Sunday, August 30, 2009

RK Sponsors

Our sponsors for the River Kids Benefit Dinner are on the right, a big thank you to them!


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Benefit Flyer

Attached you'll find a copy of the flyer you will be seeing all around the halls at NCS.  Please feel free to forward it to anyone you think would like to attend or donate.

As of right now, online ticket sales are up and running, so even those not at NCS all the time will be able to purchase and attend.

We will soon be accepting donations online as well.  If we're going to meet our goal, it's crucial that we get a little help from all in spreading the word.  I'll let you know when online donation is up and running.



River Notes: Cleaning up with the St. Lou Crew - Chapter 1

This was a really nice blog entry about River Kids and the canoe trip with Mike Clark last week...Those MO River Relief folks are fantastic.


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Catering the Event

We've worked it out with our caterer to BE his workers for the event.  This will keep our costs down of course, and maybe allow us to own the event even more.

That said, it means work...we'll need a solid team of kids and parents at the event.  The expectation is that the caterer will bring the food and get things set up, but we'll be in charge of the rest.

I'm going to work out the details with the caterer about EXACTLY what we will do and what he will do.

For now, I need a team to take charge of following the eventual plan at the event.  If you'd like to help in this way, please reply and let me know that you are my hero...better yet, a RIVER KIDS hero...and you'll join the catering team.



River Kids Video

The National Mississippi River Museum has asked us for a short video on River Kids to be placed in a video kiosk they are creating about river activists.  We have a script and need a few kids to answer some questions on camera for sound bytes.

We will be meeting at NCS at 10:30 on Saturday to film for an hour.  If you have a River Kid (or former River Kid) who has the time and would like to sit in front of a camera and answer a few questions about River Kids, please reply to this email ASAP.


Next Chance to Hit the River With Mike Clark

All are invited to join Mike Clark and me on the Mississippi River September 24.  We can take up to 16 people.  We'll paddle a short distance, clean the shoreline a bit and snack by a campfire.  Last time we stayed out until 9:30pm on summer river time.  This one will be shorter - 4-7pm on the river and back to NCS by 8pm.

If you're interested in joining us on the trip, all I need is an email reply letting me know.  A couple parents could also join us...just say the word!

Also, Mike and canoeing guru John Ruskey will be coming to NCS to help River Kids build its very own dugout canoe this year.  Look out for a big log on the playground.  There will be some after school work sessions that all may attend.

See you soon!


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

RK Benefit Report and Volunteer Opps

Sorry for the length here, but there's a lot related to the benefit that needs to be hammered out.  If your River Kid does not receive this email directly, please forward the information and discuss.  Thanks!

Several kids have been hard at work pulling the final details of the benefit together.  The walkthrough at City Museum last Friday was very helpful.  We have a layout in mind and some additional ideas for decoration.

After talking with CM it is apparent that we will need to hire a caterer to manage the event.  That's bad news for the budget, but does lighten the load on us a bit.  The good news is that we were able to hire Mike Johnson (Boogaloo Café and Barcelona Tapas Restaurants) who caters the NCS auction every year AT COST.  He is being extremely generous.  Mary Welsh is working out the details with him this week.  Thanks, Mary!

Volunteer Opp: We will need to make and hang some light-blocking curtains at the event.  Any sewing families out there want to take on this task?  We'll pay for materials...Let me know and I'll get the specifics to you for construction.

We have requested a donation of seating and tables from Aries Rentals. Jessica Ryan made the calls to start a conversation with them.  They are taking her proposal to their financial advisory committee to see what they can do for us.  They will offer us at least 15% off and as much as 100%. We'll be hearing back from them soon.  Thanks to Jessica as well!

We have also received a donation of an overnight river trip on the Mississippi with mike Clark and Big Muddy Adventures.  He will be at the event.  If you haven't met this guy, you need to.  He's one of those people that makes the world a better place everywhere he goes.  His enthusiasm for rivers (and life in general) is contagious.  Mike has agreed to take River Kids out in canoes once a month for the rest of the year as well.  I'll post dates and allow for signup as dates are made available.

