Friday, March 13, 2009

Brief RK Update

I wanted the you and the kids to know right away that there has been a major change related to the benefit this year.  Chad Pregracke called and told me that they (Living Lands and Waters) need to back out.  They will not be able to be in town because of a schedule conflict.  He and Tammy had been planning to split their efforts between two groups and they decided that wasn't going to work out.

They were hoping that we would be okay with teaming up with them when they are in St. Louis in September instead.  They will have their whole barge here and a cleanup that will already involve hundreds of volunteers without us adding our connections.

They would also have a lot of publicity worked up that we could tie into. So, while our June plans are shot, it makes for an even bigger and more powerful experience in the fall.

I'm sure many of the kids and adults who read this will be disappointed (as was I) in the change, for various reasons.  However, I'm hoping that the vision of perhaps the single largest river cleanup in St. Louis history tied to our event being one of the biggest ever in honor of rivers and river enthusiasts will entice everyone into being positive about the situation. Plus, some of the 6th graders (then 7th graders) will want to get some of their new schoolmates involved.  Could be a great way for these kids to continue their personal interest in helping protect our rivers whether they are still a NCS River Kid or not...

Please NOTE - I will need to speak with the Board about what they would like to do, but my initial thought regarding the June 13 date, was that we keep it and down-size it to become a RK Family party to celebrate the year.  We'd been talking about the idea already, so I thought it was worth considering...the space is already donated, so we can do this at little or no cost.  We could also use it as an RK fundraiser and sell tickets again...this time just to come celebrate River Kids specifically...It could be a really fun New City bash that would raise some funds for the Benefit expenses in the fall - or for the green roof project directly!  Just some ideas that we'll discuss at the next Board Meeting.  Input is welcome.

Hopefully I'll see many of you on March 28 at the cleanup.  If you or your RK would like a ride, meet at NCS a little before 7am.  Please make sure I know you're coming so I don't leave without your child!  I have been told by a couple families already, but if there are more, I'd like to make sure we have room!

Have a phenomenal break!


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