Couple pics of Herbie when we went to the City Tow Lot to buy him back.

Monday, March 31, 2008
This is a copy of the H2O Rap that we'll be performing. I'm sending this so
everyone who is interested in auditioning as a rapper my do a little
preparation...Note: We're not expecting kids to rap the whole thing as an's more important that they be able to rap some part of it well
and MOST important that they show a lot of energy and attitude.
Please make sure if your child is considering being a rapper that they have
a copy of the rap.
(Download the file here.)
everyone who is interested in auditioning as a rapper my do a little
preparation...Note: We're not expecting kids to rap the whole thing as an's more important that they be able to rap some part of it well
and MOST important that they show a lot of energy and attitude.
Please make sure if your child is considering being a rapper that they have
a copy of the rap.
NEW RK Speeches List - Please Make Sure Your River Kid Sees This
This is a NEW list of possible Speeches...I've copied and updated the first
email I sent below...this is a NEW email though. I'm sending this to give
everyone a fair shot at writing a speech and to make sure two NEW SPEECHES
are covered.
To the parents - Here is the detailed info on the speeches that we'll need
during the benefit. Please make sure your River Kid sees this info...Not
all RK wanted to write a speech, but quite a few did. This is my only way
of getting the details to the kids. Thanks!
To the Kids - If you want to be a speaker at the benefit, there are several
possible speeches you might give. As I said at the meeting, you should
draft a speech for the one that you'd really like to perform and bring it to
me when it's complete - some are tougher than others. Choose one that fits
Once I get a feel for who is really interested in the different areas, I'll
work with the other RK coordinators to select the final speakers. The
selection will be based on the quality of your draft and its potential.
Some consideration will be given to experience and dedication as a River
Here are the larger speaking roles: (Must have a draft written to be
selected for these roles)
- Welcome Speech - 1-2 minutes - Briefly opens the dinner portion of the
with a welcome to all and a general thanks to everyone for attending.
- RK Story - 5-6 minutes - This needs to be a well-written, well-spoken
speech that explains RK and the story of how the event came to be - maybe a
bit about what it means to be in RK...humor balanced with thoughtful
comments. This may be done by more than one kid if planned well.
- NO MAYOR SPEECH - he will not be coming
- Land for Learning Introduction - 3-4 minutes - This should explain who
Land for Learning is and why we chose to benefit them.
- Thank You Speech - 3-4 minutes - This is the speech to directly thank
people that made the event possible.
NEW SPEECH - River Sisters (Mentoring Group) Speech - 3-5 minutes - Briefly
explains the River Sisters experience and introduces the Neighborhood Houses
group as special guests. Ends by presenting them with a gift of a specially
designed quilt being made in the coming weeks.
NEW SPEECH - Herbie Jr. Sppech - 2-3 minutes - tells a short version of
Herbie's story, Thanks the people who helped make the installation possible
(Carla's 4th Grade Class and Carla, Alderman Matt Villa, Claude Gunn, Rick
Erwin, and Bob Cassilly)
We will also need some kids to handle the following smaller speaking roles:
(No draft needed for these - will be filled with those that do not get
selected for the larger speeches or others who are interested)
- Presentation of Check to Land for Learning - simply announces the
amount and offers the check to Curt, Al, and Teresa.
- Announcer(s) for Raffle Items - Announces at beginning of event that
raffle tickets are on sale for the canoe and kayak. Announces winners.
Could be more than one kid.
- Extras - this person would fill in as necessary if there are any extra
All drafts are still due by this Friday, April 4. Selections will be made by
April 11.
Kids and parents may let me know if there are any questions.
email I sent below...this is a NEW email though. I'm sending this to give
everyone a fair shot at writing a speech and to make sure two NEW SPEECHES
are covered.
To the parents - Here is the detailed info on the speeches that we'll need
during the benefit. Please make sure your River Kid sees this info...Not
all RK wanted to write a speech, but quite a few did. This is my only way
of getting the details to the kids. Thanks!
To the Kids - If you want to be a speaker at the benefit, there are several
possible speeches you might give. As I said at the meeting, you should
draft a speech for the one that you'd really like to perform and bring it to
me when it's complete - some are tougher than others. Choose one that fits
Once I get a feel for who is really interested in the different areas, I'll
work with the other RK coordinators to select the final speakers. The
selection will be based on the quality of your draft and its potential.
Some consideration will be given to experience and dedication as a River
Here are the larger speaking roles: (Must have a draft written to be
selected for these roles)
- Welcome Speech - 1-2 minutes - Briefly opens the dinner portion of the
with a welcome to all and a general thanks to everyone for attending.
- RK Story - 5-6 minutes - This needs to be a well-written, well-spoken
speech that explains RK and the story of how the event came to be - maybe a
bit about what it means to be in RK...humor balanced with thoughtful
comments. This may be done by more than one kid if planned well.
- NO MAYOR SPEECH - he will not be coming
- Land for Learning Introduction - 3-4 minutes - This should explain who
Land for Learning is and why we chose to benefit them.
- Thank You Speech - 3-4 minutes - This is the speech to directly thank
people that made the event possible.
NEW SPEECH - River Sisters (Mentoring Group) Speech - 3-5 minutes - Briefly
explains the River Sisters experience and introduces the Neighborhood Houses
group as special guests. Ends by presenting them with a gift of a specially
designed quilt being made in the coming weeks.
NEW SPEECH - Herbie Jr. Sppech - 2-3 minutes - tells a short version of
Herbie's story, Thanks the people who helped make the installation possible
(Carla's 4th Grade Class and Carla, Alderman Matt Villa, Claude Gunn, Rick
Erwin, and Bob Cassilly)
We will also need some kids to handle the following smaller speaking roles:
(No draft needed for these - will be filled with those that do not get
selected for the larger speeches or others who are interested)
- Presentation of Check to Land for Learning - simply announces the
amount and offers the check to Curt, Al, and Teresa.
- Announcer(s) for Raffle Items - Announces at beginning of event that
raffle tickets are on sale for the canoe and kayak. Announces winners.
Could be more than one kid.
- Extras - this person would fill in as necessary if there are any extra
All drafts are still due by this Friday, April 4. Selections will be made by
April 11.
Kids and parents may let me know if there are any questions.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
RK Calendar
I've constructed a calendar that should cover all of the River Kids events. It includes small groups meetings and major
events. I may post more later, but it's got most things on there now. Should make it easier to track everything through this busiest time of the year.
I'll have hard copies in my room for you starting our your River Kid may come by to get one. I'll give copies to all kids on Friday at our meeting if you would like to wait until then.
View the calendar on the web here.
Let me know if you have any questions.
I'll have hard copies in my room for you starting our your River Kid may come by to get one. I'll give copies to all kids on Friday at our meeting if you would like to wait until then.
View the calendar on the web here.
Let me know if you have any questions.
RK Update 2
This is the general info on current RK events...
Mentoring Group - They had another meeting at the Neighborhood Houses
location. They continued to build the relationships with the NH girls with
activities they've planned. Good times!
Benefit - details are coming together - Ticket Sales will be launched very
soon...River Kids should plan to sign up for at least one afternoon a week
to be out in the hallways after school selling tickets and promoting the
event. We'll have the kids sign up for these days at Friday's meeting.
Speeches - All proposed speeches should be delivered to one of the RK
coordinators by Friday or before...Kids are welcome to seek out revision
notes from adults.
Stream Table - River Kids dove in big and purchased a stream table of their
own from an incredible company called Little River Research and Design...if
you'd like to see a preview, check out the pics at This is
the Porsche of all stream tables...we'll be spending a lot of time playing
around with it in the next few weeks. Stop by the PA room to take a peek.
We'll have it out at Earth Day as well.
CD production - the songs are being mixed down to final tracks...we'll be
working out the artwork for the CD cover and insert soon! We're thinking a
tribute to Pink Guy. :)
H2O Rap Group- Rehearsing, rehearsing!
Mural - Final stages of permit acquisition - should be painting pretty soon
- watch for family painting dates to be announced.
