Friday, December 18, 2009

Details on Paddling

So here are the details on tomorrow for those who are paddling -

First - we are definitely going - snow will not affect the trip at all (except to make it prettier) - rain would slow everything down, but it wouldn't stop us either...temperature will be reasonable...and water levels are at the normal seasonal low, so there are TONS of sandbars out icebergs yet, but possibly some ice chunks making their way south along with the eagles.

Second - If you did not pick up the gear you bought, Mike will have it at the river tomorrow morning.  He will also have gear there for all adults. His daughter has a house right there by North Riverfront Park so we'll have a place to go to change...Also nice to have a place nearby in case we need any additional support at any time during the trip.

The rest - We are meeting at NCS by 8am...I'll be there by 7:30am to open the doors for all who arrive after.  I'll put on a pot of coffee for anyone needing a perk-me-up or warm-me-up...

We'll leave NCS shortly after 8am and arrive at the put in about 8:50 - Mike will be there shortly after.  We'll check that everyone has the necessary gear and hear from Mike about winter paddling guidelines.

We'll portage the canoes and gear about 100 yards to from the parking lot to the river and then paddle out by 10am.

The paddle across to our camp on Mosenthein Island will take between 1-1.5 hours.

We'll make camp around 11:30 and collect firewood.  Mike will start the fire and get food out while we collect.

Lunch at noon.

Hike/Explore/Cleanup Mosenthein for about 2 hours.  Then We'll pack up and paddle back to the put in by about 4:30-4:45.  We'll change into non-river clothes and leave there by about 5:15.  We should be back to NCS by 6:00pm, hopefully a little before.

If you haven't read the email about how to gear the kids up, please make sure you read it carefully.  We are most concerned about heads, hands and feet.  And if you can't get your hands on those rubber boots, plastic bags taped around hiking boots are good...

Don't forget I have dry bags at school for anyone who wants one in the morning.

This will be a long, fun day despite the cold...we'll see things most people will never see and experience things most less adventurous beings will never experience.  No matter what happens you can be guaranteed of two things we'll all be bringing back...tired bodies and LOTS of great memories.

If you have any questions, email or call me - 314-680-9442.  Otherwise, I'll see you in the morning!


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Paddling Gear Update

Mike just contacted me about the gear...He works with several other crews around town, and some of his gear has gone missing.  He has all adults covered, but needs us to outfit our kids in the traditional pre-neoprene style.  Mike apologized for not having all the gear he thought he did.

I asked and Mike assured me that we will be fine in this gear as's not as easy or pretty as having the tetraprene/neoprene gear, but it will be fine.  He's mostly concerned about head, hands and feet.  So please take a look at the note he sent and make sure you have the right gear for this weekend or as close to it as possible.

Some of this was already necessary gear, but I'm sorry for the additional gear and the prep time that wasn't anticipated!

See you all soon!


Here's the note he sent me with how the kids should prepare:

Kids Winter Paddling Clothing
Try to avoid Cotton clothing, it won't dry and gets very heavy if wet.  Poly
blend, or wool or wool blend is best.

Three layer system + Rain / Snow layer

  • First layer = long underwear, top and bottom (can substitute sweat pants and shirt for long underwear)
  • Second layer = fleece coat and wool pants, blue jeans will work if necessary
  • Top layer = winter coat

Rain/Snow Layer
  • plastic poncho and plastic pants or rain suit
  • Head, Feet and Hands
  • Should bring two sets of each for a change just in case of wet head, wet feet and wet hands
  • Wool winter hat that covers ears + hood on coat
  • Thick Wool socks + plastic bags over socks
  • Thinsulate winter gloves, (ski gloves are good because they are generally water proof scarf to wrap around face if windy
  • Winter snow boots

Kids Clothing Tips and Notes

No Gym Shoes!!  only bring them to change into when we are done

"Farm boots" are good, they are rubber and come up over the calf.  I know that they can be purchased for $16-$20 at Wal Mart (yes, I know, I hate it too, but it's the cheapest and only place to get them easily) These farm boots will work all year for all cleanups, and garden stuff, etc.... Not a bad investment for the kids.

Don't forget to bring a pair of sweats or some type of change of clothing for the ride home.  Let this be a reminder to all to bring something to exchange for any muddy outerwear that shouldn't be worn in the cars and a reminder to drivers that it might be good to bring an empty rubbermaid tub to throw muddy stuff into for the ride.

I will bring a bunch of small wool gloves to put on under everyone's gloves or mittens.  They are cheap one size fit all that I got a while ago.  I have enough for all the river kids.


For paddlers this weekend...I'll still be sending another email about the details for Saturday...Mike is going through all the gear tonight and will report back to me about some final details...

I do have a menu worked up...Check it out:

  • Chili = 2 versions, veggie and meat.
  • Sandwiches = hot dogs, Italian subs, veggie subs and peanut butter
  • and jelly
  • Chips = Cheez-its (river rat faves), potato chips, tortilla chips
  • Fruit = apples, pineapple, bananas
  • Vegetables = veggie tray with carrots, broccoli, and peppers
  • Desserts = Smores
  • Drinks = hot apple cider, hot chocolate, tea, water

Anything you want that's not on this list you are welcome to bring along. This is just what we are providing.  Anyone want to bake some cookies?  :)

If you are planning to eat vegetarian, please reply to this email and let me know.  I'll make sure Mike knows our veg vs meat numbers tonight or tomorrow.



Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Paddling Driver

I have one additional driver on board for this weekend...with so many people going, we'll need at least one more.  Of the 5 adults going who haven't already volunteered, is there anyone willing to take a couple additional kids?


NRS Order Pickup

I'm checking with Mike to see when he'll be around with the gear that folks ordered on Friday...I'll let you all know when that time is...if you can't make it then, you could simply show up 15 minutes early on Saturday to get geared up.

I'll send out another note with the Friday time and firm up details on Saturday soon.  Thanks!


Forms for Paddling Due Today

Paddling Forms are due today for those going this weekend.  Make sure you email a reply with this permission form filled out.

Another copy of the waiver is attached in case you still need to print it and send it in.  I can accept waivers and permission forms through Friday, but I will not be able to guarantee that gear will be available to you unless I have confirmation that you are going (and your sizes) to me by this afternoon.

There are 21 people signed up to go!  Incredible!  Looking forward to it!


Monday, December 14, 2009

River Buddies

From Lee and Sam Regarding River Buddies:

This is an email to inform you all about River Buddies and allow you to make the official commitment to the project.  River Buddies will be meeting on on the following Thursdays in Ben's room from 4-5 each time:

  • February 11 and 25
  • March 11
  • April 8

There will also be a short river cleanup on April 10 for the big finale.

As a River Buddy, you would have one first grader assigned to you for the whole 5 meetings.  You would get to know the child and hopefully teach him or her about rivers.  Each meeting with them will involve an organized activity.  We've already planned those.  All you'd need to do is help your 1st grade buddy enjoy the activities.

We need all River Buddies to make a serious commitment to be there for every meeting...Your younger buddy won't have a partner if you're not there!

So please reply to this email and tell us if you are 100% certain you will be able to be a River Buddy...or tell us that you aren't going to be one.


Lee, Sam, and Ben

RK Update

Busy meeting Friday...We kicked off 8 new projects and revived 2 older projects!