We'll need lots of help to pull off this event.  Hours of planning will only become reality with the help of all River Kids.  Here are some Volunteer Opportunities for the coming weeks:

  1. Curtain (see above)
  2. Selling Event Tickets (in the Hallway the first 3 weeks of school - Before and After School)  7:30-8:15 and 3:30-4:15  (These are the busiest could sell for longer if your schedule allows...We'd LOVE to have the table up at least once in a while in the 5:15-6:00 range as well.)
  3. Selling RK and Green Roof Merchandise in the halls (Separate from ticket table, but at the same times.)
  4. Decorations - Decoration will happen from 11:00-12:30 on Sunday September 20.  This involves hanging streamers and setting up all the posters and trash items from the rivers.
  5. Seating Setup - same timeframe as Decorations - we'll need to arrange 300 chairs in rows and cocktail tables behind those at the event.  We'll need tablecloths put out on tables as well.
  6. Story Collection and Editing - The kids' concept for décor was to have stories from various river folks that express the significance of the rivers in some way.  I do not have ONE story yet.  I will be able to get some collected, but I'd like to forward them to someone who will edit them down to size and pic a picture to go with them if there isn't one from the person who wrote the story.  I WOULD ALSO LOVE TO COLLECT RIVER KIDS' STORIES! Send a paragraph or two to me if you're interested...parents and kids.
  7. Herbie's Hood - We are being allowed to bring Herbie's hood fromt he junkyard down to CM on or before the event so it can be on display at the event.  I need someone with tools who wants to plan on removing the hood and transporting it to the event.

There may also be some opportunities to help with the catering...that's not finalized yet.  I'll let you all know.

Please take a look at the list of opps and see if there's something you can handle.  The most pressing is the sales of tickets and merchandise.

Let me know via email if possible, or in person as necessary, if you plan on helping.  I ask for email because of the hectic nature of the first couple weeks as is.  Though I've got a memory like a safety deposit box, I can't always find the key.

I should also note that there are a number of new members from 4th grade already helping us out with the event!  Thanks to those families for jumping in early.

See you all soon!


Thursday, August 20, 2009

River Trip and Benefit Walkthrough

If anyone else would like to join us on the river excursion tomorrow, let me know.  We will be leaving NCS at about 3pm.  If you would rather meet us there, you could catch up with us at the Columbia Bottoms Kayak Access by no later than 4pm and hop on in the boat.

As I wrote before, we'll be cleaning Duck Island along side the MO River Relief crew...we'll end the afternoon fun with a campfire and hot dog roast.

Send me a quick email if you are planning to attend but hadn't yet written.

As for the Benefit planning walkthrough - We are scheduled to meet with Kelly Richter at the City Museum at 2pm.  I would like those planning to join me to be at NCS no later than 1:15.  Alternatively, you could arrive at CM by a little before 2pm and join us there.  Call me when you arrive and I'll tell you where to meet us.  (314-680-9442)

Please also email me about attending the walkthrough if you have not done so already.



Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Benefit Planning

Thanks to those who have been able to help thus far, and to those offering help from afar.  I know not all those who wish to help out with the planning process will be able to attend the meetings I offer.  I appreciate the consideration and effort.

Thus far, we've had a very good crew at work.  As it stands, there isn't much new news to offer.  However, I did hear back from the City Museum. They may be able to allow us to cater our own gig by signing a waiver regarding food prep and liability for the dreaded food poisoning suits that apparently haunt the catering industry.

However, we are NOT going to be allowed to have wine or beer (as was the plan) without a licensed caterer taking responsibility for that liability.

The good news is, it appears (according to how I read an email exchange) that we may hire our own caterer.  It was previously stated that we had to use one of the caterers on the preferred list they provide.  We were trying not to spend that kind of dough in hopes of directing more funds toward the cause.

So, in short (too late) I'd like to hear any suggestions on caterers you know who might be willing to hire a staff of River Kids for the afternoon and allow them to bring their own food from home...or a caterer who will handle the gig for free would be just as handy.  :)  Anyone out there who wants to attach their good name to this whole RK shenanigan?


Shall We Hit The River????

Here's another opportunity to hit the river with Mike Clark from Big Muddy Adventures.  We're planning to meet him at the Columbia Bottoms Kayak Access ramp in Columbia Bottoms Conservation Area at about 4pm on this coming Thursday, August 20. I'm not sure how many people can afford to break away from their heavy summer schedules to join us, but I'm also not sure how many can afford NOT TO!

Let me sweeten the deal...Missouri River Relief is going to come hang with us as well.  They will bring some of their own boats to the adventure.

