Thursday, October 23, 2008

[RdPWC] Stream Clean-Up November 8th!

Hello All,

I'm forwarding some info (see below) on a big River des Peres Watershed Coalition event November 8.  There's a flyer attached as well if you have a place to hang one.

However, there are some things going on this weekend as well...if you're able and willing.  There is a prairie grass planting along the Riverfront Trail being operated by the Grace Hill Americorps Rangers.  The details are on the events page at Confluence Greenway's site:   This site has TONS of good events in and around the Confluence of the MO and MISS Rivers.

There's even information on that haunted maze I mentioned's in Godfrey,'s $6 for adults and $4 for kids.  This is the LAST weekend it will be open for the season.


------ Forwarded Message
From: Helen Yane <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 2008 11:40:13 -0500
To: <>
Conversation: [RdPWC] Stream Clean-Up November 8th!
Subject: [RdPWC] Stream Clean-Up November 8th!

Dear Friends,

We have another Stream Clean-Up planned.  Ive included the promotional information below and have also attached the flier.  Please print it out and hang it up in your neighborhood businesses.  We're trying to attract a large crowd for the last River des Peres clean up of the year.

Thanks to all of you that have helped out at past events.  Hope to see you November 8th.


November 8th, 2008
9am - Noon
9th Annual River des Peres Stream Clean-Up!

Volunteers are needed to pick up litter along the riverbank that accumulated during the flood.  Meet at the bridge over the River des Peres
at the intersection of Lansdowne Avenue and River des Peres Boulevard near the Shrewsbury MetroLink stop.

Tools and gloves provided.  Light lunch served.  Dress in solid closed-toe shoes and old clothing.  Long sleeves and long pants are recommended.  Bring your own water bottle!

View attached file here:

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