Earth Day - activities being planned - learning about the stream table and
how to use it - signing up for shifts soon - beads for water bracelets have
been ordered
Herbie Jr. - Waiting to hear what Bob Cassilly thinks of the kids ideas and
what the final plans will be. It looks like Herbie Jr. will be in one of
two very cool locations...he'll be unveiled at the benefit dinner.
Rain Barrels - I've heard the barrels will be going in these next couple
weeks...keep your eyes peeled near the garden pavilion.
Climbing Nights and Cleanups - wear your RK t-shirts out and about! And
take pictures...send anything you've got my way...we're always collecting.
Merchandise - we'll have new Rive Kids goods sometime in the near future.
New t-shirts, water bottles, dry bags, and static cling stickers...all to
help you spread the RK vibe with pride.
Camping Out - May 3-4 is the date RK will be camping and canoeing with Land
for Learning. Mark your calendars!
Is that all?
Mentoring Group - They had another meeting at the Neighborhood Houses
location. They continued to build the relationships with the NH girls with
activities they've planned. Good times!
Benefit - details are coming together - Ticket Sales will be launched very
soon...River Kids should plan to sign up for at least one afternoon a week
to be out in the hallways after school selling tickets and promoting the
event. We'll have the kids sign up for these days at Friday's meeting.
Speeches - All proposed speeches should be delivered to one of the RK
coordinators by Friday or before...Kids are welcome to seek out revision
notes from adults.
Stream Table - River Kids dove in big and purchased a stream table of their
own from an incredible company called Little River Research and Design...if
you'd like to see a preview, check out the pics at This is
the Porsche of all stream tables...we'll be spending a lot of time playing
around with it in the next few weeks. Stop by the PA room to take a peek.
We'll have it out at Earth Day as well.
CD production - the songs are being mixed down to final tracks...we'll be
working out the artwork for the CD cover and insert soon! We're thinking a
tribute to Pink Guy. :)
H2O Rap Group- Rehearsing, rehearsing!
Mural - Final stages of permit acquisition - should be painting pretty soon
- watch for family painting dates to be announced.
Earth Day - activities being planned - learning about the stream table and
how to use it - signing up for shifts soon - beads for water bracelets have
been ordered
Herbie Jr. - Waiting to hear what Bob Cassilly thinks of the kids ideas and
what the final plans will be. It looks like Herbie Jr. will be in one of
two very cool locations...he'll be unveiled at the benefit dinner.
Rain Barrels - I've heard the barrels will be going in these next couple
weeks...keep your eyes peeled near the garden pavilion.
Climbing Nights and Cleanups - wear your RK t-shirts out and about! And
take pictures...send anything you've got my way...we're always collecting.
Merchandise - we'll have new Rive Kids goods sometime in the near future.
New t-shirts, water bottles, dry bags, and static cling stickers...all to
help you spread the RK vibe with pride.
Camping Out - May 3-4 is the date RK will be camping and canoeing with Land
for Learning. Mark your calendars!
Is that all?
H2O Rap Group - Details
Here are the details on the H2O Rap Group - I'm not sure which kids will be
in this yet, so I'm sending the note to all. Please check with your River
Kid to find out if they need to know this info. And do pass this along to
the kids.
Meetings - Rehearsals will be on Wednesdays and Fridays in the PA room from
This doesn't leave a lot of time to prepare for the shows, so each meeting
will be very important. Please make every effort to be there for every
meeting if possible. If you CANNOT be there, let me know ASAP, so I will
know who to expect. Missing a rehearsal may affect your ability to be in
the show.
There are four performances scheduled for Earth Day, Sunday, April 20 as
12:20—12:30 Café Stage
1:25—1:35 Main Stage
3:00—3:10 Café Stage
3:30—3:40 Main Stage
There is another performance scheduled for Sunday, April 13 at the THurtenE
Carnival. The kids will need to be at the carnival by 12:00 to sign in and
get ready to perform at 12:30. Of course, all RK families are invited to
come see this performance and support the River Kids rap group, as well as
just to hang out at the carnival. Should be a blast!
in this yet, so I'm sending the note to all. Please check with your River
Kid to find out if they need to know this info. And do pass this along to
the kids.
Meetings - Rehearsals will be on Wednesdays and Fridays in the PA room from
This doesn't leave a lot of time to prepare for the shows, so each meeting
will be very important. Please make every effort to be there for every
meeting if possible. If you CANNOT be there, let me know ASAP, so I will
know who to expect. Missing a rehearsal may affect your ability to be in
the show.
There are four performances scheduled for Earth Day, Sunday, April 20 as
12:20—12:30 Café Stage
1:25—1:35 Main Stage
3:00—3:10 Café Stage
3:30—3:40 Main Stage
There is another performance scheduled for Sunday, April 13 at the THurtenE
Carnival. The kids will need to be at the carnival by 12:00 to sign in and
get ready to perform at 12:30. Of course, all RK families are invited to
come see this performance and support the River Kids rap group, as well as
just to hang out at the carnival. Should be a blast!
REI Cleanup
If you're still interested in the cleanup but lost the info, here it is.
I'll be there, so feel free to call me on my cell for info in the morning -
Hope to see some of you there!
Memorial Park (the meeting place) is not too hard to find: if people are
heading South on Brentwood (away from Clayton, toward Manchester) they
drive past REI to Strassner Drive (it's where the Bread Co. is,
Applegate's Deli is on the left) and make a Left on Strassner Dr.
Go through 1 stop sign, the YMCA will be on the left; they keep going
straight just a bit and the Park is on the right. They should see an REI
banner on the fence. There's a parking lot, and if they walk down the
hill from the parking lot to a pavilion that's where everyone will meet
and register; there will be someone greeting people at the parking lot
So the clean-up is on Sunday March 30th
Meet at Memorial Park Pavillion at 9am; clean up until ~11-11:30 and
then Brentwood Lyons club grills up some hot dogs and burgers. We'll
also have a raffle for some prizes.
Brentwood Parks & Recreation and REI have once again teamed up for a day
of cleaning up our local creeks and parks. We meet at 9:00am at the
pavilion in Memorial Park (8600 Strassner Drive, Brentwood MO) for
orientation, and send you on your way with trash bags in hand. Trash
bags will be provided. Please wear proper clothing to get dirty in,
shoes and work gloves. Lunch provided by the Brentwood Lions Club after
the clean up. Please help clean up your local creeks and parks by
donating your time and energy.
Memorial Park (8600 Strassner Drive, Brentwood MO)
Registration Required? Yes. Register with REI-St. Louis customer service
at 314-918-1004, or stop by the store.
Hope to see some of you there!
Memorial Park (the meeting place) is not too hard to find: if people are
heading South on Brentwood (away from Clayton, toward Manchester) they
drive past REI to Strassner Drive (it's where the Bread Co. is,
Applegate's Deli is on the left) and make a Left on Strassner Dr.
Go through 1 stop sign, the YMCA will be on the left; they keep going
straight just a bit and the Park is on the right. They should see an REI
banner on the fence. There's a parking lot, and if they walk down the
hill from the parking lot to a pavilion that's where everyone will meet
and register; there will be someone greeting people at the parking lot
So the clean-up is on Sunday March 30th
Meet at Memorial Park Pavillion at 9am; clean up until ~11-11:30 and
then Brentwood Lyons club grills up some hot dogs and burgers. We'll
also have a raffle for some prizes.
Brentwood Parks & Recreation and REI have once again teamed up for a day
of cleaning up our local creeks and parks. We meet at 9:00am at the
pavilion in Memorial Park (8600 Strassner Drive, Brentwood MO) for
orientation, and send you on your way with trash bags in hand. Trash
bags will be provided. Please wear proper clothing to get dirty in,
shoes and work gloves. Lunch provided by the Brentwood Lions Club after
the clean up. Please help clean up your local creeks and parks by
donating your time and energy.
Memorial Park (8600 Strassner Drive, Brentwood MO)
Registration Required? Yes. Register with REI-St. Louis customer service
at 314-918-1004, or stop by the store.
RK Update
Hey, everyone!
