Thursday, April 9, 2009

RK Update

Hello out there in River Kid Land,

I hope all is well...first, attached you'll find an invitation to the upcoming River des Peres Watershed Coalition meeting.  I thought some of you might be interested in attending.  Unfortunately, that's my son's b-day, so I'll be preoccupied...

Next, I'm cancelling the meeting for Friday.  This is a busy time for many in terms of religion and I think we're going to be meeting enough in April already with Earth Day coming around the bend.  More to come on Earth Day below.

Next next...We may be looking for some additional River Kids to come work our booth at the Eco-Expo April 18.  We are supposed to have people there all day.  If you think you can be there for any portion of the day, please let me know.

501c3 - After some discussion amongst adults and kids, it appears it may be in the best interests of River Kids to file for our own non-profit status independent of New City.  This is not so we can operate fact, we'll operate about the same I suppose, with two major exceptions.  One - money - we'll be able to pursue funding from sources that are not available to schools, but are to youth organizations.  Plus, we'll be able to receive donations from companies that have already given to NCS and have a policy against donating twice in the same year to the same Tax ID #.  2) Parent Board - We will need to form a Board that will keep us crazy River Kids in check.  If you're interested in serving on this new Board, please let me know and I'll keep you in mind as this develops.

Earth Day Sign-Up - As in the past, we will be needing people to sign up for shifts to work at Earth Day.  Kids should work out a time with parents and sign up outside my room.  Parent volunteers are welcome, but you may also drop your child off and walk around if you prefer.  There is much to see at the festival!  Barring any conflicts that prevent attendance, I expect kids to work a 2-hour shift.

NOTE - there will be a separate sign-up sheet for the Stream Table presentations...this group needs to work on the stream table during the work days prior to Earth Day to develop and practice lessons.

I'll be hanging posters around the building about Earth Day tomorrow after school.  If any kids can help, that would be great.

Merchandise Updates - We will be selling merchandise at the festival.  We have added new hats and 100% biodegradable BPA-free water bottles to the list of merchandise.  We've also extended our line of tees to smaller sizes for siblings.  No onesies yet...I should check into that...

Meeting/Event Reminders -
April 14 - 7pm - Kennedy Speech/RK Table
April 16 - RdPWC Meeting
April 18 - Eco -Expo at the Science Center all day AND River des Peres Cleanup - details to come
April 21-23 will be work days in preparation for Earth Day.  4-5pm every day.
April 25 - RdP Cleanup AND Evening Set up for Earth Day
April 26 - Earth Day
May 1 - Final Board Meeting for year
May 2-3 - River Kids Camping/Canoeing Trip with Land for Learning
May 8 - Full-Group Meeting
May 22 - Final Full Group Meeting for the year
End of the Year Party...Date TBA

Thanks to all of you for taking part in the blur of action these last couple months.


View attached file here.

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