Friday, October 31, 2008

Reservations for RdP Movie

Originally, I'd asked for everyone to RSVP to me by today so I can
seats for you. I am going to send in numbers this afternoon so the
can hold
the seats. If you've sent something to me already, please do not send
again. I have counted you. However, I will still count people
through this

The date is November 12, 7:30pm at the Tivoli Theater in the Loop.

This event is sponsored by HEC and is free. Anyone may show up to the
without a reservation. Boyd is just being nice enough to reserve
seats for
those people who helped along the way as the film was being made. RK
Families are on the list.

If you're interested in a second showing, or cannot make it to this
one, we
will be arranging a showing at New City School later on. The date is
yet to
be set, but Boyd (the film-maker) has agreed to sharing the film and his


Friday, October 24, 2008

RSVP for "A Sewer Runs Through It"

FYI - From the email below, I gather there's a chance there may not be
a seat for you if you don't reserve one...I will reserve seats with
Boyd for anyone who emails me before next Friday, October 30. After
that, you can still show up, but there's no guarantee that there will
be a seat for you.

If you would like to attend, simply reply to this email telling me how
many seats you will need. I'll total things up by next Friday and let
Boyd know.

Reminder, this is for the Premiere of "A Sewer Runs Through It" on
Wednesday, November 12, 7:30pm.

This is a free event and open to the public, so friends are welcome.
Tell/Bring anyone you'd like!


------ Forwarded Message
Hello All,

For those of you on this list who plan on attending, I would like to
be able to hold seats for you so that no matter how many people show
up, you can have a spot. If you could please let me know how many of
you plan to attend, I would greatly appreciate it. I greatly
appreciate all of your support and want to make sure that there is a
spot open for you.

Thanks again,

------ End of Forwarded Message

Thursday, October 23, 2008


Attached is an invite to the opening of the new River des Peres
documentary, "A Sewer Runs Through It." John Goodman did the
voiceover! Very cool topic!
AND River Kids are in this film somewhere! I haven't seen it of
course, so I don't know where or for how long...but it should be a
hoot to see us up there on the big screen.
Try to be there if you can...we should fill that theater!

View Attached File Here.

[RdPWC] Stream Clean-Up November 8th!

Hello All,

I'm forwarding some info (see below) on a big River des Peres Watershed Coalition event November 8.  There's a flyer attached as well if you have a place to hang one.

However, there are some things going on this weekend as well...if you're able and willing.  There is a prairie grass planting along the Riverfront Trail being operated by the Grace Hill Americorps Rangers.  The details are on the events page at Confluence Greenway's site:   This site has TONS of good events in and around the Confluence of the MO and MISS Rivers.

There's even information on that haunted maze I mentioned's in Godfrey,'s $6 for adults and $4 for kids.  This is the LAST weekend it will be open for the season.


------ Forwarded Message
From: Helen Yane <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 11:40:13 -0500
To: <>
Conversation: [RdPWC] Stream Clean-Up November 8th!
Subject: [RdPWC] Stream Clean-Up November 8th!

Dear Friends,

We have another Stream Clean-Up planned.  Ive included the promotional information below and have also attached the flier.  Please print it out and hang it up in your neighborhood businesses.  We're trying to attract a large crowd for the last River des Peres clean up of the year.

Thanks to all of you that have helped out at past events.  Hope to see you November 8th.


November 8th, 2008
9am - Noon
9th Annual River des Peres Stream Clean-Up!

Volunteers are needed to pick up litter along the riverbank that accumulated during the flood.  Meet at the bridge over the River des Peres
at the intersection of Lansdowne Avenue and River des Peres Boulevard near the Shrewsbury MetroLink stop.

Tools and gloves provided.  Light lunch served.  Dress in solid closed-toe shoes and old clothing.  Long sleeves and long pants are recommended.  Bring your own water bottle!

View attached file here:

Friday, October 17, 2008

River de Peres Event!