I hope you're enjoying the last weekend of spring break! I've heard from a
few families and it seems that "break" is a relative term...some people
travel, some stay home, some run around doing all the things they normally
can't do, some increase the dent in the couch, some clean obsessively, some
make more messes than usual, and for just goes on as usual...not
everyone gets a break.
No matter how you spent your "break," one thing seems certain...the fact
that spring break exists is one of a series of reminders that the cycle of
the seasons continues...spring is here.
This is the time of year when we notice the redbuds bloom and the daffodils
rise...the warmer temperatures and longer days signal the native plants and
animals to become more active, to grow, to change...
As a teacher and a naturalist I've always noticed the correlation between
nature's explosion of change, and that of my students around the same time.
The kids have grown into current grades and are growing out of them as we
It's a time I've always cherished as a teacher, mainly because it's no
longer a daily struggle to define routines and expectations...there's a
sense of ownership being passed on to the kids...and a sense of increased
independence within the kids...Bottom line - 4th graders are finally 4th
graders, and so on.
I always used to find these next two months of the year to be the toughest
personally...because the kids and parents are moving on soon...and in a
classroom setting, it means saying goodbye to one set of families that have
really served as extended family since the fall. Plus, you start to realize
that if there's something you haven't done yet, you've only got two months
to take care of it ALL! :)
One of the great things I've discovered about moving to a Specialist
position is that I don't have to say goodbye to as many kids and
families...I see most of them the next year. However, those that do leave
after being around for so long, are often harder to let go.
There are some of us in River Kids that will be saying goodbye after this
year. And since that will be so tough on me, and it's really all about me,
let me selfishly extend an invitation/request to all families who might be
leaving after this year:
1) Leave loudly...don't assume that everyone knows you're leaving...I'm
blissfully ignorant most of the time. No wise cracks, Claire...or any of
the other 30 people who thought of something to say. :)
2) Take something valuable with you as you leave - not a drum or a keyboard
- I'm being figurative here. Leave with a story to tell about how River
Kids affected you...leave with a new sense of responsibility for our
rivers/nature/Earth...leave with a new friend...leave with memories. Maybe
if you're lucky, someone will make one for you; some you'll have to create
for yourself. And don't forget to share what you take with others wherever
you may go.
3) This is an important one - Leave something valuable behind - in this case
I'm being is good. Okay's not as easy as it
sounds, but leave good memories for others to treasure...create moments that
will teach, humor, entertain, provoke...affect the rest of us. Let your
actions contribute to the evolving definition of River Kids.
We are now who and what we are because of every child and family member who
has been there along the way.
4) Return whenever you like - visit, write, call, email, fax,
webcast...whatever you're into. Or stay a member family and come back to us
for meetings. This is a genuine invitation...leaving the building doesn't
mean you have to leave River Kids anymore.
(I suppose 2 and 3 aren't such bad advice for anyone, now that I think about
So, while spring is about warmer weather, new life, and cycles continuing,
it's also a reminder that most things last only so long...Our time is a
finite that should be invested in a way that reflects that
very fact.
No doubt, River Kids is founded on the principle of taking action. We don't
still long. We are about to embark on about 5-6 weeks of River Kids
madness, filled with cleanups, festivals, climbing nights, performances,
painting, unveiling, celebrating, teaching, singing, camping, canoeing, and
on and on...
As we make this journey, like 4th graders become 4th graders at this time of
year, I expect we'll see many River Kids become true River Kids through all
of this...
Thanks ahead of time to all the parents and kids who will be investing their
time, energy, and heart these next few weeks. I'm looking forward to the
See you soon! Maybe tomorrow, if you're heading to the Brentwood REI
I hope you're enjoying the last weekend of spring break! I've heard from a
few families and it seems that "break" is a relative term...some people
travel, some stay home, some run around doing all the things they normally
can't do, some increase the dent in the couch, some clean obsessively, some
make more messes than usual, and for just goes on as usual...not
everyone gets a break.
No matter how you spent your "break," one thing seems certain...the fact
that spring break exists is one of a series of reminders that the cycle of
the seasons continues...spring is here.
This is the time of year when we notice the redbuds bloom and the daffodils
rise...the warmer temperatures and longer days signal the native plants and
animals to become more active, to grow, to change...
As a teacher and a naturalist I've always noticed the correlation between
nature's explosion of change, and that of my students around the same time.
The kids have grown into current grades and are growing out of them as we
It's a time I've always cherished as a teacher, mainly because it's no
longer a daily struggle to define routines and expectations...there's a
sense of ownership being passed on to the kids...and a sense of increased
independence within the kids...Bottom line - 4th graders are finally 4th
graders, and so on.
I always used to find these next two months of the year to be the toughest
personally...because the kids and parents are moving on soon...and in a
classroom setting, it means saying goodbye to one set of families that have
really served as extended family since the fall. Plus, you start to realize
that if there's something you haven't done yet, you've only got two months
to take care of it ALL! :)
One of the great things I've discovered about moving to a Specialist
position is that I don't have to say goodbye to as many kids and
families...I see most of them the next year. However, those that do leave
after being around for so long, are often harder to let go.
There are some of us in River Kids that will be saying goodbye after this
year. And since that will be so tough on me, and it's really all about me,
let me selfishly extend an invitation/request to all families who might be
leaving after this year:
1) Leave loudly...don't assume that everyone knows you're leaving...I'm
blissfully ignorant most of the time. No wise cracks, Claire...or any of
the other 30 people who thought of something to say. :)
2) Take something valuable with you as you leave - not a drum or a keyboard
- I'm being figurative here. Leave with a story to tell about how River
Kids affected you...leave with a new sense of responsibility for our
rivers/nature/Earth...leave with a new friend...leave with memories. Maybe
if you're lucky, someone will make one for you; some you'll have to create
for yourself. And don't forget to share what you take with others wherever
you may go.
3) This is an important one - Leave something valuable behind - in this case
I'm being is good. Okay's not as easy as it
sounds, but leave good memories for others to treasure...create moments that
will teach, humor, entertain, provoke...affect the rest of us. Let your
actions contribute to the evolving definition of River Kids.
We are now who and what we are because of every child and family member who
has been there along the way.
4) Return whenever you like - visit, write, call, email, fax,
webcast...whatever you're into. Or stay a member family and come back to us
for meetings. This is a genuine invitation...leaving the building doesn't
mean you have to leave River Kids anymore.
(I suppose 2 and 3 aren't such bad advice for anyone, now that I think about
So, while spring is about warmer weather, new life, and cycles continuing,
it's also a reminder that most things last only so long...Our time is a
finite that should be invested in a way that reflects that
very fact.
No doubt, River Kids is founded on the principle of taking action. We don't
still long. We are about to embark on about 5-6 weeks of River Kids
madness, filled with cleanups, festivals, climbing nights, performances,
painting, unveiling, celebrating, teaching, singing, camping, canoeing, and
on and on...
As we make this journey, like 4th graders become 4th graders at this time of
year, I expect we'll see many River Kids become true River Kids through all
of this...
Thanks ahead of time to all the parents and kids who will be investing their
time, energy, and heart these next few weeks. I'm looking forward to the
See you soon! Maybe tomorrow, if you're heading to the Brentwood REI
Sunday, March 16, 2008
RSVP - Trailnet Cleanup
The Trailnet Cleanup Event Organizers would like to get tentative numbers
for their event since they provide drinks, food, and prizes.
So, at some point in the next week, please email me to let me know if your
River Kid will be attending the April 12 cleanup.
I'm sure there will be carpooling opportunities...I'll plan on meeting
anyone who wants to carpool at NCS that day...that should allow for some
kids to go without parents as well...
So, when you email me, please let me know:
1) Is your RK going?
2) If so, what's the total number of people that will be coming in
connection with your RK (including your RK)?
I'll assume if you put "one" down as your answer, that your child will need
to be driven there and back. If you don't make plans for carpooling on your
own, then we'll find an empty seat amongst the carpoolers who meet at NCS.
I'll send more on the carpooling details closer to the event date.
So, at some point in the next week, please email me to let me know if your
River Kid will be attending the April 12 cleanup.
I'm sure there will be carpooling opportunities...I'll plan on meeting
anyone who wants to carpool at NCS that day...that should allow for some
kids to go without parents as well...
