Monday, September 7, 2009

RK Update - Volunteers Needed

Reminder - Family Dinner Meeting this Friday. 5:30-7pm in the dining hall. Pizza, pasta and drinks provided.  We will discuss the details of the event and provide a signup sheet so you may choose a team on which to work for the event if you are able.

We also need more kids (and adults if you're able) to sell tickets and merchandise at the table each morning and afternoon.  Please let me know if your child is willing and able to cover the table for any or all of the 7:45-8:15 or 3:30-6:00pm range.

There are Open Houses on Wednesday and Thursday.  If there's anyone who would like to operate the table from 6-6:30 those nights, there will be a lot of people in the building.  Please let me know.

In order for this event to be a success, we will need lots of help from RK families, but the most pressing needs are related to ticket sales.  We are selling tickets online as well as in our hallway at NCS.

The online sales page is:

If you or anyone else you know would like to buy tickets and they prefer credit card transactions, direct them to this page.

I should note that we are accepting donations online as well at:  Anyone wishing to contribute without purchasing tickets may do so by using the drop down menu to designate a gift to River Kids.

As a third way to donate, we are accepting pledges at the ticket table (or via email) for any amount of money per ton of trash we clean out of the Mississippi on September 19 with Living Lands and Waters.

I've attached the flyer again in case you would like to print it and hang it, or send it along to someone you know.  I also have flyers at NCS in my room already printed that you may have.  I'll bring some to the family dinner on Friday.  Please do your part to promote the event.  Word of mouth is everything!

Thanks for all you do!  Go River Kids!


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