Project leaders presented short summaries of each project and the work their committees would be doing.  Then all River Kids chose a committee on which to work.

There's lots of work to be done ahead, but it was a great start. Lots of enthusiasm and creativity all around.  Rock on River Kids!

Looking Ahead:

Though it's only December, no doubt we will look back in May and wonder where the time went.  I will keep you posted on dates for events as they are set by project committees.  While you do not need to be at every event, we certainly hope that each River Kid does his or her best to chip in whenever possible.  That said, all of our weekend activities really are optional. Please decide how mcuh you and your family can do (or want to do) with River Kids...It is our intent to schedule lots of fun options for the kids and for family members, the younger and the wiser!

Keep an eye on my emails for more info on some of these future events:

  1. Paddling Trips with Mike Clark (every month)
  2. Dugout Canoe Project with Mike Clark and John Ruskey (All spring)
  3. Polar Bear Pickup (sometime in Jan-Feb)
  4. Spring Break Family Outing
  5. Trailnet Cleanup - March 27
  6. Earth Day Festival in Forest Park - April 25
  7. Annual Paddling Camping Trip (Date TBD)
  8. RK Family End of the Year Party - May 21

Remember to get your paddling forms in if you're going.  I need sizes by no later than Wednesday if you are borrowing gear.

Rock on!


Jack Biggs

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Winter Paddling with Mike

I've heard from lots of folks about joining us next Saturday for winter paddling.  There are 17 folks signed up to paddle!

There is still time to join the trip...I need to know by Wed.

If you have not filled out the liability waiver (attached) please do so ASAP and return it to me.

Also, if you've not done so, please fill out the emailed permission slip (copied below).  It has a place on it where you can enter the sizes of gear you will need.  Mike needs to know this by next Wednesday at the latest, so he can organize the gear and have it ready to go on Friday night.

We are meeting at NCS at 8am.  There are lots of kids going and a few adults.  If you are able to drive a few River Kids in your vehicle, please plan on doing so and let me know how many you can take.



Thursday, December 10, 2009

River Kids General Meeting Friday

There is a general meeting for all RK members on Friday in the library from 4-5pm.

We will be discussing the year's proposed projects and dividing into groups that will serve as planning committees for each project.

Note: You will not be charged for Extended Day services on any day your child is meeting with River Kids. Your child should go straight from school to Extended Day for snack.  River Kids will then be sent to the library from there at 4pm.


Jack Biggs

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Winter Paddling

So, in case you weren't there, Mike Clark came to visit Friday afternoon and explained to the group about the necessary gear for a winter paddle.  I'm attaching the documents he brought with him...One is an explanation/checklist of what to bring on a trip.  (FYI - It includes a rental list on the last two pages that doesn't apply to our situation.)

The other document is a pricelist he put together with options for our families.  The prices on that sheet are after discount but have approximate shipping costs included.  So the price on the sheet is exactly what you would need to pay.

Mike also agreed to provide gear for any kids or adults who do not wish to purchase their own.  I'm thrilled about this and didn't know that before the meeting or I would have said so.  So YOU DO NOT NEED TO PURCHASE GEAR in order to take part in any of the paddling trips.  We will have to let Mike know what gear he will need to provide.  So I'll gather that info before each trips and forward to Mike.

If you still want to purchase gear at the discounted prices, you will need to get your order info to me by Tuesday.  Mike wants to place the order as soon as possible, so it's here for the next trip.

Please also include a check with your order for the necessary amount.  Make checks out to "River Kids at New City School" and I'll have one check made out for the whole amount.

My offer to place an order for you that will provide the basic gear for a kid at $150 (boots, wetsuit and gloves) or an adult at $180 (boots, wetsuit and gloves) still stands. However, I'd like to hear again from anyone who wants me to do so, simply because now it's not NECESSARY to purchase gear and that may have changed some minds.  Just pop me an email confirming that you would still like me to take care of this for you.  If I don't have your sizes, send that info as well.

The pricelist has many extra options on if you are interested in purchasing more than the basics, use the form and bring it to me by Tuesday with a check for the necessary amount.  Again, please make checks out to "River Kids at New City School."

The next trip is definitely going to be on December 19.  More details will be sent closer to the trip, but know that we are intending to spend the whole day from 8am-4pm on the trip.  All River Kids and Adults are invited to join us.  Lunch, snacks, and drinks (beyond your necessary water bottle) will all be provided.

Please let me know if you have any questions at all about the gear or paddling trip.  Mike has offered his contact information to you all as well: and cell - 314-610-4241.  He is willing to answer any gear questions or trip-related questions as well.

Looking forward to some EXCELLENT paddling experiences soon!


Attached files are located here and here.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Mike Clark Tomorrow

Mike Clark will be here tomorrow (Friday) from 4-5pm.  He will be talking with the River Kids about winter paddling and the gear you need in order to be safe.  He will also be showing a slideshow of images he's taken on trips to the three islands along the Mississippi just north of St. Louis - Maple Island, Duck Island, and Mosenthein Island.

Mike still plans to offer all of us the chance to order anything we'd like from the NRS catalogue at about 60% of the retail value.  This is an amazing chance to grab some gear or maybe secure a gift or two for some young paddler you know.

In order to take advantage of this offer, you may visit the online catalogue at and find the items you'd like.  Then either join us during the latter half of the meeting to write your order in with Mike, or send me an email with what you want and I'll figure your total and collect from you later on.

Mike will not be taking any orders from kids directly at the meeting.  Only parents may do the ordering.

The next paddling trip is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, December 19 - 1st Day of Winter Break - 8am-4pm.  We're hoping this will be a great way to kick off break.  We won't have the time constraints associated with the evening trips...we'll paddle out to Mosenthein Island (around to the East side) and clean for a couple hours, making piles of the biggest items and carting off bags of the smaller/lighter things.  Mike tells me the lack of leaves makes it easy to see a tremendous amount of trash, including some bigger items that will take a great amount of effort to remove.

Mind you, if we don't clean up these islands, no one else will.  There's no way to access them except by boat, so there are very few people equipped (and willing) to carry out a venture like this.  River Kids ROCK!

Mike tells me that we can take AS MANY PEOPLE AS WE WANT.  He will commandeer the boats, equipment and guides to if the ENTIRE River Kids clan and all its friends want to go, we'll make it happen.  Of course, winter paddling gear is a MUST, so gear up now and enjoy the trip later!

Hope to see you all soon!


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

River Kids Meeting Friday

Hello all,

The RK Board met recently to lay out ideas for projects for the year.  It was a very productive meeting ending with each Board member taking on the task of leading a project or two.  At an upcoming meeting, those leaders will present their project ideas to the whole group and all members will sign up to work on one project as part of a planning committee.  (Schedule permitting, and with parent permission, kids may sign up to help out on more than one committee.)

It was our intent to have this happen at the next meeting, but I've heard from Mike Clark that he is able to reschedule his winter paddling workshop with the kids for this Friday.  SO mark your December RK calendar with these changes:

  • Dec 4 - General Meeting - dedicated to presentation from Mike Clark
  • Dec 11 - (Previously a Board Meeting) General Meeting - dedicated to project introductions and committee work

We will also be adding a new date for paddling with Mike.  We are planning to shoot for a SATURDAY now, or perhaps one of the days on Winter Break.  It gets dark VERY early these days, and Mike is trying to make the switch for us this time around.