We'll be paddling across the Mighty Mississippi River to Duck Island where we'll clean for an hour, then gather around a campfire for some hot dogs, good conversation and maybe a 'rousing rendition of Proud Mary.

What would you need to bring?  Yourself, some boots (Tina Turner style optional) and gloves...

So, are you in?  (Carpooling options available for kids with or without parents)


Benefit Planning Walkthrough at CM

I would like to schedule a walkthrough with Kelly Richter (City Musuem event coordinator) in the afternoon on this Friday, August 21.  All River Kids who are interested in visualizing the event and asking Kelly all kinds of questions should let me know that they can attend.  I will drive up to 6 kids from NCS to the CM and back.  Adults are welcome to come join in the fun as well.

I'm aiming at the 2-4pm timeframe...I need to confirm with Kelly, so if the time changes, I apologize.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Upcoming Addition: River Kids Editorial

Hello All!
So currently, all we really have on our website is a list of updates and an admittedly out-of-date calendar. Soon this is going to change, because we're starting up a River Kids editorial. Please send all emails to jackbiggs [(at]) ncsriverkids {[dot}] org (it's written this way to prevent spamming.) Also, please attach the document as a .doc or .docx file and include your first and last name, your parent's first and last name, and your grade level at the beginning of your email and the attached document as well. You may choose your own topic, however, topics may be decided at future meetings, so show up and listen for a topic announcement if you're available. We'll start the editorial as per announcements at the next or later meetings.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Party Party

Happy summer for a couple more weeks!  AS we're into August here, it's becoming obvious to me that the RK Benefit is going to slip up on us this year!  

Thanks to those who joined us at the last planning meeting.  It was highly productive.  We have a theme, a schedule, ticket and flyer designs in the works, a DJ hired, and a plan of action for a humble and entertaining event focused on Living Lands and Waters.  

The theme is going to be "From the Rivers..."  There will be stories from various river rats on stand-ups around the room and activities that teach about rivers for various ages.  

Tickets will be sold online once again thanks to support from Tom Ruwitch.  

Thanks to Michelle Zignago (NCS parent) for helping turn the kids ideas for ticket designs into a reality.  She's the one behind all the graphic work you'll see on posters/flyers/tickets and more...  

Thanks to Big Shark for donating a bike for raffle/door prize.  RK will be raffling an inflatable kayak once again as well.  No canoe this year.  We're hiring Reggie Van Derson (NCS parent and DJ from last year's picnic) to spin tunes...he agreed to have the kids help him on the mic!

In hopes of saving money and going greener, the kids have decided they'd like to cater this event themselves...This is an afternoon event with appetizers and simple drinks, so they were hoping it would be possible for each family to chip in and send in some snacky foods to be collected during the week before the event and brought to the event by us.  River Kids will buy enough to supplement the collection and ensure there is enough variety. We are working now to ensure that this plan of action is okay with City Museum and that we have a way to handle dishes and such.  If this comes through, there will be some big-time roles to be filled by kids AND parents

- anyone like to bartend?

How can you help now?

   - watch for future emails about volunteer positions for the event
   - tell your friends that want to know to save the date - September 20 1-4pm - admission includes a meet and greet with Chad and Crew as well as the Chad Dunn concert, food, drinks, DJ, door prizes, a chance to bid on the Ralph Rollins sculpture, and City Museum admission.
   - Buy tickets starting the first week of school. - $30 all ages (3 and under free)
   - Help acquire donations - we will be accepting donations at any time and cash pledges per ton of trash cleaned at the September 19 cleaning event.  We expect to clean 5-6 tons that day.  We'll be working on a pledge form for formal commitments, but spreading the word and getting individuals and corporations to start thinking about it would be helpful now.
   - Collect stories from river-gurus and forward them my way.  If you know someone who's active or experienced in the river world, ask them to tell you a story about a river they love...could be anything.  We just want a bunch of stories that reflect the way rivers have affected us all...These do not need to be famous people, just people who love rivers and have a story to tell.  Pictures are welcome in connection with a story as well.  We'll use them on the stand-up boards.  DEADLINE - SEPTEMBER 4.  SOONER IS BETTER!

NEXT planning meeting Tuesday, August 11 - 3:30-6pm

Please join us if you are able.  Let me know via email that you are planning to attend.

Let me know if you have any questions...some things are in the works still, but I'll do my best to keep you informed.
