Sunday, March 30, 2008

RK Update 2

This is the general info on current RK events...

Mentoring Group - They had another meeting at the Neighborhood Houses
location.  They continued to build the relationships with the NH girls with
activities they've planned.  Good times!

Benefit - details are coming together - Ticket Sales will be launched very
soon...River Kids should plan to sign up for at least one afternoon a week
to be out in the hallways after school selling tickets and promoting the
event.  We'll have the kids sign up for these days at Friday's meeting.

Speeches - All proposed speeches should be delivered to one of the RK
coordinators by Friday or before...Kids are welcome to seek out revision
notes from adults.

Stream Table - River Kids dove in big and purchased a stream table of their
own from an incredible company called Little River Research and Design...if
you'd like to see a preview, check out the pics at  This is
the Porsche of all stream tables...we'll be spending a lot of time playing
around with it in the next few weeks.  Stop by the PA room to take a peek.
We'll have it out at Earth Day as well.

CD production - the songs are being mixed down to final tracks...we'll be
working out the artwork for the CD cover and insert soon!  We're thinking a
tribute to Pink Guy.  :)

H2O Rap Group- Rehearsing, rehearsing!

Mural - Final stages of permit acquisition - should be painting pretty soon
- watch for family painting dates to be announced.

Earth Day - activities being planned - learning about the stream table and
how to use it - signing up for shifts soon - beads for water bracelets have
been ordered

Herbie Jr. - Waiting to hear what Bob Cassilly thinks of the kids ideas and
what the final plans will be.  It looks like Herbie Jr. will be in one of
two very cool locations...he'll be unveiled at the benefit dinner.

Rain Barrels - I've heard the barrels will be going in these next couple
weeks...keep your eyes peeled near the garden pavilion.

Climbing Nights and Cleanups - wear your RK t-shirts out and about!  And
take pictures...send anything you've got my way...we're always collecting.

Merchandise - we'll have new Rive Kids goods sometime in the near future.
New t-shirts, water bottles, dry bags, and static cling stickers...all to
help you spread the RK vibe with pride.

Camping Out - May 3-4 is the date RK will be camping and canoeing with Land
for Learning.  Mark your calendars!

Is that all?


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