So, when you email me, please let me know:
1) Is your RK going?
2) If so, what's the total number of people that will be coming in
connection with your RK (including your RK)?
I'll assume if you put "one" down as your answer, that your child will need
to be driven there and back. If you don't make plans for carpooling on your
own, then we'll find an empty seat amongst the carpoolers who meet at NCS.
I'll send more on the carpooling details closer to the event date.
Rock Climbing
Here's the new and improved arrangement for the two climbing nights.
If there's anyone who still NEEDS/WANTS to switch, please feel free to email
As of today...I have the following:
April 8 April 15
________ ________
Connor Sara B.
Colton McCoy
Isabelle Elizabeth E.
Maggie Tyler
Caty Kamau
Gen Grace
Will Marina
Peter Gwyne
Jack Riley
Laura Noelle
Charlie Maddie
Joye Jacob
Aidan Berrick
Sara S. Ted
Jessica Lee
Mia Sam
Elizabeth B.
Looking forward to seeing everyone there! Actually, I'm looking forward to
spring break, and then to the cleanups (watch your emails for updates) but
soon I'll be looking forward to seeing you there. :)
If there's anyone who still NEEDS/WANTS to switch, please feel free to email
As of today...I have the following:
April 8 April 15
________ ________
Connor Sara B.
Colton McCoy
Isabelle Elizabeth E.
Caty Kamau
Gen Grace
Will Marina
Peter Gwyne
Jack Riley
Laura Noelle
Charlie Maddie
Joye Jacob
Aidan Berrick
Sara S. Ted
Jessica Lee
Mia Sam
Elizabeth B.
Looking forward to seeing everyone there! Actually, I'm looking forward to
spring break, and then to the cleanups (watch your emails for updates) but
soon I'll be looking forward to seeing you there. :)
March 29 Cleanup
Here's the flyer for the RdP Cleanup in University City on March 29. It has
all the details, but if you still have questions, please let me know.
No need to RSVP on this one, but feel free to let me would be nice
to know who's coming, but the organizers do not require numbers on this
one...Feel free to email me if you'd like.
No need to RSVP on this one, but feel free to let me would be nice
to know who's coming, but the organizers do not require numbers on this
one...Feel free to email me if you'd like.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
H2O Rap Group
All Parents,
If you have a RK on who is planning to work on the H2O Rap, they should try to make it to my room after school to meet with Deborah, from the Uppity theater. I'm announcing this a second time just to make sure those interested kids hear about it. I'm not sure who is really into this, and I need to know, so pleas check in with your RK on this.
There is also rehearsal Friday...same place.
Young St. Louis is planning to come interview a few kids from the H2O Rap Group this Friday at rehearsal. Please check with your child to see if he or she is planning to be there and then let me know. And if you object to your child being interviewed or having his or her photo on the Young St. Louis website, then let me know that as well.
ThurtenE Carnival organizers invited the H2O Group to perform there as well...we have tentatively scheduled a slot on April 13 at 12:30pm for them to perform. Please check your schedule to see if your H2O RK can make it to that as well. If it won't work, we'll have to cancel out soon.
We need the kids (and families) to commit to a schedule of practices and the performances, so if your child is going to be on the H2O Group and perform, please let me know ASAP that you understand what they are getting into.
And if you don't understand, please send me a note with any questions you might have!
If you have a RK on who is planning to work on the H2O Rap, they should try to make it to my room after school to meet with Deborah, from the Uppity theater. I'm announcing this a second time just to make sure those interested kids hear about it. I'm not sure who is really into this, and I need to know, so pleas check in with your RK on this.
There is also rehearsal Friday...same place.
Young St. Louis is planning to come interview a few kids from the H2O Rap Group this Friday at rehearsal. Please check with your child to see if he or she is planning to be there and then let me know. And if you object to your child being interviewed or having his or her photo on the Young St. Louis website, then let me know that as well.
ThurtenE Carnival organizers invited the H2O Group to perform there as well...we have tentatively scheduled a slot on April 13 at 12:30pm for them to perform. Please check your schedule to see if your H2O RK can make it to that as well. If it won't work, we'll have to cancel out soon.
We need the kids (and families) to commit to a schedule of practices and the performances, so if your child is going to be on the H2O Group and perform, please let me know ASAP that you understand what they are getting into.
And if you don't understand, please send me a note with any questions you might have!
Sunday, March 9, 2008
RK Update
Short Version -
River Kids are cool. They've done a lot. There will be some meetings this week.
Medium Version -
River Kids are doing some amazing things. They are really beginning to pile up a long list of accomplishments for the year. They should be proud of what they've done and who they are becoming as the River Kids organization evolves.
This Week's Meetings:
Tuesday -
- Mural Group - 3:45-5pm - Art Room
- NEW GROUP - Earth Day Planning - 3:45-4:30 - Claire's Room (Anyone who wants to help plan the activities for our Earth Day booth on April 20 may join this group)
Wednesday -
- Mentoring Group - 3:45-5pm - Library Conference Room
- H2O Rap Group - 3:45-4:45 - PA Room
Thursday -
- Benefit Dinner Planning Group - 3:45-5pm - Library Conference Room
Friday -
- H2O Rap Group - 3:45-4:45 - PA Room
Long Version:
The mentoring group led activities during the Friday meeting last week. They shared some of the activities they have done or will be doing with the Neighborhood Houses girls. The RK coordinators were proud and amazed by the courage it took to lead peers, the creativity it took to adapt activities to the needs of the group, and the persistence it took to work out the
inevitable kinks in any well-intended lesson plan. :) If nothing else, these brave girls might have gained a little appreciation for the teachers and group leaders who brave the elements every day. However, I think many RK members really appreciated the activities and the work the girls put into leading them. The "River Sisters" will continue their project in the coming weeks.
Carson Emery and Sam Bell will be meeting with Rick Erwin, Director of the City Museum, this Wednesday to share their final plan for Herbie, Jr. Soon after, River Kids will be invited to come help make the vision into reality. Professional artists will be helping along the way, but we hope many families will make an effort to join in the fun. We'll keep you posted.
The new t-shirt design was sent to a graphic artist over at Lipic Recognition last week along with an order for the benefit dinner posters, flyers, and tickets. The new t-shirt boasts an all-new back. Thanks to the t-shirt design group for all their work! Can't wait to see the final
product...won't be long!
We are also in the midst of ordering new RK merchandise, including dry bags, water bottles, and static cling stickers...we'll be out in the halls selling merchandise and tickets to the benefit right after Spring Break. We'll use the proceeds to fund the benefit and raise the goal of $5000 for Land for Learning.
Speaking of L4L, Curt Carter, one of the founders of L4L, came to New City this past Saturday and brought with him his guitar, a ton of energy and a studio engineer with 20+ years of experience. 12 River Kids spent two hours rehearsing and more than three hours recording their two originals and several covers for their brand-new River Kids CD. We'll be releasing the CD at the benefit'll race to the top of the RK charts soon after I'm sure. It will undoubtedly be the most popular River Kids album to date. Any suggestions for a title?
Speeches for the Benefit - On Friday, I challenged all the kids to consider being a speaker at our benefit. Many kids put their name on the list as interested...we'll have to choose a few kids from the group to handle this important responsibility. So, we asked each kid who's interested to write a draft speech in specific areas. I'll send another email about this so you
can forward the info to kids.
Earth Day - There is a new group meeting on Tuesdays to plan our Earth Day booth. We have two booths this year side by side. This should make it easier for us to reach the crowd with our activities. We'll have kids sign up to work shifts in the weeks just before Earth Day.
H2O Rap - this Wednesday and Friday will be the first real rehearsals for those kids interested in this performance opportunity. Any River Kid interested in this activity should attend. There will be 4 performances of this 7 minute show on Earth Day as well as some follow-up performances at NCS and the Water Symposium.
Mural Group - getting close to having permits!!! Can't wait to paint! Rain Harvesting - Look around the garden pavilion after spring break for the new Rain Barrels with the RK logo on the side! Thanks, RK Rain Harvesting Group!