As you all know, the first RK Meeting is tomorrow in the library,
4-5pm! I can't wait to see everyone together again!

Also, I'm attaching a flyer recently sent out regarding the upcoming
River des Peres Watershed Coalition event this weekend. If you know
of anyone who might be interested, let them know!

See you soon,


A Great Link To A Great Organization - Confluence Greenway

This is a link to the events page of the The Confluence Greenway's
This is a wonderful organization. If you're not familiar, you should
out more of their site to learn about what they do.

If you know them, or if you'd rather just skip to more pressing
matters like
"What cool stuff is there to do this weekend?", their events page has
kinds of cool activities at locations along the Confluence of the
Mississippi and Missouri Rivers.

Anyone want to go through the haunted corn maze???


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Opportunities for Involvement

At times I send notes out letting you all know about certain events in the area...I usually pick big ones or ones that are close to New City.  However, there are many events in the region hosted by other Stream Teams.  I thought I might share info once in a while about some of the events on the MO Stream Teams calendar, in case there's an opportunity that makes sense for you.
Here are some 2008 Fall Events ­ as posted by local Stream Teams:
October l8,  - Honeysuckle Hack and Grapevine Grab, some litter pickup, too at the bike trail along River DesPeres at Mona Terrace (Groby and Olive Blvd) in University City. Rescue native plants that are being choked out by these two invasive species, tools and instruction provided. Linda Fried 314-727-4232
* Sometime in Sept/Oct TBD the newly formed Fishpotters Stream Team will hold its first Litter Pickup on Fishpot Creek in Valley Park. Meet on Vance Road Contact Clark Creighton at 225-5004
*(Traditionally the first Sat. in November) Nov. l, 2008 Pacific High School DECA, hosts the fourth Brush Creek Litter Pickup, meeting at Pacific City Park 9 am. Check with Nancy Pfeiffer or Jen Jones at the high school 636.271.1414 to see if this event is approved for this year. Breakfast and lunch usually provided.
November 8, 2008 Maline Creek Monitoring ­ Join Mark  K. of ST 888 at Forestwood Park in Ferguson at l pm  for seasonal monitoring. They have been monitoring and helping Maline Creek for over a decade! 314-388-1423 or
Sat. November 8, 2008 ­ River DesPeres Annual Fall Cleanup *Time /Location TBD* Danelle Haake 314- 941-0489
Wed. Nov. l9th 2008 ­ River DesPeres Planning Committee Meeting at Green Center, Blackberry in University City  Danelle Haake 314-941-0489 Help committees plan for progress in signage, invasive species removal and more in this urban watershed.
Sat. December 13, 2008 - Sierra Club demonstrates Water Quality Monitoring at Fox Creek near 6 Flags Road.  Leslie Lihou (314) or <>

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Board Meeting Tomorrow

Just a reminder. The RK Board will meet in the library conference room
tomorrow (Fri) at 4pm.

We will be discussing the new format for this year's benefit and plan
the first meeting of the year. I will also have updates on projects to
share and draft copies of the documents to hand out at the first
including the calendar.


Friday, October 3, 2008

Welcome Back - First RK Meeting October 17

Hello All,
I've never been more excited to begin a year of RK...The Open House was a wonderful success...thanks to the RK Board Members for showing up and for speaking to all those in attendance about what it really takes to be a River Kid. A special thanks to the 6th graders for sticking around after a long three-day camping trip!
The first large group meeting for the year will be Friday, October 17, 4-5pm in the Library.
RK members should plan to go to Extended Day for snack. They will be sent early to get their snacks from the Dining Hall. When finished, they will be sent to the library for the meeting.
Note - this will be the only meeting for October. We will issue important information at this meeting regarding the calendar, projects, responsibilities and such. Any members not able to attend should contact me to receive the handouts and ask questions. ALSO - Please inform me if you would like to be removed from this email list.
Rock on!