Thursday, September 16, 2010

No Impact Week

Tom is putting a little blurb in this week's PL about a No Impact Experiment at New City School...I'm co-organizing the experiment with several people.

Knowing who many of you are, you should take a look at Colin Beavan's site and check out the concept...I think you'd really appreciate his experience. And we are hosting a one-week version of Colin's year-long experiment from October 10-17.  I figure many of you might like to join in the fun.

I actually get to interview Colin next week, and I'm hoping some of the River Kids might give me some questions (about his experience living "no-impact" for a year) that I can ask him...we're going to record the interview (with video) and share at least a portion at an assembly Oct 1...

So, check it with your kid about it...and if any River Kids
parents or kids have any questions you think I should ask, send them my way!


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