RK River Trip - ALL 50 River Kids are invited to hit the river with Land for Learning on May 3-4. We'll get all the details to you a little closer to the event, but this is a kid-only camping and canoeing trip along the Meremac River that begins early Saturday and ends in the evening on Sunday. NOTE: This is the same weekend as the NCS auction, so lucky you, child care
is on us. :)
River Kids are cool. They've done a lot. There will be some meetings this week.
Medium Version -
River Kids are doing some amazing things. They are really beginning to pile up a long list of accomplishments for the year. They should be proud of what they've done and who they are becoming as the River Kids organization evolves.
This Week's Meetings:
Tuesday -
- Mural Group - 3:45-5pm - Art Room
- NEW GROUP - Earth Day Planning - 3:45-4:30 - Claire's Room (Anyone who wants to help plan the activities for our Earth Day booth on April 20 may join this group)
Wednesday -
- Mentoring Group - 3:45-5pm - Library Conference Room
- H2O Rap Group - 3:45-4:45 - PA Room
Thursday -
- Benefit Dinner Planning Group - 3:45-5pm - Library Conference Room
Friday -
- H2O Rap Group - 3:45-4:45 - PA Room
Long Version:
The mentoring group led activities during the Friday meeting last week. They shared some of the activities they have done or will be doing with the Neighborhood Houses girls. The RK coordinators were proud and amazed by the courage it took to lead peers, the creativity it took to adapt activities to the needs of the group, and the persistence it took to work out the
inevitable kinks in any well-intended lesson plan. :) If nothing else, these brave girls might have gained a little appreciation for the teachers and group leaders who brave the elements every day. However, I think many RK members really appreciated the activities and the work the girls put into leading them. The "River Sisters" will continue their project in the coming weeks.
Carson Emery and Sam Bell will be meeting with Rick Erwin, Director of the City Museum, this Wednesday to share their final plan for Herbie, Jr. Soon after, River Kids will be invited to come help make the vision into reality. Professional artists will be helping along the way, but we hope many families will make an effort to join in the fun. We'll keep you posted.
The new t-shirt design was sent to a graphic artist over at Lipic Recognition last week along with an order for the benefit dinner posters, flyers, and tickets. The new t-shirt boasts an all-new back. Thanks to the t-shirt design group for all their work! Can't wait to see the final
product...won't be long!
We are also in the midst of ordering new RK merchandise, including dry bags, water bottles, and static cling stickers...we'll be out in the halls selling merchandise and tickets to the benefit right after Spring Break. We'll use the proceeds to fund the benefit and raise the goal of $5000 for Land for Learning.
Speaking of L4L, Curt Carter, one of the founders of L4L, came to New City this past Saturday and brought with him his guitar, a ton of energy and a studio engineer with 20+ years of experience. 12 River Kids spent two hours rehearsing and more than three hours recording their two originals and several covers for their brand-new River Kids CD. We'll be releasing the CD at the benefit'll race to the top of the RK charts soon after I'm sure. It will undoubtedly be the most popular River Kids album to date. Any suggestions for a title?
Speeches for the Benefit - On Friday, I challenged all the kids to consider being a speaker at our benefit. Many kids put their name on the list as interested...we'll have to choose a few kids from the group to handle this important responsibility. So, we asked each kid who's interested to write a draft speech in specific areas. I'll send another email about this so you
can forward the info to kids.
Earth Day - There is a new group meeting on Tuesdays to plan our Earth Day booth. We have two booths this year side by side. This should make it easier for us to reach the crowd with our activities. We'll have kids sign up to work shifts in the weeks just before Earth Day.
H2O Rap - this Wednesday and Friday will be the first real rehearsals for those kids interested in this performance opportunity. Any River Kid interested in this activity should attend. There will be 4 performances of this 7 minute show on Earth Day as well as some follow-up performances at NCS and the Water Symposium.
Mural Group - getting close to having permits!!! Can't wait to paint! Rain Harvesting - Look around the garden pavilion after spring break for the new Rain Barrels with the RK logo on the side! Thanks, RK Rain Harvesting Group!
RK River Trip - ALL 50 River Kids are invited to hit the river with Land for Learning on May 3-4. We'll get all the details to you a little closer to the event, but this is a kid-only camping and canoeing trip along the Meremac River that begins early Saturday and ends in the evening on Sunday. NOTE: This is the same weekend as the NCS auction, so lucky you, child care
is on us. :)
RK Speeches - Please Make Sure Your River Kid Sees This
To the parents - Here is the detailed info on the speeches that we'll need during the benefit. Please make sure your River Kid sees this info...Not all RK wanted to write a speech, but quite a few did. This is my only way of getting the details to the kids. Thanks!
To the Kids - If you want to be a speaker at the benefit, there are several possible speeches you might give. As I said at the meeting, you should draft a speech for the one that you'd really like to perform and bring it to me when it's complete - some are tougher than others. Choose one that fits you.
Once I get a feel for who is really interested in the different areas, I'll work with the other RK coordinators to select the final speakers. The selection will be based on the quality of your draft and its potential. Some consideration will be given to experience and dedication as a River Kid.
Here are the larger speaking roles: (Must have a draft written to be selected for these roles)
- Welcome Speech - 1-2 minutes - Briefly opens the dinner portion of the event with a welcome to all and a general thanks to everyone for attending.
- RK Story - 5-6 minutes - This needs to be a well-written, well-spoken speech that explains RK and the story of how the event came to be - maybe a bit about what it means to be in RK...humor balanced with thoughtful comments. This may be done by more than one kid if planned well.
- Speech to introduce the Mayor - 2 minutes - Welcomes the Mayor and applauds the support he gives to organizations like ours that are trying to make a positive difference. Ends by inviting the Mayor to speak.
- Land for Learning Introduction - 3-4 minutes - This should explain who Land for Learning is and why we chose to benefit them.
- Thank You Speech - 3-4 minutes - This is the speech to directly thank people that made the event possible. We will also need some kids to handle the following smaller speaking roles: (No draft needed for these - will be filled with those that do not get selected for the larger speeches or others who are interested)
- Speech to honor the Mayor with a gift - Briefly thanks the Mayor and explains the gift - ends with handing the gift to the Mayor
- Presentation of Check to Land for Learning - simply announces the amount and offers the check to Curt, Al, and Teresa.
- Announcer(s) for Raffle Items - Announces at beginning of event that raffle tickets are on sale for the canoe and kayak. Announces winners. Could be more than one kid.
- Extras - this person would fill in as necessary if there are any extra announcements.
All drafts are due by April 4. Selections will be made by April 11.
To the Kids - If you want to be a speaker at the benefit, there are several possible speeches you might give. As I said at the meeting, you should draft a speech for the one that you'd really like to perform and bring it to me when it's complete - some are tougher than others. Choose one that fits you.
Once I get a feel for who is really interested in the different areas, I'll work with the other RK coordinators to select the final speakers. The selection will be based on the quality of your draft and its potential. Some consideration will be given to experience and dedication as a River Kid.
Here are the larger speaking roles: (Must have a draft written to be selected for these roles)
- Welcome Speech - 1-2 minutes - Briefly opens the dinner portion of the event with a welcome to all and a general thanks to everyone for attending.
- RK Story - 5-6 minutes - This needs to be a well-written, well-spoken speech that explains RK and the story of how the event came to be - maybe a bit about what it means to be in RK...humor balanced with thoughtful comments. This may be done by more than one kid if planned well.
- Speech to introduce the Mayor - 2 minutes - Welcomes the Mayor and applauds the support he gives to organizations like ours that are trying to make a positive difference. Ends by inviting the Mayor to speak.
- Land for Learning Introduction - 3-4 minutes - This should explain who Land for Learning is and why we chose to benefit them.
- Thank You Speech - 3-4 minutes - This is the speech to directly thank people that made the event possible. We will also need some kids to handle the following smaller speaking roles: (No draft needed for these - will be filled with those that do not get selected for the larger speeches or others who are interested)
- Speech to honor the Mayor with a gift - Briefly thanks the Mayor and explains the gift - ends with handing the gift to the Mayor
- Presentation of Check to Land for Learning - simply announces the amount and offers the check to Curt, Al, and Teresa.