A little more info on how the committees work:

RK Projects are driven by the work done in by the small groups who take charge and lead the way.  This is a great way for all the kids to participate in some of the decision making and problem solving that has in the past led RK to success.

We will have times during regularly scheduled meetings for these groups to work.  However, many of the groups will need more time to work between meetings.  We will set up afterschool meetings for those groups in the 3:30-5:00 range and will usually work in my room when it's available.  I work with each group to pick a day that seems best for most then we will publish those meeting days and times for all.

Some will not be able to make it to those additional meetings because of other commitments.  Those who can make it do their best to keep others in the loop as decisions are made.  There's really no other way to keep things moving, especially on some of the bigger projects.

I also work with teachers to set up meetings during recess when it fits. Sometimes there's a quick decision that needs to made, or some extra work to be done that can fit in that time frame.

So, NEXT WEEK - I will send out a list of all the committees ahead of time. Project leaders will give details at the Dec 11 meeting and we'll split into groups to work.

It's been a quiet fall after the benefit, but watch out...River Kids are on the move.  :)


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

River Trip Rescheduled

The river trip with Mike Clark for this week has been pushed off.  The
river's rising and we still haven't had a chance to meet with Mike about
winter paddling preparations.

We'll reschedule the meeting with Mike and the paddling trip for early

Until the next great adventure...


Next Meeting

There is a RK Board Meeting this Friday, Nov 20 - 4-5pm in the library
conference room.  River Kids who are in their second year (or beyond) are
eligible to serve on the Board.  They may simply show up for this meeting
and I will put them on the official list.

The next full group meeting is scheduled for December 4.

I will announce a Mike Clark meeting and a new date for the next paddling
trip soon.



Saturday, November 7, 2009


Cleanups this weekend... Hope you can join us!! Here's the info from the letter I sent earlier in the week:

This week - There is a regular meeting Friday from 4-5pm in the Library. Mike Clark will be joining us to teach the whole group a thing or two about being prepared for paddling.  This is fantastic for us in a couple ways.  1) Mike is one of the premiere big river guides in the world.  A chance to chat with him is a precious opportunity for many reasons, but basically - HE KNOWS RIVERS.  2nd - As an outfitter, Mike receives a HUGE discount on all outdoor gear from NRS (Northwest River Supplies).  He has agreed to extend his discount to us on this occasion and allow all RK families the chance to order gear at his prices.

For this reason, I would like to invite parents who think they would like to put in an order to attend this particular meeting.  Mike will be talking about the gear that's best for three-season paddling (excluding summer which requires little technical gear).  Then those who so desire, may add to the order.  Mike's discount is about 60%, so I recommend you take advantage of this fantastic offer, especially if you or your River Kid plans to join Mike on the next few winter paddling trips!

Also, there are TWO great cleanups going on this weekend on the River des Peres in University City.

RdPWC Cleanup Saturday -  there will be a group gathering for the 10th Annual River des Peres Clean-Up on Saturday, November 7th from 1 to 4 pm. We have a dumpster and snacks provided by MSD and Coca Cola.

Groups will be working just a bit upstream of the Mona Terrace site in the River des Peres along Olive near 81st Ave.  Park on the east end of the Food for Less parking lot (Food-for-Less is at 8020 Olive).

Sunday, November 8 - 1-5pm - More honeysuckle and garbage removal at the site where we worked a couple weeks ago.  South on Mt. Olive from Olive - veer right onto Groby Rd.  Park near the bridge and walk East along the bike path to find the location.  Adults with chainsaws looking for a workout are very welcome.  I would also like to put together a team with heavy duty digging tools, shovels, picks, crowbars and such, to tackle a huge imbedded pile of shopping carts and other heavy debris buried in the sand along the river.  This pile has been there long enough that a small tree has grown around some of the metal on one of the carts.  It's time to break up the garbage party.

There is no need to RSVP about attendance at either one of these.  However, if you are planning to bring a tool or two and join me, let me know.  I'm not sure when I'll be there just yet, but if I'm there, kids may be dropped off.  If not, a parent needs to come join in the fun as well.

A few tips:
  •  bring heavy work gloves
  •  wear heavy rubber work boots or plan to stay out of the water
  •  bring a water bottle and snacks if you're staying a while
  •  dress in layers and according to the temperatures
  •  program my cell number into yours - 314-680-9442

Have a great week!  Let me know if you have any questions about current events!


National Bush Honeysuckle Day! - November 14

Here's a message I'm forwarding about another River Kids Opportunity for NEXT WEEKEND:

Subject: National Bush Honeysuckle Day!

Hey Everyone!

I am Bronwen Voss the AmeriCorps Clean Water Assistant with The Confluence Partnership.

Saturday, November 14th is National Bush Honeysuckle Removal Day. We are going to be working at a section of the Riverfront Trail to help prepare it for natural habitat restoration. Attached is the flier with more information.

Please RSVP to my email or if you are planning on attending.

You can also find The Confluence on Facebook now for more information and also our Twitter Account--STL Confluence.

Hopefully we will see you there!

Bronwen Voss
AmeriCorps Clean Water Assistatn
The Confluence Partnership.

Monday, November 2, 2009

RK Week

RK Families,

I hope all is well in the River Kid world...Even though there haven't been many meetings yet, it's definitely been a busy fall with the benefit, a new dugout canoe project lining up, and the addition of a series of paddling trips with Mike Clark.

The last trip lived up to the name of Mike's company, BIG MUDDY ADVENTURES. It was a rainy, chilly evening when we slid the 24-foot Clipper down the bank into the muddy Miss.  It let up only for a short teaser before coming down again while we cleaned a 100-yard stretch of river bank littered with cups, bottles, bags, and the ever-present and blessed invention, Styrofoam. We bagged about 10 onion bags of trash before settling back to a warm campfire to roast hot dogs and marshmallows, munch chips, sip hot cocoa, and enjoy a precious few moments of relaxation before paddling back across the Mississippi in the dark with the reflection of the city light pollution on the river and the sounds of the Chain of Rocks rapids up river to keep us oriented and humbled.  And that was where we met the worst of our work for the afternoon...we were faced with a VERY muddy 100-yard portage uphill in the rain and darkness.  Our headlamps blazing, we trudged up the incline...three and a half round trips to get all the gear and the Clipper (now feeling like it was 30 feet and 400 pounds) back to the parking lot.

Sounds like fun, huh?  And was just that.  It wasn't the kind of fun you derive from playing a video game, watching a movie, or even reading a book.  This was experience filled with challenges and learning opportunities...chances to be strong, solve problems, be there for your friends when they needed you, lean on a friend and know he or she will be there for you. And it was a chance to gain some very real understanding and appreciation for nature and what it has to offer.

It's hard to explain how the river changes people, but it does.  And almost always for the better.  I have no doubt that the kids who attended this last trip will never forget the experience.  Thank you for supporting your kids and giving them the opportunity to create memories.  And additional thanks for cleaning up the muddy mess we created.  :)  Good times...

There will be more Mike Clark trips this year...we are working on a date for the November trip.  We originally planned on Nov 12, but that will need to be moved.  I will let you know the new date ASAP.

