Saturday, April 3, 2010

Extra Trees

Apparently, though there was a great effort on Saturday to help out at the Trash Bash, there were few volunteers at the U-City tree planting over at Mona Terrace on Sunday.

I'm wondering if there's anyone who might like to go out there this Sunday and put some of the remaining trees in the ground???????????  If so, I'll tell Linda Fried that we'd like to save the day and keep 300 trees from going to waste!  Anyone game?????



We've gotten through possibly 1/2 of the 600+ plants we ordered: not many volunteers (other than Theo, Leslie and Suzanne), one washed out Sunday, maybe too many ordered.  At any rate, Theresa is leaving town tomorrow and I just can't give too much more time to this - not before the end of April.  SO:  Any suggestions about what to do with the extra plants?  Could Deer Creek use them? Any other sites you can think of?

I can heel in some of them at the Vernon nursery for a later date.  I can also offer them to the U.City Forestry head, although I'm not sure he can use them.

Please let me know what you think ASAP.


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