Saturday, August 8, 2009

Party Party

Happy summer for a couple more weeks!  AS we're into August here, it's becoming obvious to me that the RK Benefit is going to slip up on us this year!  

Thanks to those who joined us at the last planning meeting.  It was highly productive.  We have a theme, a schedule, ticket and flyer designs in the works, a DJ hired, and a plan of action for a humble and entertaining event focused on Living Lands and Waters.  

The theme is going to be "From the Rivers..."  There will be stories from various river rats on stand-ups around the room and activities that teach about rivers for various ages.  

Tickets will be sold online once again thanks to support from Tom Ruwitch.  

Thanks to Michelle Zignago (NCS parent) for helping turn the kids ideas for ticket designs into a reality.  She's the one behind all the graphic work you'll see on posters/flyers/tickets and more...  

Thanks to Big Shark for donating a bike for raffle/door prize.  RK will be raffling an inflatable kayak once again as well.  No canoe this year.  We're hiring Reggie Van Derson (NCS parent and DJ from last year's picnic) to spin tunes...he agreed to have the kids help him on the mic!

In hopes of saving money and going greener, the kids have decided they'd like to cater this event themselves...This is an afternoon event with appetizers and simple drinks, so they were hoping it would be possible for each family to chip in and send in some snacky foods to be collected during the week before the event and brought to the event by us.  River Kids will buy enough to supplement the collection and ensure there is enough variety. We are working now to ensure that this plan of action is okay with City Museum and that we have a way to handle dishes and such.  If this comes through, there will be some big-time roles to be filled by kids AND parents

- anyone like to bartend?

How can you help now?

   - watch for future emails about volunteer positions for the event
   - tell your friends that want to know to save the date - September 20 1-4pm - admission includes a meet and greet with Chad and Crew as well as the Chad Dunn concert, food, drinks, DJ, door prizes, a chance to bid on the Ralph Rollins sculpture, and City Museum admission.
   - Buy tickets starting the first week of school. - $30 all ages (3 and under free)
   - Help acquire donations - we will be accepting donations at any time and cash pledges per ton of trash cleaned at the September 19 cleaning event.  We expect to clean 5-6 tons that day.  We'll be working on a pledge form for formal commitments, but spreading the word and getting individuals and corporations to start thinking about it would be helpful now.
   - Collect stories from river-gurus and forward them my way.  If you know someone who's active or experienced in the river world, ask them to tell you a story about a river they love...could be anything.  We just want a bunch of stories that reflect the way rivers have affected us all...These do not need to be famous people, just people who love rivers and have a story to tell.  Pictures are welcome in connection with a story as well.  We'll use them on the stand-up boards.  DEADLINE - SEPTEMBER 4.  SOONER IS BETTER!

NEXT planning meeting Tuesday, August 11 - 3:30-6pm

Please join us if you are able.  Let me know via email that you are planning to attend.

Let me know if you have any questions...some things are in the works still, but I'll do my best to keep you informed.


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