Thursday, August 20, 2009

River Trip and Benefit Walkthrough

If anyone else would like to join us on the river excursion tomorrow, let me know.  We will be leaving NCS at about 3pm.  If you would rather meet us there, you could catch up with us at the Columbia Bottoms Kayak Access by no later than 4pm and hop on in the boat.

As I wrote before, we'll be cleaning Duck Island along side the MO River Relief crew...we'll end the afternoon fun with a campfire and hot dog roast.

Send me a quick email if you are planning to attend but hadn't yet written.

As for the Benefit planning walkthrough - We are scheduled to meet with Kelly Richter at the City Museum at 2pm.  I would like those planning to join me to be at NCS no later than 1:15.  Alternatively, you could arrive at CM by a little before 2pm and join us there.  Call me when you arrive and I'll tell you where to meet us.  (314-680-9442)

Please also email me about attending the walkthrough if you have not done so already.



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