Thursday, January 29, 2009

RK Update

RK Families, (sorry I wrote this before today and somehow didn't hit send!)

What a week!!!!  Sledding Tuesday night, a RARE Snow Day on Wed...I could
get used to the slow down created by the white stuff...

Alas, we'll all be right back in the grind tomorrow...

Don't forget -

Thursday - RK Publicity Meeting - 4-5pm in the computer lab - press release to be finalized and delivered

- Board Meeting in the library conference room - 4-5pm
- First official River Sisters meeting 3:30-5pm in the main part of the library.  Board Members also on RS will meet with RS first and need to come join the Board Meeting for a couple decisions, then they may return to RS.

Saturday - River Kids Cleanup...we're hosting the Polar Bear Pickup from 12-3pm Saturday...we'll start at the intersection of Groby Rd and Mona Ave just south of Olive in U. City.  Be there for any or all of the time if you can!

Thanks!  Let me know if you have any questions.


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