Wednesday, May 19, 2010

RK Party Reminder

The RK Party is on for this Saturday at the Cassilly's House.  Right now I have about 50 RSVPs...Is there anyone else who forgot to RSVP?  Last chance...

NOTE - There will be a special presentation in honor of the graduating River Kids and an additional surprise announcement!

Reminder on the details:

Email me for details on the party's location.

From Giovanna:

Driveway is at the corner of Riverview and South Chambers Rd. It does sneak up quick.

Please carpool if possible.

Park cars along the grass next to the mail box.

It is also Dylan's B-day...If any one would like to bring a birthday gift, we ask that they contribute to the River Kids on behalf of his 10th birthday.

No need to bring anything other than bathing suit, change of clothes, towel, sunblock, swimming goggles or pool toys.

Let me know if you have any questions!


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