event at the same location as last year, with Mike Clark providing paddling opportunities for some, while most clean on land at North Riverfront Park.  The kids are hoping Orlando's catering might come through once again to provide lunch for volunteers.  The kids would like to add to the event by providing prizes for largest, strangest, and most valuable items found during the cleanup.  The kids will be seeking sponsors who might underwrite advertisements, pay for volunteer T-shirts, cover Mike Clark's expenses, etc.
 4.  Mural Project – there are several kids working on finding a new location for the mural idea that has been on the back burner for a couple years now.  They have several locations in mind and need to begin arranging meetings with the folks who have authority to approve painting.  They also need to secure the support of a local professional mural artist who will oversee the scaling process.  We have some leads.
 5.  Herbie Jr. - This kids would like to see Herbie finally find a home.  They came up with the idea that perhaps the car could find a home at River Kids Park.  More discussion needed.
 6.  T-shirt Design – it's time for a new T-shirt, so there's a group that is bouncing around ideas for a new T – they need to get some final sketches together and present them to the group.  Then we will proceed with purchasing the new Ts
 7.  No group on this one, but your codeword for proving that you read this is: Brrrrrrrrrrr!

Another group also worked on new ideas for how to spend meetings.  The list of possibilities was large and full of great thoughts.  We'll be discussing these ideas at this week's meeting.

There are still plans afoot to work on a dugout canoe…another back burner item that needs to have a flame  put back under it.

Also, know that Shannah uploaded the video footage from the 10/10/10 trip to the One Day On Earth website…As it stands, we sent in a low-quality version of the great footage Frank shot, and now we wait to hear if they are interested in receiving a high-quality version for inclusion in the main documentary.  We may be able to make our own short documentary from the footage as well.  Some ideas are bouncing about …I'll keep you posted…

So, we've been inside and busy working for a while…I think it's time to get out again…anyone else itching for some river time?  We'll be scheduling a winter paddle and a River des Peres cleanup to get folks a chance to keep that connection with the rivers alive…I'll let you know when there are some firm plans, but we're talking about early December…We'll also be scheduling a Boating Safety course with the Coast Guard soon. Looking at dates for that as well.

Anything new in your lives?  Any new ideas for River Kids?  Any new questions?  (No old ones, please.)  Any boxes of hot chocolate lying around the house that you need to get rid of?  (We'll be using them when we head outside in December, that's for sure!)

Quote of the Week: "All the water that ever was or will be…is."  A. Nonymous

Take care…see you on the river or in the halls,


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Board Meeting Tonight

To RK Board Members and Families:

Hello all,

This is a late follow-up to another email suggesting that there would be an RK Board Meeting tonight.  I only heard from one person who said she could not make it, so I am still planning on holding the meeting tonight from 5-6pm.  We will meet in the library at 5pm. Pizza and drinks will be provided as usual.

Let me know if you have any questions,


Thursday, November 4, 2010

RK Update

Hey, RK Families!

It's been a while…I know you've missed receiving a good evening read from me for the last couple weeks…Seems like I've been on the move more than usual!  In the past few weeks, I've been to Southern Illinois near the Cache River with 6th Grade where I learned how to track down a wooly mammoth, Southern Missouri, near the Big River, with 5th grade where we had one of the best campfire's ever, to Gray Summit, Missouri along the Meremac River, where I made the curliest candle in history (only useful if you have a curly table upon which to set it), and to Tucson, Arizona (near apparently no river at all) – where I learned how to play a barrel cactus as a musical instrument.  (I also learned to play a saguaro, but it hurt, so I'm trying to forget that.)

Really, with all these fall adventures going on, it seems like forever since River Kids has been in action…yet it wasn't too long ago we ventured out together to Mosenthein Island for that great trash bash.  Frank Popper got all the footage to us and we are in the process of getting it all uploaded to the "One Day On Earth" website where the RK perspective will hopefully be immortalized forever.  What a great day that was!

So you might be wondering when the next great RK adventure will be announced…well, there is an opportunity on Nov 13  to help a friend of ours with a Riverfront Trail Restoration effort…if you're not already coming to the NCS Open House, you should consider chipping in.  Here's the text from the announcement I received:

Riverfront Trail St. Louis Bush Honeysuckle Removal Day
When - Saturday, Nov 13, 2010
Description - Bush Honeysuckle Removal Day: Riverfront Trail – 9 am – l2 noon.

 Check or call 314-436-1324. Our honeysuckle hack will be on National Bush Honeysuckle Removal Day, meet at Humboldt Street where it intersects with the Riverfront Trail (you can MapQuest 1 Humboldt St, St. Louis, 63147) -- we're still needing certified chain saw volunteers. For more information or to register, please contact Doug Eller at

I will be at the NCS Open House, but you can contact Doug Eller and tell him your a River Kid who wants to help…Doug helped us set up the Polar Bear Pickup last year…he's a great guy and deserves help in return if you can offer it!

And have no fear…if you can't make it out to this one, there will be many more adventures to come…mayeb we need to do our own River des Peres cleanup!???  Whattya say???

Meeting this week – there is a regularly scheduled meeting Friday - 4–5pm in the library as usual.  We will be working diligently on the amazingly creative projects we started a bit ago…

Re-Rescheduling - I am working to reschedule the Board Meeting that was supposed to be this week, as there is a soccer practice Friday and also a soccer game Thursday that are preventing us from having many members there this week.  We are going to try for next Wednesday - 5–6pm…If you are a current RK Board member (or parent of one) please let me know if you can make this new meeting time work.

I've had several kids ask me what it takes to be a Board Member…anyone who has served as a member for at least one year is eligible to volunteer for Board participation.  It is expected that anyone who volunteers will make every effort to attend all the extra meetings and work in between meetings to help guide the organization.  This isn't an easy task, but it's certainly rewarding.  If there is anyone who wants to serve who hasn't already committed, please let me know.  New members are welcome.  New members with cookies are very welcome.  Codeword to prove you read this whole email – skizzemflop.

Looking forward to seeing everyone Friday!

Let me know if you have any questions, comments or cookies you're giving away…