- Announcer(s) for Raffle Items - Announces at beginning of event that raffle tickets are on sale for the canoe and kayak. Announces winners. Could be more than one kid.
- Extras - this person would fill in as necessary if there are any extra announcements.
All drafts are due by April 4. Selections will be made by April 11.
RK Ramblings
I began this school year in strange state of mind about River Kids...See, as
many of you know, last year was truly magical...for the kids, the parents,
and for me personally. River Kids was created as an organization to protect
and preserve rivers, but I've always seen it as much, much more.
For me, from the very first meeting, RK has always been about recognizing
the precious gift of opportunity and about determining for yourself what
your effect upon the world might be. In turn, I've always seen it as my
mission in all of this to guide members to recognize and utilize their power
to affect change. That mission began when the first group of kids heard
Chad Pregracke's story and challenged me with, "Why can't we do something
like that?"
From there, I can remember discussing the structure of meetings, voting on
"River Kids" as the new title for the organization (no one knows how close
we were to being called "Order of the Wacky Water Warriors"), hashing out
the mission statement and so much more...all during recesses and after
school, and occasionally when we were supposed to be doing something else -
Anyhow, when I was ironing on the original hand-drawn logos for our first
t-shirts (an annoyingly tedious task that undoubtedly won't make anyone's
bucket list) I never dreamed that we would be doing the things we are doing
now...but I suppose what's more important is...I never believed we wouldn't.
I just knew that the kids could do some truly amazing things if the
conditions were right.
And last year, I couldn't have asked for more. Not only in terms of the
kids' accomplishments, but in how each of us, adults included, grew into
something more than we were before. And while each group has contributed
over the years, last year's group truly defined for the first time just what
a River Kid really is...a group of compassionate, creative, respectful,
funny, caring, hungry (all the time it seems), hard-working, dedicated,
nature-loving, optimistic, confident, willing, insert your own additional
adjectives here, and always evolving youth. Tough collection of adjectives
to live up to indeed.
Which brings me back to my strange state of mind to begin the year...Last
year ended on such a high, that I was both excited about the prospects of a
new year's work, and nervous that maintaining a magical experience would
prove too challenging...After all we had more than doubled in size to over
50 members and would have to somehow help these 30 or so new kids understand
what took a year or more to impart upon the previous members. How in the
world were we to accomplish such a daunting task???
Well, after a bit of thought and a couple mocha lattes, it dawned on
me...I'm giving myself too much credit...and responsibility. While I
certainly helped provide opportunities, I didn't cause the magic of last
year...I was simply a participant in one really can "cause" such
magic...Nor can anyone simply stumble into it of course, but I believe now
more than ever that it is my job simply (and sometimes complexly) to provide
opportunities and guidance, but it is in the hands of the kids as to when
and how they become a true River Kid. And it's in the kids' hands as to
where River Kids goes.
Soon after I sat down and spoke heart to heart with the new members...I
explained that there is a yet-to-be-discovered reason they are in River
Kids...and there will be a time when they know why they joined this
organization; and what it really means to be a River Kid...and that moment
will look and feel different for every person. It may come to them after
spending an hour digging up a 20-foot section of garden hose from the river
bed, or when they collect their first donation, or when they write a letter
to the Mayor and receive a response, or it may come while paddling the
Meremac, or...
So, while the kids that "get" River Kids have continued to succeed, there
are others that have yet to figure it out...(I've come to realize, that's
how it will always be...Nature of the beast, so to speak.) I've had a few
good conversations with adults and kids about how tough it is to have been a
part of last year's magic and work with those who are still unsure of what
it takes to be a River Kid...So, at this last RK meeting on Friday, I
brought this concept back up with the group...and we talked about what it
really means to be a River Kid. All those adjectives from above could have
been listed...And then I asked a tough question, "By show of hands, who here
has seen someone in our group acting in a way that is NOT like a River Kid
should act?" Let's just say that if there was anyone not raising a hand, I
couldn't see them because of all the hands blocking my view. It was
eye-opening and humbling for all. We ended there by agreeing that having
great potential is not enough...we all need to make an effort to be more.
We all continuously define River Kids in our actions, good or bad.
This is a particularly valuable sentiment at this point of the year. We are
poised upon the cusp of the most active portion of the year...and if there's
anyone looking for opportunities to grow, they'd have to be metaphorically
blind to miss 'em.
It's our promise as RK Coordinators that we will be there every step of the
way to provide opportunities and empower every River Kid. And we'll be
there to celebrate when they "get it." And I hope if you're lucky enough to
be there (or have been there already) when they get it, that you'll share
your stories with us. By the end of the year, we should be able to put
together one heck of a scrapbook.
No joke, at the end of the year, I would really like to collect stories from
kids and adults that feel they have something worth sharing...stories and
thoughts about what it means to be a River Kid or River Kid Family...And if
you don't want to wait and feel like sending something now, I'd love to hear
from you...maybe we can post it on our website for all to see.
Thanks to you all, kids and adults, for continuing to help River Kids grow
many of you know, last year was truly magical...for the kids, the parents,
and for me personally. River Kids was created as an organization to protect
and preserve rivers, but I've always seen it as much, much more.
For me, from the very first meeting, RK has always been about recognizing
the precious gift of opportunity and about determining for yourself what
your effect upon the world might be. In turn, I've always seen it as my
mission in all of this to guide members to recognize and utilize their power
to affect change. That mission began when the first group of kids heard
Chad Pregracke's story and challenged me with, "Why can't we do something
like that?"
From there, I can remember discussing the structure of meetings, voting on
"River Kids" as the new title for the organization (no one knows how close
we were to being called "Order of the Wacky Water Warriors"), hashing out
the mission statement and so much more...all during recesses and after
school, and occasionally when we were supposed to be doing something else -
Anyhow, when I was ironing on the original hand-drawn logos for our first
t-shirts (an annoyingly tedious task that undoubtedly won't make anyone's
bucket list) I never dreamed that we would be doing the things we are doing
now...but I suppose what's more important is...I never believed we wouldn't.
I just knew that the kids could do some truly amazing things if the
conditions were right.
And last year, I couldn't have asked for more. Not only in terms of the
kids' accomplishments, but in how each of us, adults included, grew into
something more than we were before. And while each group has contributed
over the years, last year's group truly defined for the first time just what
a River Kid really is...a group of compassionate, creative, respectful,
funny, caring, hungry (all the time it seems), hard-working, dedicated,
nature-loving, optimistic, confident, willing, insert your own additional
adjectives here, and always evolving youth. Tough collection of adjectives
to live up to indeed.
Which brings me back to my strange state of mind to begin the year...Last
year ended on such a high, that I was both excited about the prospects of a
new year's work, and nervous that maintaining a magical experience would
prove too challenging...After all we had more than doubled in size to over
50 members and would have to somehow help these 30 or so new kids understand
what took a year or more to impart upon the previous members. How in the
world were we to accomplish such a daunting task???
Well, after a bit of thought and a couple mocha lattes, it dawned on
me...I'm giving myself too much credit...and responsibility. While I
certainly helped provide opportunities, I didn't cause the magic of last
year...I was simply a participant in one really can "cause" such
magic...Nor can anyone simply stumble into it of course, but I believe now
more than ever that it is my job simply (and sometimes complexly) to provide
opportunities and guidance, but it is in the hands of the kids as to when
and how they become a true River Kid. And it's in the kids' hands as to
where River Kids goes.
Soon after I sat down and spoke heart to heart with the new members...I
explained that there is a yet-to-be-discovered reason they are in River
Kids...and there will be a time when they know why they joined this
organization; and what it really means to be a River Kid...and that moment
will look and feel different for every person. It may come to them after
spending an hour digging up a 20-foot section of garden hose from the river
bed, or when they collect their first donation, or when they write a letter
to the Mayor and receive a response, or it may come while paddling the
Meremac, or...