This week - There is a regular meeting Friday from 4-5pm in the Library. Mike Clark will be joining us to teach the whole group a thing or two about being prepared for paddling.  This is fantastic for us in a couple ways: 1. Mike is one of the premiere big river guides in the world.  A chance to chat with him is a precious opportunity for many reasons, but basically - HE KNOWS RIVERS.  2. - As an outfitter, Mike receives a HUGE discount on all outdoor gear from NRS (Northwest River Supplies).  He has agreed to extend his discount to us on this occasion and allow all RK families the chance to order gear at his prices.

For this reason, I would like to invite parents who think they would like to put in an order to attend this particular meeting.  Mike will be talking about the gear that's best for three-season paddling (excluding summer which requires little technical gear).  Then those who so desire, may add to the order.  Mike's discount is about 60%, so I recommend you take advantage of this fantastic offer, especially if you or your River Kid plans to join Mike on the next few winter paddling trips!

Also, there are TWO great cleanups going on this weekend on the River des Peres in University City.

RdPWC Cleanup Saturday -  there will be a group gathering for the 10th Annual River des Peres Clean-Up on Saturday, November 7th from 1 to 4 pm. We have a dumpster and snacks provided by MSD and Coca Cola.
Groups will be working just a bit upstream of the Mona Terrace site in the River des Peres along Olive near 81st Ave.  Park on the east end of the Food for Less parking lot (Food-for-Less is at 8020 Olive).

Sunday, November 8 - 1-5pm - More honeysuckle and garbage removal at the site where we worked a couple weeks ago.  South on Mt. Olive from Olive - veer right onto Groby Rd.  Park near the bridge and walk East along the bike path to find the location.  Adults with chainsaws looking for a workout are very welcome.  I would also like to put together a team with heavy duty digging tools, shovels, picks, crowbars and such, to tackle a huge imbedded pile of shopping carts and other heavy debris buried in the sand along the river.  This pile has been there long enough that a small tree has grown around some of the metal on one of the carts.  It's time to break up the garbage party.

There is no need to RSVP about attendance at either one of these.  However, if you are planning to bring a tool or two and join me, let me know.  I'm not sure when I'll be there just yet, but if I'm there, kids may be dropped off.  If not, a parent needs to come join in the fun as well.

A few tips -
  •   Bring heavy work gloves
  •   Wear heavy rubber work boots or plan to stay out of the water
  •   Bring a water bottle and snacks if you're staying a while
  •   Dress in layers and according to the temperatures
  •   Program my cell number into yours! Ask me.

Have a great week!  Let me know if you have any questions about current events,


Thursday, October 29, 2009

Save the Date - Cleanup November 8

I'll send more info closer to the event, but go ahead and save the date on your calendars if you can. There's a cleanup and honeysuckle hack along the River des Peres from 1-5pm on November 8.



Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Riverview Casino Information - Good Topic for Discussion for River Kids

There is a County Council meeting this coming Tuesday to discuss the approval of a zoning change that would allow a development group to move forward with its plans to turn a 377-acre plot of land between Columbia Bottoms Conservation Area and Interstate 270 in to a casino complex.

This is a situation where one group sees the tax revenues and job opportunities as necessary and valuable to the local economy, another sees the casino as a powerful investment opportunity, while environmentalists see the value of the land as a natural resource, habitat for nesting eagles as well as many other birds and land animals.  Another group, calling themselves the Common Sense Coalition, argues that the development plan runs contrary to the "Spanish Lake Community Area Study" and the St. Louis County General Plan that are currently in use.  There are also some tax payers pointing out that the development will cost the residents millions in taxes to fund the necessary infrastructure surrounding the casino.

No matter what your current position, this is a VERY worthy topic for discussion.  If there was a meeting this week, I would have the kids take the roles of the various interest groups and debate the issue...Though I hope that most River Kids and families might oppose the development because of their attachment to the rivers and their mission to protect them, in reality there will always be those out there who prioritize differently. This is a great opportunity for them to realize how complex these issues become and how to begin to deal with that complexity.  Whatever they believe, sitting around talking about it won't affect much change...and it may allow tremendous change to happen without opposition.

So, I urge you to, at the very least, read up a little on what's going on and have a conversation about the situation.  St. Louis Business Journal has published several articles and there's more information on the Spanish Lake Community Association website -

(If you find any more good reading on the topic, pass it along.)

More than just discussing, you may also want to take action.  There is County Council meeting this coming Tuesday evening.  If you or your River Kid would like to share some of your thoughts in writing about whether or not the Council should change the zoning laws governing the property to allow the development, please feel free to forward them to me, and I will hand them on to a representative from the MO Coalition for the Environment who will be in attendance at the meeting.  Or you may attend the meeting. I'm not sure of the location or time...I'll send that separately when I hear back about those details.


Council Meeting Information

Here's the information I received from Caroline Ishida, Staff Attorney for MO Coaltion for the Environment, on the County Council meetings for discussion of the Riverview Casino Project:

October 27 (this Tuesday) and November 3, 2009.

The meetings will be held at 6 p.m. in the St. Louis County Council Chamber, Administration Building, 41 S. Central Avenue, Clayton, MO 63105. If you're planning on speaking plan on getting to the meetings by 5:45 to fill out a speaker card so the Council knows to call your name during the public comment period.

If you can't make it to the meeting this Tuesday, then there is also the one on November 3 if you can attend that one.  If you'd like to write comments for someone else to read this coming Tuesday, that would be great, you can email them to me and I can forward them along to someone who will be at the meeting.  If you'd like to pass them on to someone who you know is planning on attending the meeting to have them read, that's great, too. Also, if you live in St Louis County and want to submit comments (from you or the kids, in writing) to a County Council member (if you don't live in the County you can always send them to Councilman Mike O'Mara because his district is where the casino would be built up in Spanish Lake).  Mike O'Mara's email address is:

FYI - I have my three kids by myself on Tuesday evening, so it doesn't seem possible for me to be at the meeting.  I will be sending my thoughts on though.  I've been paddling that area for the past 4 months and I've seen amazing things, including blue heron rookeries, eagles nesting, beavers swimming and building, and wide-eyed River Kids taking it all in by the campfire.  I can't imagine paddling to the takeout at the south end of Columbia Bottoms Conservation Area as the face of an enormous casino complex looms just down river. I'm sure some of your kids who've been out there would feel the same exact way.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Paddling Crew

I have confirmation from the following kids that they are going paddling
with me Thursday:

Lev Handmaker
Cody Krutzsch
Gerald McAdoo
Lawrence Jones
Lydia Meyer
Ella Pomatto

I believe there are a couple others planning on going as well, but I haven't
received confirmation yet after the date changed.

If you are not on this list and want to go, I need to know ASAP. And if
there's someone on this list that is not planning to go, please let me know
that as well.



Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Mike Clark Trip - This Thursday

FYI TO 4th and Eric:

For all those interested in paddling this Thursday:

We are planning on leaving NCS as close to 3:30 as soon as
everyone gets to my room.  I have permission forms and waivers from some
people already.  If you have not given me a waiver, there is one attached
for you to fill out and bring or send with your child.

I'm doing a count TODAY (Tuesday) to so I can send Mike the number of
paddlers.  If you have not already done so, please let me know that you are
planning on sending your child with me.  I don't want to leave anyone behind
because of a missed communication.

TO BE CLEAR - Even if you planned on the last trip, I need to know that you
are planning on THIS WEEK'S TRIP.

