Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Great Opportunity for RK

I've been contacted by some folks at the Science Museum regarding the new movie they are opening this Friday, Grand Canyon Adventure: River At Risk. This is a new OmniMax film that takes the viewer on a whitewater adventure through the Canyon while teaching about issues the river is
experiencing and how people are taking action to solve the issues. You can check out the film details at: We've been asked to have 2-3 kids come attend the opening Friday and have a table out to explain who River Kids is and how they are making a difference locally. The table would include a few handouts and a laptop with a slideshow...easy. The talking will be the real challenge and the reward.
There are two showings that evening. The schedule would look like this:
- Arrive at Science Center between 5-5:30 to set up the RK stuff on the table.
- 5:30-6pm - seating begins and people will filter in and visit the table
- 6pm showing
- 7:30-8pm - Second group of people filters in and visits tables
- 8pm - second showing (We wouldn't need to stay for this)
This is a private event with more than 600 people attending over the course of the evening. Obviously this is a great opportunity for some of our kids to be there and share their mission with those in attendance. Part of being a River Kid is helping teach others to be stewards for the rivers...coincidentally the same goal as the film. Plus, we get a chance to see a very cool film before it opens to the public. I'm sending this info to RK Board Members first. Please let me know of any interest in attending and helping out. I would really like a parent volunteer to handle at least the first showing as well, so parents who are interested should contact me also.
Let me know ASAP.

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