Please remember to share important information from emails with your River Kid if they don't get the email directly. The kids (and plenty of adults) will undoubtedly be excited to know what to expect this weekend. And there's not a whole lot of fluff in this email...there's just a TON going on worthy of mention and sometimes requiring a response.
Before I go any further, let me congratulate Riley Kniptash and Susan Pastoret for successfully establishing their own new branch of River Kids at Ladue Middle. What a huge step! It sounds like they will be heading out to the river soon with a bunch of students! Rock on, Riley and Susan!
Volunteer Opp - Help is needed at the sales table this week. Let me know if there's a day that works for your family.
Thanks a million to all the folks who attended the dinner meeting on Friday...there were more people than I expected. We were able to go over the details of the event and many people signed up to work a shift in one of the areas. At this point, it seems we are fairly well-staffed, but if you're interested in helping, let me know and I'll get you an assignment ahead of time so we don't have to worry about who's doing what the day of the event. You may also speak with Jamie Ryan directly. She has been coordinating volunteers and will know exactly where you will be needed most.
Whether or not you are working, all event tickets will allow the holder into the City Museum from open (11am) to close (5pm). And in fact...River Kids have been given special permission to hang out a while after the museum officially closes...our own extended River Kids party! Yahoooo! We'll just eat leftovers for dinner. :)
On the Mike Clark Trip...The bidding began quickly and stands at $180. Email me a higher bid if you're interested and I'll put you on the list of people who will receive updates the bidding rises. I won't be sending constant updates to everyone, but the current high bid will be posted in the hall. And you may ask me at any time via email for an update. Bidding will close on Friday at 4:30pm. Remember... while this trip is valued at $1200, it's a priceless opportunity to see the river the way only Mike Clark knows it.
Kayak raffle tickets will also be on sale in the hallway. It's a $540 package that includes a 230cm Werner Paddle and the Aluminum Frame Inflatable Kayak. Tickets are $5 each or 4 for $20. Raffle tickets will be on sale until the end of the concert at the benefit.
If you have not bought tickets to the event, ordering online is easy at: please send the link (and the attached flyer) to whomever you think might be interested. If you're at another school, consider hanging the flyer or making an announcement if there's a venue for that. We're hoping ticket sales will really come through this week. We want the biggest crowd possible in order to make the event a total success!
I've been talking with Tammy Becker from LL&W - They are pulling into town on the barge today or tomorrow. I will be taking a trip down to visit them Tuesday evening to pick up some of the "decorations" and discuss details. If there's a kid or two who'd be interested in joining me, please let me know and I'll confirm the timing.
At the dinner meeting, several people wanted to know details about participating in the cleanup on Saturday. I emailed Tammy earlier today, but I haven't heard back yet about details. I'll send out an invitation email with details as soon as I have them and you can decide whether or not you'd like to participate.
Even if you are not into cleaning on Saturday, we will need some volunteers to work a table at the cleanup. We'll sell tickets to the event at half price to the cleanup volunteers. The sculpture will be created during the cleanup, so those who are around will get to see the artist in action.
Looking forward to an action packed River Kids week!
List of RK Dates to Remember