Sunday, October 12, 2008

Opportunities for Involvement

At times I send notes out letting you all know about certain events in the area...I usually pick big ones or ones that are close to New City.  However, there are many events in the region hosted by other Stream Teams.  I thought I might share info once in a while about some of the events on the MO Stream Teams calendar, in case there's an opportunity that makes sense for you.
Here are some 2008 Fall Events ­ as posted by local Stream Teams:
October l8,  - Honeysuckle Hack and Grapevine Grab, some litter pickup, too at the bike trail along River DesPeres at Mona Terrace (Groby and Olive Blvd) in University City. Rescue native plants that are being choked out by these two invasive species, tools and instruction provided. Linda Fried 314-727-4232
* Sometime in Sept/Oct TBD the newly formed Fishpotters Stream Team will hold its first Litter Pickup on Fishpot Creek in Valley Park. Meet on Vance Road Contact Clark Creighton at 225-5004
*(Traditionally the first Sat. in November) Nov. l, 2008 Pacific High School DECA, hosts the fourth Brush Creek Litter Pickup, meeting at Pacific City Park 9 am. Check with Nancy Pfeiffer or Jen Jones at the high school 636.271.1414 to see if this event is approved for this year. Breakfast and lunch usually provided.
November 8, 2008 Maline Creek Monitoring ­ Join Mark  K. of ST 888 at Forestwood Park in Ferguson at l pm  for seasonal monitoring. They have been monitoring and helping Maline Creek for over a decade! 314-388-1423 or
Sat. November 8, 2008 ­ River DesPeres Annual Fall Cleanup *Time /Location TBD* Danelle Haake 314- 941-0489
Wed. Nov. l9th 2008 ­ River DesPeres Planning Committee Meeting at Green Center, Blackberry in University City  Danelle Haake 314-941-0489 Help committees plan for progress in signage, invasive species removal and more in this urban watershed.
Sat. December 13, 2008 - Sierra Club demonstrates Water Quality Monitoring at Fox Creek near 6 Flags Road.  Leslie Lihou (314) or <>

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