Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dinner and a Paddle?

To all those planning to paddle with us this weekend...make sure you've sent in your waivers or bring them with you on Sunday. A waiver is necessary for everyone...permission slip is only necessary for kids attending without parents. 

Make sure I've heard from you with a number of people you're bringing by this afternoon.  I'll tally up and send numbers to Mike tonight after conferences. 

Also, Giovanna Cassilly got Orlando's Catering to donate a meal to us hardworking River Kids! there will be some camp-style food and drink at the finish for all of us...I don't think there is a vegetarian option though, so please consider bringing something if you think you'll be left out... 

I've only heard from one person that they are planning to meet at NCS for carpool...anyone else? 


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