Here are the details:

We are planning to meet at the performing arts room ASAP and leave NCS at
3:40; we'll return to NCS by 8:30pm.  We will meet Mike at North
Riverfront Park a little after 4pm, portage our canoe to the water and
paddle across to Mosenthein Island where we'll clean for a half-hour before
gathering around the campfire for veggie kabobs, hot dogs, chips, and
drinks.  We'll return to Riverfront Park and portage back to vehicles and
leave by a little before 8pm.

Those kids and adults wanting to join us should come prepared in a variety
of ways:

1) Wet feet - Waterproof Boots are preferred, but shoes that can get
wet/messy are an absolute minimum.  No sandals through winter.

2) Cold conditions - boots and thick socks will help here.  It is also
important to wear enough layers and pack extra clothes in a drybag.  I
Will bring one big drybag and we have individual drybags in the Performing
Arts room for those who would like to borrow one.  They are $18 if you'd
like to own one.  They will come in handy multiple times this year.  Polar
Fleece, wool and polypropylene clothing will still keep you warm even if you
are wet.  COTTON clothes are the ENEMY when wet and cold.

3) Food and Water - we will provide veggie kabobs, chips, lemonade,
Water for refills, and tea.  Kids should bring a filled water bottle, and
afternoon snack (if they want one) and food of your own for dinner if
The aforementioned does not sound good.

4) Light - We will be returning to vehicles as it gets dark, so we will need
some lights. If you have a headlamp, it will be very helpful to have along
on the trip.  Hand-held lights are only moderately useful as they keep you
from using your hands to carry things during portage.

5) HW Warning - Kids may work on HW in the vehicle on the way, but you have
HW that cannot be done in the vehicle, it will have to be done when you get

6) Weather - It looks like it will be rainy and in the 60's.  If someone
could cash in a little Karma and clear off the clouds I'd appreciate it.  If
not, we'll be needing rain gear.  I keep emergency backup gear with me, but
please send your child prepared.

Note: We were late last time thanks to a slow portage and my cell phone was
out of charge.  That was a bummer of a situation that I don't intend to
recreate.  I set the ending time at 8:30 instead of 8pm this time to be
realistic after realizing it is just too tough to make it back by 8pm, but
the later time doesn't mean we'll be back later.

Hope to hear from some of you and see you on the river this week!


Edit: Permission slip can be found here.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Riverview Casino

Maybe some of you already know about this, but if you don't, take a moment and get up to speed.  No matter what you're position may be on casinos, the concept of using land along the rivers like this is something we should all worry about.

Here's an excerpt from an email I received:

Riverview Casino Opposition Update!

Our opposition to the Riverview Casino Project continues! Thanks to all of you who have called or written to your County Council Representatives to let them know why you oppose the casino project-- please keep that contact going over the next few weeks so the Council continues to realize how strong the public opposition to this project is.

This Tuesday, October 20, 2009, there will be another St. Louis County Council meeting during which the Council will solicit public comment about the casino project and the proposed zoning change required to make that project happen. There will also be County Council meetings with the opportunity for public comment on October 27 and November 3, 2009. The meetings will be held at 6 p.m. in the St. Louis County Council Chamber, Administration Building, 41 S. Central Avenue, Clayton, MO 63105.

If you are available to attend one of the meetings on either October 20, 27, or November 3 (or can attend more than one), and want to speak to the Council during the public comment period regarding your opposition to this environmentally destructive proposal, please contact MCE at (314) 727-0600 or reply to me by email.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Help us Oppose the Riverview Casino project!

Thought many of you might be interested in what's being proposed near the Confluence...we have paddled just above that stretch multiple times this year...It would dramatically change the face of the riverfront in that area.  See below for more details...


Help us Oppose the Riverview Casino Project!

 The Riverview Casino project is a proposed development on 376.8 acres of the Confluence floodplain in North Saint Louis County--it is planned to include a casino, hotel, restaurants, retail shops, a golf course, and an 8,000 car parking lot.  The proposed project area is just south of Columbia Bottom Conservation Area along the Mississippi River in some of the most beautiful natural area in St. Louis County.  The site is a winter home to eagles and on the flight path for migratory birds. The project's developer, North County LLC, needs the project area's zoning to be changed to commercial before they can begin to build.  In September, the St. Louis County Planning & Zoning Commission approved the change in zoning from agricultural to commercial.  Tomorrow, October 13, 2009, their recommendation goes to the St. Louis County Council for consideration of the zoning change.

Please help us in opposing the Riverview Casino complex. Come early and get your "CasiNO" buttons and join our silent protest tomorrow at the St. Louis County Council meeting, which will be held at the St. Louis County Council Chamber, Administration Building, 41 S. Central Avenue. Clayton, MO 63105.  The County Council meeting will start at 6:00 pm, Tuesday, October 13, 2009-please come out and join us to show your opposition to this ill-conceived project. If you cannot attend the October 13 meeting, we will keep you informed of other meetings in the future.

Additionally, the County Council has a few weeks to consider whether or not to approve this zoning change, so please contact your County Council Representative over the next week to let them know you oppose the Riverview Casino project because it will destroy valuable habitat area for migratory birds and other species, cause increased flooding in St. Louis County, and because we do not need yet another casino in the area.  Click here for a list of Council members and their districts to determine who your Council Representative is (located on the right side of the County Council website). For more information on the opposition to the casino, click here.

Canoeing Liability Waiver

Hey folks!

For those wishing to paddle this Thursday, you will also need to bring with
you (or send with your child) a completed liability waiver for



[edit: previous file attached incorrect. correct attachment can be found here.]

RK Update and Canoe Permission Form

RK Families,

Great first meeting! A song, a reading of an excerpt from one of Al Gore's books, discussion of water conservation and the need for RK, a team building game, and an assignment to come to this week's meeting prepared to to discuss our hopes and dreams for this year.

There is a canoe trip with Mike Clark scheduled for this Thursday afternoon. Read carefully for details and respond if necessary by Tuesday if at all possible.

We are planning to meet at the performing arts room ASAP and leave NCS at 3:40; we'll return to NCS by 8:30pm. We will meet Mike at North Riverfront Park a little after 4pm, portage our canoe to the water and paddle across to Mosenthein Island where we'll clean for a half-hour before gathering around the campfire for veggie kabobs. We'll return to Riverfront Park and portage back to vehicles and leave by a little before 8pm.

Those kids and adults wanting to join us should come prepared in a variety of ways:

  1. Wet feet - Waterproof Boots are preferred, but shoes that can get wet/messy are an absolute must.
  2. Cold conditions - boots and thick socks will help here. It is also important to wear enough layers and pack extra clothes in a drybag. I will bring one big drybag and we have individual drybags in the Performing Arts room for those who would like to borrow one. They are $18 if you'd like to own one. They will come in handy multiple times this year. Polar fleece will still keep you warm even if you are wet. COTTON clothes are the ENEMY when wet and cold.
  3. Food and Water - we will provide veggie kabobs, chips, lemonade, water for refills, and tea. Kids should bring a filled water bottle, and afternoon snack (if they want one) and food of your own for dinner if the aforementioned does not sound good.
  4. Light - We will be returning to vehicles as it gets dark, so we will need some lights. If you have a headlamp, it will be very helpful to have along on the trip. Hand-held lights are only moderately useful as they keep you from using your hands to carry things during portage.
  5. HW Warning - Kids may work on HW in the vehicle on the way, but you have HW that cannot be done in the vehicle, it will have to be done when you get home.

