Sunday, February 7, 2010

Polar Bear Pickup

The Polar Bear Pickup is fast becoming a bigger cleanup than we'd ever hoped for... At this point it appears we may have volunteers from Americorps, Grace Hill, MO Stream Teams, Trailnet, Confluence Greenways and more...

Great news - Lunch and drinks will be catered (as a donation) by Orlando's and Ces and Judy's in combination!  It's awesome that they have stepped up to help River Kids out!  And big thanks to Giovanna Cassilly for helping make this happen!

If you have the time to come join us for even a short amount of time at the cleanup, please consider it.  This kind of event winds up being very good for the rivers, first of all...but also very good for our reputation in the river world.  It's important that we show up in force!

And whether you can make it or not, please spread the word about the event to as many NCS families as you can.  Flyers will be going up in the halls this week and information will go out in parent letters, but as you know, word of mouth will get more people interested than anything.  This could be a VERY fun event for NCS as a whole!

May the river be with you!  See you soon,


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