So, while the kids that "get" River Kids have continued to succeed, there
are others that have yet to figure it out...(I've come to realize, that's
how it will always be...Nature of the beast, so to speak.) I've had a few
good conversations with adults and kids about how tough it is to have been a
part of last year's magic and work with those who are still unsure of what
it takes to be a River Kid...So, at this last RK meeting on Friday, I
brought this concept back up with the group...and we talked about what it
really means to be a River Kid. All those adjectives from above could have
been listed...And then I asked a tough question, "By show of hands, who here
has seen someone in our group acting in a way that is NOT like a River Kid
should act?" Let's just say that if there was anyone not raising a hand, I
couldn't see them because of all the hands blocking my view. It was
eye-opening and humbling for all. We ended there by agreeing that having
great potential is not enough...we all need to make an effort to be more.
We all continuously define River Kids in our actions, good or bad.
This is a particularly valuable sentiment at this point of the year. We are
poised upon the cusp of the most active portion of the year...and if there's
anyone looking for opportunities to grow, they'd have to be metaphorically
blind to miss 'em.
It's our promise as RK Coordinators that we will be there every step of the
way to provide opportunities and empower every River Kid. And we'll be
there to celebrate when they "get it." And I hope if you're lucky enough to
be there (or have been there already) when they get it, that you'll share
your stories with us. By the end of the year, we should be able to put
together one heck of a scrapbook.
No joke, at the end of the year, I would really like to collect stories from
kids and adults that feel they have something worth sharing...stories and
thoughts about what it means to be a River Kid or River Kid Family...And if
you don't want to wait and feel like sending something now, I'd love to hear
from you...maybe we can post it on our website for all to see.
Thanks to you all, kids and adults, for continuing to help River Kids grow
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Singer Recording Session
Sorry for the confusion over the recording session...In the end it is in
fact on Saturday, not Sunday as I apparently told everyone a couple weeks
ago. I know there's a 4th grade soccer game in the morning...just come
along after biggie. We'll go with the flow...
ago. I know there's a 4th grade soccer game in the morning...just come
along after biggie. We'll go with the flow...
River Cleanups
Cleanups are now being planned! There may be more that pop
up in April and May... It's likely we'll host our own at some point
as well.
Visit the cleanup page to view the dates. It's located on our link list to the right.
Of course all RK families and friends are invited to attend any or all of
these cleanups. We're planning on providing some RK adult supervision for
each of these events. If there won't be a RK coordinator on site, I'll let
you all know.
- Long sleeves and pants - unless it's just too darn hot
- hats are good for a couple reasons
- sunblock
- Boots or sturdy old tennis shoes that can get wet
- work gloves (these are provided sometimes, but they are never high
- RK t-shirt - that's how we get the battle scars
- water bottle or can of super caffeinated energy drink, your choice
Also, bring a camera if you'd like and a change of clothes (or at least a
towel to cover your car seat). You never really know what you may find or
what crazy moments might arise worthy of a pic or eight, but you're certain
to walk away messier than when you arrived.
No need to let me know that you are attending - you can show up that day on
a whim. However, if you let me know ahead of time that you'll be showing
up, I will keep an eye out for you.
One more thing...I know there are some River Kid superheroes out there that
can clean and clean for hours at a time, but an hour or two is usually
physically sufficient to wear a person out...very few people hang in there
for longer, so feel free to come for as little or as much of the cleanup
times as you'd like. (EXCEPTION - The Trailnet cleanup is a little more
demanding since we will be shuttled out to cleanup locations...we have to be
on time and stay for that one.)
Looking forward to finally getting my hands on some river trash in '08!
Visit the cleanup page to view the dates. It's located on our link list to the right.
Of course all RK families and friends are invited to attend any or all of
these cleanups. We're planning on providing some RK adult supervision for
each of these events. If there won't be a RK coordinator on site, I'll let
you all know.
- Long sleeves and pants - unless it's just too darn hot
- hats are good for a couple reasons
- sunblock
- Boots or sturdy old tennis shoes that can get wet
- work gloves (these are provided sometimes, but they are never high
- RK t-shirt - that's how we get the battle scars
- water bottle or can of super caffeinated energy drink, your choice
Also, bring a camera if you'd like and a change of clothes (or at least a
towel to cover your car seat). You never really know what you may find or
what crazy moments might arise worthy of a pic or eight, but you're certain
to walk away messier than when you arrived.
No need to let me know that you are attending - you can show up that day on
a whim. However, if you let me know ahead of time that you'll be showing
up, I will keep an eye out for you.
One more thing...I know there are some River Kid superheroes out there that
can clean and clean for hours at a time, but an hour or two is usually
physically sufficient to wear a person out...very few people hang in there
for longer, so feel free to come for as little or as much of the cleanup
times as you'd like. (EXCEPTION - The Trailnet cleanup is a little more
demanding since we will be shuttled out to cleanup locations...we have to be
on time and stay for that one.)
Looking forward to finally getting my hands on some river trash in '08!
FYI - 5th Grade Trip
I meant to add a note that we are aware that 5th graders are gone this
Friday into the evening hours for their field trip. We will miss them, but
we've got a ton to do, so we'll carry on with 4th and 6th graders. 5th
graders, have a great trip!!
Friday into the evening hours for their field trip. We will miss them, but
we've got a ton to do, so we'll carry on with 4th and 6th graders. 5th
graders, have a great trip!!
RK Update
Sorry I'm late in the week on this note...I was busy chucking snowballs at
my neighbors' kids...they thought they were tough until I taught them about
iceballs...the hard way. HA!
No meetings Tuesday or Wednesday. Hope you figured that out by now.
Thursday - there will be a benefit dinner planning session from 3:30 until
midnight (kidding - sort of) in the library conference room. ALL River Kids
are welcome to attend whether they started on this committee or not...I've
told all the kids, but I keep running into some that still haven't gotten
that message.
I'd also like the singers to show up from 3:30-4:45 if possible. We are set
to record this weekend and will need to go over a few songs...I'll have CDs
and lyric sheets for practice. At the very least I'd like kids to swing by
and get the CD and lyrics.
Friday - Large Meeting
- Mentoring Group will lead River Kids in an activity for all.
Saturday - Recording Session for the singers...we will need both kids that
are well practiced on the verses and kids who know the chorus and want to
sing only a little bit, so please make sure your River Kid is aware of this
opportunity...anyone may show up to be a back up singer on chorus...verses
will be sung by those kids that have shown up for practices. Here's the
schedule for Saturday:
9:30am - Practice Session
10:30am - Curt and recording crew arrive and set up. Curt will sit in on
some practice.
11:30 - Lunch - provided by RK
12:00pm - Recording Session Begins in theater -
- Let the Rivers Run Wild (RK Original)
- When the Rivers Run Dry (RK Original)
- Everybody Needs a River (Curt's Song)
- Roll On River (Betty Elder's song)
- Medicine Wheel (Curt's Song)
4pm - Wrap-up
Parents are welcome to come watch or drop off and come back for pick up. Up
to you. Please pass all of this info along to your RK. And please drop me
an email to let me know who's going to be there for sure. I'll need to open
the doors for anyone who's coming, so I'll be watching for those that email
me. Certainly call my cell if you arrive late - 314-680-9442.
Have a great rest of your week! Watch out for iceballs.
my neighbors' kids...they thought they were tough until I taught them about
iceballs...the hard way. HA!
No meetings Tuesday or Wednesday. Hope you figured that out by now.
Thursday - there will be a benefit dinner planning session from 3:30 until
midnight (kidding - sort of) in the library conference room. ALL River Kids
are welcome to attend whether they started on this committee or not...I've
told all the kids, but I keep running into some that still haven't gotten
that message.
I'd also like the singers to show up from 3:30-4:45 if possible. We are set
to record this weekend and will need to go over a few songs...I'll have CDs
and lyric sheets for practice. At the very least I'd like kids to swing by
and get the CD and lyrics.
Friday - Large Meeting
- Mentoring Group will lead River Kids in an activity for all.
Saturday - Recording Session for the singers...we will need both kids that
are well practiced on the verses and kids who know the chorus and want to
sing only a little bit, so please make sure your River Kid is aware of this
opportunity...anyone may show up to be a back up singer on chorus...verses
will be sung by those kids that have shown up for practices. Here's the
schedule for Saturday:
9:30am - Practice Session
10:30am - Curt and recording crew arrive and set up. Curt will sit in on
some practice.