If you have any questions, send them my way. And any adults wanting to join us should explain that in the comments to this post. Also indicate if there are any other email addresses I need to add to my list for you.

Rock on!


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Cleanup Saturday

From Tammy Becker:

The event will be held at the St. Louis Riverfront, on the cobblestone, just below the Arch.  Anheuser-Busch typically sets up a large white registration tent in the center of the riverfront, up near the can't miss it.  At the tent is where the all volunteers will register, get their t-shirt, sunscreen, etc.  Volunteers are told to come at 8:30a, and will depart in boats at 9am.  They will all be out on the river, collecting garbage and placing it in piles along the shoreline till about noon.  After that, everyone will head back to the riverfront where A-B will have lunch catered (and free beer:)).  Everyone's usually gone by 1p...

They have about 200 volunteers from A-B.  They can handle many more than that, so ANYONE with River Kids may join in the fun.  Just show up downtown in the morning.

Kids as young as 6 could come, but parents will have to supervise closely. There are boat rides involved if you choose to travel out to a cleaning location with LL&W.

Please remember to wear rubber boots if possible (or old shoes that don't matter to you at all) and bring work gloves if you have them.  You may also want to wear a hat...and perhaps any River Kids gear you might want to show off.  I'll have some extra t-shirts there for folks who don't yet have one.

LL&W will provide the rest.


Monday, September 14, 2009

RK Update - Benefit is here!!

The benefit is THIS WEEKEND! Yippeeeeee!

Please remember to share important information from emails with your River Kid if they don't get the email directly. The kids (and plenty of adults) will undoubtedly be excited to know what to expect this weekend. And there's not a whole lot of fluff in this email...there's just a TON going on worthy of mention and sometimes requiring a response.

Before I go any further, let me congratulate Riley Kniptash and Susan Pastoret for successfully establishing their own new branch of River Kids at Ladue Middle. What a huge step! It sounds like they will be heading out to the river soon with a bunch of students! Rock on, Riley and Susan!

Volunteer Opp - Help is needed at the sales table this week. Let me know if there's a day that works for your family.

Thanks a million to all the folks who attended the dinner meeting on Friday...there were more people than I expected. We were able to go over the details of the event and many people signed up to work a shift in one of the areas. At this point, it seems we are fairly well-staffed, but if you're interested in helping, let me know and I'll get you an assignment ahead of time so we don't have to worry about who's doing what the day of the event. You may also speak with Jamie Ryan directly. She has been coordinating volunteers and will know exactly where you will be needed most.

Whether or not you are working, all event tickets will allow the holder into the City Museum from open (11am) to close (5pm). And in fact...River Kids have been given special permission to hang out a while after the museum officially closes...our own extended River Kids party! Yahoooo! We'll just eat leftovers for dinner. :)

On the Mike Clark Trip...The bidding began quickly and stands at $180. Email me a higher bid if you're interested and I'll put you on the list of people who will receive updates the bidding rises. I won't be sending constant updates to everyone, but the current high bid will be posted in the hall. And you may ask me at any time via email for an update. Bidding will close on Friday at 4:30pm. Remember... while this trip is valued at $1200, it's a priceless opportunity to see the river the way only Mike Clark knows it.

Kayak raffle tickets will also be on sale in the hallway. It's a $540 package that includes a 230cm Werner Paddle and the Aluminum Frame Inflatable Kayak. Tickets are $5 each or 4 for $20. Raffle tickets will be on sale until the end of the concert at the benefit.

If you have not bought tickets to the event, ordering online is easy at:

And please send the link (and the attached flyer) to whomever you think might be interested. If you're at another school, consider hanging the flyer or making an announcement if there's a venue for that. We're hoping ticket sales will really come through this week. We want the biggest crowd possible in order to make the event a total success!

I've been talking with Tammy Becker from LL&W - They are pulling into town on the barge today or tomorrow. I will be taking a trip down to visit them Tuesday evening to pick up some of the "decorations" and discuss details. If there's a kid or two who'd be interested in joining me, please let me know and I'll confirm the timing.

At the dinner meeting, several people wanted to know details about participating in the cleanup on Saturday. I emailed Tammy earlier today, but I haven't heard back yet about details. I'll send out an invitation email with details as soon as I have them and you can decide whether or not you'd like to participate.

Even if you are not into cleaning on Saturday, we will need some volunteers to work a table at the cleanup. We'll sell tickets to the event at half price to the cleanup volunteers. The sculpture will be created during the cleanup, so those who are around will get to see the artist in action.

Looking forward to an action packed River Kids week!


List of RK Dates to Remember

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Important Benefit Info

Those of you who are attending the dinner Friday will hear more details, but there are some ways some of you may want to participate before and during the event.  I thought I'd give you all a heads up:

  1. Mike Clark donated a $1200 all-inclusive custom designed two-day overnight river trip for up to 6 people to our cause.  We are taking silent bids for this trip leading up to the event and will continually post the current highest bid.  There is no minimum bid.  If you're interested in bidding on this trip, you may do so in person at the River Kids table in the hall at NCS, or via email.  If you use email, I will update you if someone outbids you.  Bidding will be open until Friday, Sept 18 at 4:30pm.  At that point I'll post the current bid for one last entry by any involved parties. The virtual silent auction begins now.
  2. We are accepting pledges for donations.  There are forms at the RK table in the hall.  ANY amount will make a difference.  You may donate a one time amount or donate an amount per ton of trash cleaned at the September 19 cleanup.  You may also make a pledge via email.  Final payment will be due on pledges in November.
  3. Kayak Raffle - People have been asking if we'll be raffling another kayak or canoe this year.  No canoe, but the inflatable kayak will be back. We will be selling an unlimited number of tickets at $5 a piece or 5 tickets for $20.  Raffle tickets will be on sale in the hall at NCS next week.

I should note that Big Shark Bicycle Shop has donated a bike as well.  As a little added incentive to come party with us on September 20, the bike will be an attendance prize given away to start the event.

I hope to see many of you at the event.  However, if you cannot attend the event, you'll consider participating in one of these other ways.

Thank you thank you!  And please email me if you have any questions.


Monday, September 7, 2009

RK Update - Volunteers Needed

Reminder - Family Dinner Meeting this Friday. 5:30-7pm in the dining hall. Pizza, pasta and drinks provided.  We will discuss the details of the event and provide a signup sheet so you may choose a team on which to work for the event if you are able.

We also need more kids (and adults if you're able) to sell tickets and merchandise at the table each morning and afternoon.  Please let me know if your child is willing and able to cover the table for any or all of the 7:45-8:15 or 3:30-6:00pm range.

There are Open Houses on Wednesday and Thursday.  If there's anyone who would like to operate the table from 6-6:30 those nights, there will be a lot of people in the building.  Please let me know.

In order for this event to be a success, we will need lots of help from RK families, but the most pressing needs are related to ticket sales.  We are selling tickets online as well as in our hallway at NCS.

The online sales page is:

If you or anyone else you know would like to buy tickets and they prefer credit card transactions, direct them to this page.

I should note that we are accepting donations online as well at:  Anyone wishing to contribute without purchasing tickets may do so by using the drop down menu to designate a gift to River Kids.

As a third way to donate, we are accepting pledges at the ticket table (or via email) for any amount of money per ton of trash we clean out of the Mississippi on September 19 with Living Lands and Waters.

