Thursday, March 6, 2008

RK Update

Sorry I'm late in the week on this note...I was busy chucking snowballs at
my neighbors' kids...they thought they were tough until I taught them about
iceballs...the hard way.  HA!

No meetings Tuesday or Wednesday.  Hope you figured that out by now.

Thursday - there will be a benefit dinner planning session from 3:30 until
midnight (kidding - sort of) in the library conference room.  ALL River Kids
are welcome to attend whether they started on this committee or not...I've
told all the kids, but I keep running into some that still haven't gotten
that message.

I'd also like the singers to show up from 3:30-4:45 if possible.  We are set
to record this weekend and will need to go over a few songs...I'll have CDs
and lyric sheets for practice.  At the very least I'd like kids to swing by
and get the CD and lyrics.

Friday - Large Meeting
   - Mentoring Group will lead River Kids in an activity for all.

Saturday - Recording Session for the singers...we will need both kids that
are well practiced on the verses and kids who know the chorus and want to
sing only a little bit, so please make sure your River Kid is aware of this
opportunity...anyone may show up to be a back up singer on chorus...verses
will be sung by those kids that have shown up for practices.  Here's the
schedule for Saturday:

9:30am - Practice Session
10:30am - Curt and recording crew arrive and set up.  Curt will sit in on
some practice.
11:30 - Lunch - provided by RK
12:00pm - Recording Session Begins in theater -
   - Let the Rivers Run Wild (RK Original)
   - When the Rivers Run Dry (RK Original)
   - Everybody Needs a River (Curt's Song)
   - Roll On River (Betty Elder's song)
   - Medicine Wheel (Curt's Song)
4pm - Wrap-up

Parents are welcome to come watch or drop off and come back for pick up.  Up
to you.  Please pass all of this info along to your RK.  And please drop me
an email to let me know who's going to be there for sure.  I'll need to open
the doors for anyone who's coming, so I'll be watching for those that email
me.  Certainly call my cell if you arrive late - 314-680-9442.

Have a great rest of your week!  Watch out for iceballs.


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