Friday, April 11, 2008

Confluence Cleanup Rain Info

This is the situation in terms of weather for this may check the website below for notification on cancellation.  However, it looks like the rain is moving out...of course the cold is moving in.

So it's a cleanup for the hard-core river lovers out there.  Wear your long-johns.  :)

Again, the cleanup runs from 8am-12pm on Saturday with lunch at about 11:30.

Here's some other info/advice from those who've been in the trenches:

  1. Wear layers
  2. Wear long sleeves and pants...RK T-shirts go on top!
  3. Bring your own heavy duty gloves...there will be lightweight gloves provided
  4. Wear sturdy shoes or boots
  5. Bring extra clothes, including shoes
  6. Bring a towel
  7. Bring something to cover your car seats for the ride home
  8. Water and other drinks will be provided
  9. Lunch is provided

Hope to see you there...if you haven't RSVP'd you're still welcome to join in the air-quoted fun.  :)

Let me know if you have any questions.


------ Forwarded Message
From: Kevin Keach <>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 16:17:48 -0500
To: Kevin Keach <>
Subject: Confluence Cleanup Rain Info

Thank you for registering for the Confluence Clean Up at the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge on Saturday.  The weather forecast for that day currently includes a 40% chance of rain.  We really do not want to cancel the event unless it is raining and it looks like the rain will continue through the morning.  If it is cancelled, we will post that information on the Trailnet and Confluence websites as early as possible on Saturday morning.  So if you have any concerns check there first before coming to the clean up.

Thanks again!

Marc Clemens
Sponsorship and Events Manager

------ End of Forwarded Message

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