I've attached the flyer again in case you would like to print it and hang it, or send it along to someone you know.  I also have flyers at NCS in my room already printed that you may have.  I'll bring some to the family dinner on Friday.  Please do your part to promote the event.  Word of mouth is everything!

Thanks for all you do!  Go River Kids!


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Fwd: RK Benefit Detail Dinner

As we are closing in on the benefit date, it is becoming more important that all River Kids families start thinking about how they might be able to help seal the deal.  Behind the scenes, there have been several wonderful planning sessions, a walkthrough, catering talk, decoration planning, email coordination of all the entertainment, graphics work, and donation requests...It's been a busy past few weeks indeed.

All of the planning is really done.  It's time to make this thing actually happen. So, I'm inviting all of you to join me for dinner on

Friday, September 11 - 5:30pm IN THE DINING HALL at NCS.

We'll have food and drink and lots of good information regarding the benefit, including details like when do the kids need to be there and more...


River Kids on Youtube

After several hours of videoing and a bunch of editing, we were able to create a video to send off to the National Mississippi River Museum.  They have accepted our submission informally and plan to post it on a video kiosk at the museum.  The kiosk will focus on activism along the Mississippi. We'll be amongst the giants, like Living Lands and Waters, who will also have videos posted...VERY COOL!

I'm included the Youtube link above if you'd like to see the video...

A big thanks to Theresa Biggs for making this video come together...And definitely thanks to the kids (even the ones who aren't in the final video) for donating their time, and more importantly their thoughts about River Kids.  It's not always easy to keep River Kids rolling, but as I listened to each of the kids speaking to the camera, it was incredibly clear that River Kids is something very special and worth every minute spent.

See you all soon!


Hallway Sales

We need volunteers to manage the River Kids sales table...Thankfully Genevieve Nickerson has been willing and able to shoulder the load this first week, but I'm hoping some others will step up and help her out next week.

Please let me know if there are any days next week that would fit your schedule.

We need coverage anywhere in the 7:45-8:15 range and 3:30-6:30 range (You do not need to come for all of the afternoon time...any or all would do.)



New Date for Mike Clark Canoe Trip

Because of the 6th grade camping trip on September 23-25, I decided to see if we could get another date for the canoe trip with Mike Clark.

We were able to switch the date to Wednesday, September 16.

We will leave NCS right after school at 3:30 and meet Mike to paddle from 4-7pm.  We'll be back to NCS by 8pm.

If you emailed me before about the other date, please still email me again that this date will work for you.  There is nothing on the school calendar, but that doesn't mean there isn't something else on a Wed that may keep you on shore.

All River Kids (old and new) are welcome to attend this trip.  I've heard from a few parents as well and hope that some will feel like joining in the fun and have the time to do so.


Sunday, August 30, 2009

RK Sponsors

Our sponsors for the River Kids Benefit Dinner are on the right, a big thank you to them!


Saturday, August 29, 2009

Benefit Flyer

Attached you'll find a copy of the flyer you will be seeing all around the halls at NCS.  Please feel free to forward it to anyone you think would like to attend or donate.

As of right now, online ticket sales are up and running, so even those not at NCS all the time will be able to purchase and attend.

We will soon be accepting donations online as well.  If we're going to meet our goal, it's crucial that we get a little help from all in spreading the word.  I'll let you know when online donation is up and running.



River Notes: Cleaning up with the St. Lou Crew - Chapter 1

This was a really nice blog entry about River Kids and the canoe trip with Mike Clark last week...Those MO River Relief folks are fantastic.


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Catering the Event

We've worked it out with our caterer to BE his workers for the event.  This will keep our costs down of course, and maybe allow us to own the event even more.

That said, it means work...we'll need a solid team of kids and parents at the event.  The expectation is that the caterer will bring the food and get things set up, but we'll be in charge of the rest.

I'm going to work out the details with the caterer about EXACTLY what we will do and what he will do.

For now, I need a team to take charge of following the eventual plan at the event.  If you'd like to help in this way, please reply and let me know that you are my hero...better yet, a RIVER KIDS hero...and you'll join the catering team.



River Kids Video

The National Mississippi River Museum has asked us for a short video on River Kids to be placed in a video kiosk they are creating about river activists.  We have a script and need a few kids to answer some questions on camera for sound bytes.

We will be meeting at NCS at 10:30 on Saturday to film for an hour.  If you have a River Kid (or former River Kid) who has the time and would like to sit in front of a camera and answer a few questions about River Kids, please reply to this email ASAP.


Next Chance to Hit the River With Mike Clark

All are invited to join Mike Clark and me on the Mississippi River September 24.  We can take up to 16 people.  We'll paddle a short distance, clean the shoreline a bit and snack by a campfire.  Last time we stayed out until 9:30pm on summer river time.  This one will be shorter - 4-7pm on the river and back to NCS by 8pm.

If you're interested in joining us on the trip, all I need is an email reply letting me know.  A couple parents could also join us...just say the word!

Also, Mike and canoeing guru John Ruskey will be coming to NCS to help River Kids build its very own dugout canoe this year.  Look out for a big log on the playground.  There will be some after school work sessions that all may attend.

See you soon!


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

RK Benefit Report and Volunteer Opps

Sorry for the length here, but there's a lot related to the benefit that needs to be hammered out.  If your River Kid does not receive this email directly, please forward the information and discuss.  Thanks!

Several kids have been hard at work pulling the final details of the benefit together.  The walkthrough at City Museum last Friday was very helpful.  We have a layout in mind and some additional ideas for decoration.

After talking with CM it is apparent that we will need to hire a caterer to manage the event.  That's bad news for the budget, but does lighten the load on us a bit.  The good news is that we were able to hire Mike Johnson (Boogaloo Café and Barcelona Tapas Restaurants) who caters the NCS auction every year AT COST.  He is being extremely generous.  Mary Welsh is working out the details with him this week.  Thanks, Mary!

Volunteer Opp: We will need to make and hang some light-blocking curtains at the event.  Any sewing families out there want to take on this task?  We'll pay for materials...Let me know and I'll get the specifics to you for construction.

We have requested a donation of seating and tables from Aries Rentals. Jessica Ryan made the calls to start a conversation with them.  They are taking her proposal to their financial advisory committee to see what they can do for us.  They will offer us at least 15% off and as much as 100%. We'll be hearing back from them soon.  Thanks to Jessica as well!

We have also received a donation of an overnight river trip on the Mississippi with mike Clark and Big Muddy Adventures.  He will be at the event.  If you haven't met this guy, you need to.  He's one of those people that makes the world a better place everywhere he goes.  His enthusiasm for rivers (and life in general) is contagious.  Mike has agreed to take River Kids out in canoes once a month for the rest of the year as well.  I'll post dates and allow for signup as dates are made available.

