stream table, so please find a day for your River Kid to stop by the PA room
and test out some ideas for how to teach with the Stream Table.
Today - Tuesday -
- Any kids who have the time should stop by the PA room for a briefing
on the sales of tickets and merchandise. We will be selling merchandise in
the halls. There is a sign up for shifts to sell, but for today, we'd like
lots of people there.
- Earth Day Planning - 3:30-4:30 - Some of the time will be spent on
learning about the stream table...some will be dedicated to finalizing the
plans for the other activities and making signs...lots of kids could help
with this. No need to "sign up" for this committee...just show up.
Wed -
- mentoring group - 3:30-5pm - library conference room
- Rap group - PA room - 3:30-5pm
Thursday - Benefit Dinner Work Session - anyone is invited to come help -
with extra time, we'll work on the stream table.
Fri -
- Rap Group - 3:30-5pm
- Stream Table and Sales Discussions - ALL members encouraged to attend
Sign Up - sheets hanging outside the PA room
- Please sign up for the shift that your River Kid will be working on
Sunday April 20 at the Earth Day festival in Forest Park.
- Also please sign up for after school sales slots
Let me know if you have any questions...
Have a great day!
and test out some ideas for how to teach with the Stream Table.
Today - Tuesday -
- Any kids who have the time should stop by the PA room for a briefing
on the sales of tickets and merchandise. We will be selling merchandise in
the halls. There is a sign up for shifts to sell, but for today, we'd like
lots of people there.
- Earth Day Planning - 3:30-4:30 - Some of the time will be spent on
learning about the stream table...some will be dedicated to finalizing the
plans for the other activities and making signs...lots of kids could help
with this. No need to "sign up" for this committee...just show up.
Wed -
- mentoring group - 3:30-5pm - library conference room
- Rap group - PA room - 3:30-5pm
Thursday - Benefit Dinner Work Session - anyone is invited to come help -
with extra time, we'll work on the stream table.
Fri -
- Rap Group - 3:30-5pm
- Stream Table and Sales Discussions - ALL members encouraged to attend
Sign Up - sheets hanging outside the PA room
- Please sign up for the shift that your River Kid will be working on
Sunday April 20 at the Earth Day festival in Forest Park.
- Also please sign up for after school sales slots
Let me know if you have any questions...
Have a great day!
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