11:30 - Lunch - provided by RK
12:00pm - Recording Session Begins in theater -
- Let the Rivers Run Wild (RK Original)
- When the Rivers Run Dry (RK Original)
- Everybody Needs a River (Curt's Song)
- Roll On River (Betty Elder's song)
- Medicine Wheel (Curt's Song)
4pm - Wrap-up
Parents are welcome to come watch or drop off and come back for pick up. Up
to you. Please pass all of this info along to your RK. And please drop me
an email to let me know who's going to be there for sure. I'll need to open
the doors for anyone who's coming, so I'll be watching for those that email
me. Certainly call my cell if you arrive late - 314-680-9442.
Have a great rest of your week! Watch out for iceballs.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
RK On the News
Hey everyone!
Our Volkswagen Beetle project caught the eye of a news website!
Click here to view World News's article of the project.
Our Volkswagen Beetle project caught the eye of a news website!
Click here to view World News's article of the project.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
RK Update
Hey All!
I know it's strange, but the first real river cleanups are finally popping
up. This is the time of year when everyone starts announcing events and I
start inviting families to strap on the boots and head out to the river.
Before I start announcing events, please know that all river cleanups, as
with small group meetings, are indeed optional. You need to decide what
your family can handle in your schedule.
In order to make it possible for your child to participate without you,
there will be a RK coordinator at announced cleanups (unless otherwise
posted). As long as you communicate with the coordinator about dropping
your child off and a pick up time, you're set. Of course, we love to see
whole families out there dragging huge sign posts, mattresses, bikes, and on
and on, out of the river. We see this stuff as some good ol' fashioned
family fun. If nothing else, it's fun to see your spouse knee deep in the
muck with mud streaks across the forehead...humbling experiences, these
river cleanups are. Great photo opps too.
If you've never been to a cleanup, it's very easy to get involved. Most
equipment, except the boots, is provided. All you have to do is show up
with some energy. Gloves, trash bags, water, and sometimes other goodies
are usually provided. And if you would prefer to stay on the banks, there
are always places filled with trash that are accessible from dry land. In
addition, honeysuckle removal is often tied into cleanups.
Kids of all ages are welcome to tag along to my experience,
children under 5 don't do so well at cleaning, but I've seen a couple
Kindergartners pull out more than their fair share before. Just plan to be
close to these kids.
There are some safety issue related to cleaning rivers. We coach the kids
well before allowing them into the rivers. We've had wet/muddy kids come
back from a cleanup, but never had anyone hurt in 5 years. So we (you) must
be doing something right.
Showers/handwashings are a MUST after a cleanup. That may seem obvious to,
but I thought it worth a mention.
I know it's strange, but the first real river cleanups are finally popping
up. This is the time of year when everyone starts announcing events and I
start inviting families to strap on the boots and head out to the river.
Before I start announcing events, please know that all river cleanups, as
with small group meetings, are indeed optional. You need to decide what
your family can handle in your schedule.
In order to make it possible for your child to participate without you,
there will be a RK coordinator at announced cleanups (unless otherwise
posted). As long as you communicate with the coordinator about dropping
your child off and a pick up time, you're set. Of course, we love to see
whole families out there dragging huge sign posts, mattresses, bikes, and on
and on, out of the river. We see this stuff as some good ol' fashioned
family fun. If nothing else, it's fun to see your spouse knee deep in the
muck with mud streaks across the forehead...humbling experiences, these
river cleanups are. Great photo opps too.
If you've never been to a cleanup, it's very easy to get involved. Most
equipment, except the boots, is provided. All you have to do is show up
with some energy. Gloves, trash bags, water, and sometimes other goodies
are usually provided. And if you would prefer to stay on the banks, there
are always places filled with trash that are accessible from dry land. In
addition, honeysuckle removal is often tied into cleanups.
Kids of all ages are welcome to tag along to my experience,
children under 5 don't do so well at cleaning, but I've seen a couple
Kindergartners pull out more than their fair share before. Just plan to be
close to these kids.
There are some safety issue related to cleaning rivers. We coach the kids
well before allowing them into the rivers. We've had wet/muddy kids come
back from a cleanup, but never had anyone hurt in 5 years. So we (you) must
be doing something right.
Showers/handwashings are a MUST after a cleanup. That may seem obvious to,
but I thought it worth a mention.
We're looking forward to the first cleanup of the year...March 29 in U.
City. I'll send details in a separate note.
Rock on!
RK Update
Hey All!
I know it's strange, but the first real river cleanups are finally popping
up. This is the time of year when everyone starts announcing events and I
start inviting families to strap on the boots and head out to the river.
Before I start announcing events, please know that all river cleanups, as
with small group meetings, are indeed optional. You need to decide what
your family can handle in your schedule.
In order to make it possible for your child to participate without you,
there will be a RK coordinator at announced cleanups (unless otherwise
posted). As long as you communicate with the coordinator about dropping
your child off and a pick up time, you're set. Of course, we love to see
whole families out there dragging huge sign posts, mattresses, bikes, and on
and on, out of the river. We see this stuff as some good ol' fashioned
family fun. If nothing else, it's fun to see your spouse knee deep in the
muck with mud streaks across the forehead...humbling experiences, these
river cleanups are. Great photo opps too.
If you've never been to a cleanup, it's very easy to get involved. Most
equipment, except the boots, is provided. All you have to do is show up
with some energy. Gloves, trash bags, water, and sometimes other goodies
are usually provided. And if you would prefer to stay on the banks, there
are always places filled with trash that are accessible from dry land. In
addition, honeysuckle removal is often tied into cleanups.
Kids of all ages are welcome to tag along to my experience,
children under 5 don't do so well at cleaning, but I've seen a couple
Kindergartners pull out more than their fair share before. Just plan to be
close to these kids.
There are some safety issue related to cleaning rivers. We coach the kids
well before allowing them into the rivers. We've had wet/muddy kids come
back from a cleanup, but never had anyone hurt in 5 years. So we (you) must
be doing something right.
Showers/handwashings are a MUST after a cleanup. That may seem obvious to,
but I thought it worth a mention.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at
We're looking forward to the first cleanup of the year...March 29 in U.
City. I'll send details in a separate note.
Rock on!
I know it's strange, but the first real river cleanups are finally popping
up. This is the time of year when everyone starts announcing events and I
start inviting families to strap on the boots and head out to the river.
Before I start announcing events, please know that all river cleanups, as
with small group meetings, are indeed optional. You need to decide what
your family can handle in your schedule.
In order to make it possible for your child to participate without you,
there will be a RK coordinator at announced cleanups (unless otherwise
posted). As long as you communicate with the coordinator about dropping
your child off and a pick up time, you're set. Of course, we love to see
whole families out there dragging huge sign posts, mattresses, bikes, and on
and on, out of the river. We see this stuff as some good ol' fashioned
family fun. If nothing else, it's fun to see your spouse knee deep in the
muck with mud streaks across the forehead...humbling experiences, these
river cleanups are. Great photo opps too.
If you've never been to a cleanup, it's very easy to get involved. Most
equipment, except the boots, is provided. All you have to do is show up
with some energy. Gloves, trash bags, water, and sometimes other goodies
are usually provided. And if you would prefer to stay on the banks, there
are always places filled with trash that are accessible from dry land. In
addition, honeysuckle removal is often tied into cleanups.
Kids of all ages are welcome to tag along to my experience,
children under 5 don't do so well at cleaning, but I've seen a couple
Kindergartners pull out more than their fair share before. Just plan to be
close to these kids.
There are some safety issue related to cleaning rivers. We coach the kids
well before allowing them into the rivers. We've had wet/muddy kids come
back from a cleanup, but never had anyone hurt in 5 years. So we (you) must
be doing something right.
Showers/handwashings are a MUST after a cleanup. That may seem obvious to,
but I thought it worth a mention.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at
We're looking forward to the first cleanup of the year...March 29 in U.
City. I'll send details in a separate note.
Rock on!
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