Hello all,
It's been a while since I've written a standard RK missive, so I know you're
hoping I'll go on and on with this one. Ah, but first the
always-appreciated abridged version:
Upcoming River Kids meetings - Dec 5 and Dec 12, no meeting Dec 19
ADDITIONAL Board Meeting - there will be an new Board meeting added to the
schedule on Dec 10, 4-5pm in the library conference room. I know some will
not be able to make it because of the odd timing, but the Board has much to
discuss and cannot wait until the end of January to meet.
Upcoming RK Events - No cleanups scheduled yet during the winter...bunch of
weenies out there can't hack the cold. Polar Bear Pickup Club anyone?
Looking Ahead - January -
Jan 9 - Special Guests - Tammy and Mike from the Living Lands and Waters
Crew to discuss Green Strategy and Technology
Jan 23 - 6:30pm - RK will host showing of A Sewer Runs Through It - Boyd
Pickup will be on hand to answer questions and discuss the film. (NOTE -
there was a regular meeting scheduled for 4-5pm but it is being cancelled to
allow for this event. Pizza beforehand at New City anyone?)
Looking WAY Ahead - May 2-3 - Reserve these dates for kids - This is the
weekend River Kids will take its annual canoeing/camping trip along the
Meremac River.
Now for the full version...by the way, many River Kids have selected to be
on this mailing list directly. If your River Kid has an email address to
add, send it to me. If your River Kid does not receive these emails
directly, please fill him or her in. I do not have time to go over all the
details at meeting because we're busy learning stuff...go figure.
On with the show...We've now had three major meetings using the new format
of snacking in Extended Day and meeting in the library. Other than a few
minor hiccups, it's gone well. We've certainly accomplished plenty.
At the first meeting, the elder River Kids introduced new members to the
concept of River Kids and began to lay the foundation for this year's work,
establishing a return to focusing on learning about rivers and taking
Our second meeting was dedicated to learning about water conservation and
seeing water as the "new oil." We live in a water-rich environment in this
part of the world, so it's easy to miss the fact that there are many rivers
in the world that are literally drying up due largely to diversion tactics
for agriculture or feeding the thirst of an ever-expanding population. The
kids calculated how much water they might be using as well as how much they
could easily save with some simple changes to behavior. The goal was for
everyone to walk away thinking about water conservation a little bit more.
Our third meeting, we spent some time viewing a video about green roof
technology and discussing an opportunity to participate in a new green roof
project being developed at New City. We also watched the section of the
River des Peres documentary about New City River Kids. We counted how many
times we were on camera and compared...just kidding. Then the last half of
the meeting we took part in a stream table simulation where each member took
on a role related to the model river, such as fisherman/hunter, commercial
developer, residential developer, industry, recreationists, and
conservationists. Each group of role-players received a plot of land to
develop along the model of the stream as they saw fit (according to their
role). Then, they had to discuss, in town hall fashion, how to address the
issues that came up. Again, the goal was to leave everyone thinking about
the issues, the solutions, and the complexity of resolving inevitable
conflict surrounding valuable resources.
We will continue to explore different ways of thinking about rivers and
experiencing them this year. We are planning cleanups, field trips, guest
speakers, and hands-on activities for many meetings. Please email me with
ideas for new activities when they come up.
Since we are spending the majority of our large group meeting time on
learning, we will be starting small committees to handle some of the
projects and aspects of actually running an organization. We will be
sign-up sheets for several groups with the expectation that River Kids will
sign up to help where they are able. Sheets will be out at the next two
meetings. The following groups are currently forming:
1) River Sisters - highly motivated girls may sign for this urban exchange
program - This group is coordinated by Charlotte and begins in January.
2) Publicity - This group of linguists will be seeking ways to publish the
story of River Kids in educational journals, magazines and other media.
3) Earth Day Planning Committee - This group will decide what our booth will
look like at Earth Day this year.
4) Merchandising - This group will take charge of selling RK merchandise to
raise additional funds for projects. Kids in this group will need to spend
some time before or after school selling merchandise.
Meeting days will be decided based on what is best for those who signed up.
Unfortunately, this means some kids may not be able to help on certain
committees. Other groups will likely be formed as necessary.
So, is that long enough? I didn't even rave on about the positive energy in
the group or how cool it is to hear a kid say "riparian corridor" in passing
conversation because they just know this stuff...or how amazed many kids
were at how much water we all use.
This is no doubt a lucky "profession," being the leader of such an
enthusiastic and well-intended group. If they stay the course they have
chosen, there's no doubt in my mind that they will change the world around
them for the better.
