Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Details on Cleanup

For those of you attending the cleanup this weekend:

It's exciting to know that we'll be out on the river again this weekend with the river crew that inspired River Kids...they helped make river cleaning cool.  We keep it that way.  :)

Note - I am traveling to Southern Illinois to go camping with the 6th graders for the next three days.  I will have limited access to email and phone.  However, I will be back in town Friday afternoon in time for the RK meeting.  If you have any questions about the cleanup, or anything else for that matter, I'll be around then...

At this point, there are still a few spots available for folks to join the
cleanup effort.  We are limited to 40 and we have 35 going.  If you are still interested in coming along, let me know.

Be at the cobblestone parking area in front of the Arch between 8:30 and 8:45 to register and sign waivers...Chad usually gives a speech to kick off the cleanup, then we're out and about until noon.  We eat (hand cleaner and lunch are free) and share stories of the ridiculous amounts of trash we cleaned (trash is also free) until around 1pm...then the party's over...until the next cleanup.

Attached you will find a copy of the Living Lands and Waters general liability waiver.  LL&W will be collecting these before the cleanup.  They will have hard copies for you to sign if you do not bring a copy of your own.

Anheuser-Busch will also have a waiver for all participants.  I do not have access to that waiver ahead of time, so you will need to sign it on Saturday.

Parking - parking is free for cleanup are supposed to have a parking pass in order to park for free; however, we can usually get away with telling the attendant that we were not given passes...If I receive passes ahead of time (which I'm supposed to) I will let you know and distribute them Friday afternoon in the library at the RK meeting.

How to Prepare for a Cleanup Event (from the LL&W website)

Please wear:
  • Boots or old athletic shoes
  • Long pants
  • Light colored, loose clothing for hot weather
  • Layers of warm clothes during early spring or late fall cleanups

We will provide (unless you care to bring your own):
  • Gloves
  • Lifejackets
  • Bottled Water
  • Insect Repellant

Do not wear:
  • Open-toed shoes
  • Shorts
  • Dangling jewelry
View the LL&W release form here.

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