Thursday, June 12, 2008

Washington River Festival Continues but Clean-up is Cancelled

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From: Missouri River Relief <>
Reply-To: Missouri River Relief <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2008 09:55:10 -0500
To: Ben Griffiths <>
Conversation: Washington River Festival Continues but Clean-up is Cancelled
Subject: Washington River Festival Continues but Clean-up is Cancelled

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Washington River Festival WILL be held this Saturday
but River Clean-up is Cancelled

Yes, the Missouri River will be in flood stage this Saturday in Washington, MO. At these levels, the staging area for the Missouri River Clean-up scheduled for Saturday, June 14, will be underwater. Because of this, and safety concerns about taking large numbers of volunteers on a flooding river, we have cancelled the Clean-up scheduled for this Saturday.

But the River Festival, located on higher ground at the pavilion at Washington Riverfront Park, is still going on!

We hope that you'll still make it to the festival, from 10:30 to 4 p.m. on Saturday June 14. We'll be celebrating our amazing Big Muddy even as she shows one of her wilder faces. It will be an experience to remember!

There will be music, a presentation by the World Bird Sanctuary <><> , educational exhibits by river biologists and non-profits, a river nature walk, kid's activities, food and more! A special new addition will be the Augusta Brewing Company <><>  from across the river, serving handcrafted beers and rootbeer floats!

Click here for a list of exhibitors and schedule of entertainment.  <><>

Although the public river-based clean-up is cancelled, Missouri River Relief <><>  will still be onsite, with our boats, trashbags and nets. Our trained crew will still be pulling large trash items out of the river. Look for us if you want to help pick up trash along the riverside.

Special thanks to local organizers Gloria Attoun Bauermeister and Mike Smith for helping us put together what will still be a fantastic day on the river. Thanks also to Missouri DNR, LAD Foundation, the Washington Boat Club and John and Alex Jansen for sponsoring this wonderful event and extra special thanks to all the exhibitors, musicians and vendors that will make the festival happen.

See you in Washington!

Missouri River Relief <><>

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