Wednesday, October 6, 2010

RK Videos and the Trip This Weekend

For some of you folks who are new to the RK scene, and for some of you who've forgotten about this little gem that Theresa Biggs threw together so gracefully, check out the following Youtube link to the video that wound up being installed as part of a video kiosk at the National Mississippi River Museum: 

If you search for River Kids, you may be able to dig up some other videos from KMOV...There's a great video from Show-Me St. Louis somewhere out there as well...And oh yeah, there's that section on River Kids in the documentary "A Sewer Runs Through It" that hit the big screen for a while...I have copies if you're interested in a autographs, please...okay a few wouldn't hurt... 

So, what will be the next big attention getter for River Kids????  I'm thinking a submission to the One Day On Earth documentary being accepted in the main film would do the trick...agree??? 

We are set to film this weekend...After the meeting on Monday, it was clear that everyone wants to get some images of River Kids cleaning a river - imagine that!...SO, we will be paddling from North Riverfront Park over the Mosenthein Island (as we did several times last year) and hike in to one of the biggest natural trash depositories anywhere along the river...We'll have at least a few Flip cameras and still cams for everyone to use...We are hoping to have a professional videographer as well...I'll let that be a bit of a surprise... 

We'll trash bash for an hour or so and make the biggest pile we can on high ground (to be hauled out later)...then we'll head back across the river before dark. 

If you would like to participate, I need to know ASAP.  I need to provide Mike with fairly definite numbers by Thursday afternoon so he can pull together all the right equipment and staff. 

Though not all the pieces to the puzzle are completely in place, here's the basic scoop on what you would be in for: 

  • 3-4 hour excursion - 30-minute gearing up session, 30 minute paddle each way and cleanup between, 30-minutes of putting gear away, extra time is for "river time" (total time - 2:45pm-6:45pm)
  • Weather - partly cloudy - temps starting in the high 70s and ending in the low 60s as the sun drops
  • dinner won't be provided during the paddle, but we can stop for pizza somewhere on RK after to celebrate
  • Necessary Gear - boots, long pants, work gloves, water bottle, snack and layers of clothing so you can adjust to temps
  • Age restriction - up to you to decide as parents if you're coming along. Usually best to leave anyone under 7 at home on paddling days.
  • Mike is bringing a 14-16 passenger dugout and a 8-10 passenger Clipper canoe, as well as a 21-foot 4-man support canoe for our video crew
  • Mike will provide all other paddling equipment and safety gear.
  • Permission Slip Below - email reply is sufficient and only necessary for River Kids attending without a parent
  • Waiver attached - print and fill out, then bring it to me or scan it and email it back - everyone must fill this one out
  • Possible carpool/van - Those wishing to carpool should plan on meeting at NCS by 2pm. (let me know if you are interested in carpooling and I will try to connect you with the others who are also interested)

So, are you in?  I have already heard from about 15 people...We can take about 24 total (including adults, also leaving room for guides and gear), so there is still a little room.  Please reply to this email with the number of people (including yourself) that you plan to bring along.  Please don't forget to count yourself...that's just sad...You're important too. 

If you have any questions, let me know...I'll find someone who knows the answers... 


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