Looking forward to some change,
It's been a while since I've written a standard RK missive, so I know you're
hoping I'll go on and on with this one. Ah, but first the
always-appreciated abridged version:
Upcoming River Kids meetings - Dec 5 and Dec 12, no meeting Dec 19
ADDITIONAL Board Meeting - there will be an new Board meeting added to the
schedule on Dec 10, 4-5pm in the library conference room. I know some will
not be able to make it because of the odd timing, but the Board has much to
discuss and cannot wait until the end of January to meet.
Upcoming RK Events - No cleanups scheduled yet during the winter...bunch of
weenies out there can't hack the cold. Polar Bear Pickup Club anyone?
Looking Ahead - January -
Jan 9 - Special Guests - Tammy and Mike from the Living Lands and Waters
Crew to discuss Green Strategy and Technology
Jan 23 - 6:30pm - RK will host showing of A Sewer Runs Through It - Boyd
Pickup will be on hand to answer questions and discuss the film. (NOTE -
there was a regular meeting scheduled for 4-5pm but it is being cancelled to
allow for this event. Pizza beforehand at New City anyone?)
Looking WAY Ahead - May 2-3 - Reserve these dates for kids - This is the
weekend River Kids will take its annual canoeing/camping trip along the
Meremac River.
Now for the full version...by the way, many River Kids have selected to be
on this mailing list directly. If your River Kid has an email address to
add, send it to me. If your River Kid does not receive these emails
directly, please fill him or her in. I do not have time to go over all the
details at meeting because we're busy learning stuff...go figure.
On with the show...We've now had three major meetings using the new format
of snacking in Extended Day and meeting in the library. Other than a few
minor hiccups, it's gone well. We've certainly accomplished plenty.
At the first meeting, the elder River Kids introduced new members to the
concept of River Kids and began to lay the foundation for this year's work,
establishing a return to focusing on learning about rivers and taking
Our second meeting was dedicated to learning about water conservation and
seeing water as the "new oil." We live in a water-rich environment in this
part of the world, so it's easy to miss the fact that there are many rivers
in the world that are literally drying up due largely to diversion tactics
for agriculture or feeding the thirst of an ever-expanding population. The
kids calculated how much water they might be using as well as how much they
could easily save with some simple changes to behavior. The goal was for
everyone to walk away thinking about water conservation a little bit more.
Our third meeting, we spent some time viewing a video about green roof
technology and discussing an opportunity to participate in a new green roof
project being developed at New City. We also watched the section of the
River des Peres documentary about New City River Kids. We counted how many
times we were on camera and compared...just kidding. Then the last half of
the meeting we took part in a stream table simulation where each member took
on a role related to the model river, such as fisherman/hunter, commercial
developer, residential developer, industry, recreationists, and
conservationists. Each group of role-players received a plot of land to
develop along the model of the stream as they saw fit (according to their
role). Then, they had to discuss, in town hall fashion, how to address the
issues that came up. Again, the goal was to leave everyone thinking about
the issues, the solutions, and the complexity of resolving inevitable
conflict surrounding valuable resources.
We will continue to explore different ways of thinking about rivers and
experiencing them this year. We are planning cleanups, field trips, guest
speakers, and hands-on activities for many meetings. Please email me with
ideas for new activities when they come up.
Since we are spending the majority of our large group meeting time on
learning, we will be starting small committees to handle some of the
projects and aspects of actually running an organization. We will be
sign-up sheets for several groups with the expectation that River Kids will
sign up to help where they are able. Sheets will be out at the next two
meetings. The following groups are currently forming:
1) River Sisters - highly motivated girls may sign for this urban exchange
program - This group is coordinated by Charlotte and begins in January.
2) Publicity - This group of linguists will be seeking ways to publish the
story of River Kids in educational journals, magazines and other media.
3) Earth Day Planning Committee - This group will decide what our booth will
look like at Earth Day this year.
4) Merchandising - This group will take charge of selling RK merchandise to
raise additional funds for projects. Kids in this group will need to spend
some time before or after school selling merchandise.
Meeting days will be decided based on what is best for those who signed up.
Unfortunately, this means some kids may not be able to help on certain
committees. Other groups will likely be formed as necessary.
So, is that long enough? I didn't even rave on about the positive energy in
the group or how cool it is to hear a kid say "riparian corridor" in passing
conversation because they just know this stuff...or how amazed many kids
were at how much water we all use.
This is no doubt a lucky "profession," being the leader of such an
enthusiastic and well-intended group. If they stay the course they have
chosen, there's no doubt in my mind that they will change the world around
them for the better.
Looking forward to some change,
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