Friday, June 4, 2010


Thanks for another incredible experience this year...we have a long list of accomplishments to be proud of, including hosting a successful benefit, paddling the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers 9 times, camping on the Mississippi, participation in cleanups and plantings, the creation of many new projects and revival of some old ones...It's been amazing to work with so many talented kids and parents.

I'm proud of all the current 6th graders have done to move River Kids forward during their time.  I wish them all well as they move on to secondary school.  They are all welcome to come back and work with River Kids at any time in the future!  To me they will always be River Kids...Heck, I'm the biggest River Kid of all, so the age cap just keeps getting higher.

I'm also incredibly proud of the new 4th/5th grade members this year who stepped up to every challenge and worked hard to establish themselves.  The enthusiasm, intellect and energy abounds in these younger individuals.  I know they are absolutely ready to take the reigns of this organization next year and continue to demonstrate that kids are a force to be reckoned with in the fight to preserve and protect our waterways.

As I look forward to upcoming River Kids events, I can't help but feel some excitement about the possibilities that lie ahead.   With a new River Kids park in development, a mural in the making, River Kids camp June the World's Largest River Cleanup ever on June 19, a river festival at the Confluence in September, and a dugout canoe on the way, this next year is surely going to be as exciting as ever!

Housekeeping - I have a yellow drawstring bag of belongings (including a Spongebob pillow) left with me after the RK campout...I can't remember who they belong to, so if it sounds like it might be yours, come on by my room and pick it up sometime.

Summer Fun - I will keep in touch with you all over summer.  There are already some great cleanup opportunities cropping up.  Please plan to join me at the riverfront on June 19 for the largest river cleanup in history. 22 cities up and down the Mississippi will be coordinating their efforts. Plus, our great friends from Living Lands and Waters will be heading up the effort.  We always have a blast with them!  We're thinking about camping out after the cleanup.  I'll keep the chatter rolling on that one.  We'll see what we can arrange depending on who's interested.

Board Members - Though current Board Members are invited to maintain a connection with River Kids upon entering secondary school, there will be many vacancies on the River Kids Board that will need to be filled.  All River Kids who were members this year are now eligible to volunteer for the Board.  The RK Board meets about one extra time per month on top of the regular meetings.  It can mean that RK becomes an even more substantial time obligation, but the rewards are numerous.  The Board is where many of the projects are developed and major decisions about the organization are made. If your River Kid wants to be on the Board, all they need to do is communicate that desire to me, and plan to meet in late August before school starts.  We will likely have a Board Retreat (perhaps a day trip or overnight paddle) to get things rolling at that time.  I will announce more info as we get closer to that time.

Happy summer!  Keep in touch...I love to hear about summer adventures.  I'll certainly invite you all to come create some summer adventures along the way with River Kids.

See you all soon!


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