We'll need lots of help to pull off this event.  Hours of planning will only become reality with the help of all River Kids.  Here are some Volunteer Opportunities for the coming weeks:

  1. Curtain (see above)
  2. Selling Event Tickets (in the Hallway the first 3 weeks of school - Before and After School)  7:30-8:15 and 3:30-4:15  (These are the busiest could sell for longer if your schedule allows...We'd LOVE to have the table up at least once in a while in the 5:15-6:00 range as well.)
  3. Selling RK and Green Roof Merchandise in the halls (Separate from ticket table, but at the same times.)
  4. Decorations - Decoration will happen from 11:00-12:30 on Sunday September 20.  This involves hanging streamers and setting up all the posters and trash items from the rivers.
  5. Seating Setup - same timeframe as Decorations - we'll need to arrange 300 chairs in rows and cocktail tables behind those at the event.  We'll need tablecloths put out on tables as well.
  6. Story Collection and Editing - The kids' concept for décor was to have stories from various river folks that express the significance of the rivers in some way.  I do not have ONE story yet.  I will be able to get some collected, but I'd like to forward them to someone who will edit them down to size and pic a picture to go with them if there isn't one from the person who wrote the story.  I WOULD ALSO LOVE TO COLLECT RIVER KIDS' STORIES! Send a paragraph or two to me if you're interested...parents and kids.
  7. Herbie's Hood - We are being allowed to bring Herbie's hood fromt he junkyard down to CM on or before the event so it can be on display at the event.  I need someone with tools who wants to plan on removing the hood and transporting it to the event.

There may also be some opportunities to help with the catering...that's not finalized yet.  I'll let you all know.

Please take a look at the list of opps and see if there's something you can handle.  The most pressing is the sales of tickets and merchandise.

Let me know via email if possible, or in person as necessary, if you plan on helping.  I ask for email because of the hectic nature of the first couple weeks as is.  Though I've got a memory like a safety deposit box, I can't always find the key.

I should also note that there are a number of new members from 4th grade already helping us out with the event!  Thanks to those families for jumping in early.

See you all soon!


Thursday, August 20, 2009

River Trip and Benefit Walkthrough

If anyone else would like to join us on the river excursion tomorrow, let me know.  We will be leaving NCS at about 3pm.  If you would rather meet us there, you could catch up with us at the Columbia Bottoms Kayak Access by no later than 4pm and hop on in the boat.

As I wrote before, we'll be cleaning Duck Island along side the MO River Relief crew...we'll end the afternoon fun with a campfire and hot dog roast.

Send me a quick email if you are planning to attend but hadn't yet written.

As for the Benefit planning walkthrough - We are scheduled to meet with Kelly Richter at the City Museum at 2pm.  I would like those planning to join me to be at NCS no later than 1:15.  Alternatively, you could arrive at CM by a little before 2pm and join us there.  Call me when you arrive and I'll tell you where to meet us.  (314-680-9442)

Please also email me about attending the walkthrough if you have not done so already.



Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Benefit Planning

Thanks to those who have been able to help thus far, and to those offering help from afar.  I know not all those who wish to help out with the planning process will be able to attend the meetings I offer.  I appreciate the consideration and effort.

Thus far, we've had a very good crew at work.  As it stands, there isn't much new news to offer.  However, I did hear back from the City Museum. They may be able to allow us to cater our own gig by signing a waiver regarding food prep and liability for the dreaded food poisoning suits that apparently haunt the catering industry.

However, we are NOT going to be allowed to have wine or beer (as was the plan) without a licensed caterer taking responsibility for that liability.

The good news is, it appears (according to how I read an email exchange) that we may hire our own caterer.  It was previously stated that we had to use one of the caterers on the preferred list they provide.  We were trying not to spend that kind of dough in hopes of directing more funds toward the cause.

So, in short (too late) I'd like to hear any suggestions on caterers you know who might be willing to hire a staff of River Kids for the afternoon and allow them to bring their own food from home...or a caterer who will handle the gig for free would be just as handy.  :)  Anyone out there who wants to attach their good name to this whole RK shenanigan?


Shall We Hit The River????

Here's another opportunity to hit the river with Mike Clark from Big Muddy Adventures.  We're planning to meet him at the Columbia Bottoms Kayak Access ramp in Columbia Bottoms Conservation Area at about 4pm on this coming Thursday, August 20. I'm not sure how many people can afford to break away from their heavy summer schedules to join us, but I'm also not sure how many can afford NOT TO!

Let me sweeten the deal...Missouri River Relief is going to come hang with us as well.  They will bring some of their own boats to the adventure.

We'll be paddling across the Mighty Mississippi River to Duck Island where we'll clean for an hour, then gather around a campfire for some hot dogs, good conversation and maybe a 'rousing rendition of Proud Mary.

What would you need to bring?  Yourself, some boots (Tina Turner style optional) and gloves...

So, are you in?  (Carpooling options available for kids with or without parents)


Benefit Planning Walkthrough at CM

I would like to schedule a walkthrough with Kelly Richter (City Musuem event coordinator) in the afternoon on this Friday, August 21.  All River Kids who are interested in visualizing the event and asking Kelly all kinds of questions should let me know that they can attend.  I will drive up to 6 kids from NCS to the CM and back.  Adults are welcome to come join in the fun as well.

I'm aiming at the 2-4pm timeframe...I need to confirm with Kelly, so if the time changes, I apologize.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Upcoming Addition: River Kids Editorial

Hello All!
So currently, all we really have on our website is a list of updates and an admittedly out-of-date calendar. Soon this is going to change, because we're starting up a River Kids editorial. Please send all emails to jackbiggs [(at]) ncsriverkids {[dot}] org (it's written this way to prevent spamming.) Also, please attach the document as a .doc or .docx file and include your first and last name, your parent's first and last name, and your grade level at the beginning of your email and the attached document as well. You may choose your own topic, however, topics may be decided at future meetings, so show up and listen for a topic announcement if you're available. We'll start the editorial as per announcements at the next or later meetings.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

Party Party

Happy summer for a couple more weeks!  AS we're into August here, it's becoming obvious to me that the RK Benefit is going to slip up on us this year!  

Thanks to those who joined us at the last planning meeting.  It was highly productive.  We have a theme, a schedule, ticket and flyer designs in the works, a DJ hired, and a plan of action for a humble and entertaining event focused on Living Lands and Waters.  

The theme is going to be "From the Rivers..."  There will be stories from various river rats on stand-ups around the room and activities that teach about rivers for various ages.  

Tickets will be sold online once again thanks to support from Tom Ruwitch.  

Thanks to Michelle Zignago (NCS parent) for helping turn the kids ideas for ticket designs into a reality.  She's the one behind all the graphic work you'll see on posters/flyers/tickets and more...  

Thanks to Big Shark for donating a bike for raffle/door prize.  RK will be raffling an inflatable kayak once again as well.  No canoe this year.  We're hiring Reggie Van Derson (NCS parent and DJ from last year's picnic) to spin tunes...he agreed to have the kids help him on the mic!

In hopes of saving money and going greener, the kids have decided they'd like to cater this event themselves...This is an afternoon event with appetizers and simple drinks, so they were hoping it would be possible for each family to chip in and send in some snacky foods to be collected during the week before the event and brought to the event by us.  River Kids will buy enough to supplement the collection and ensure there is enough variety. We are working now to ensure that this plan of action is okay with City Museum and that we have a way to handle dishes and such.  If this comes through, there will be some big-time roles to be filled by kids AND parents

- anyone like to bartend?

How can you help now?

   - watch for future emails about volunteer positions for the event
   - tell your friends that want to know to save the date - September 20 1-4pm - admission includes a meet and greet with Chad and Crew as well as the Chad Dunn concert, food, drinks, DJ, door prizes, a chance to bid on the Ralph Rollins sculpture, and City Museum admission.
   - Buy tickets starting the first week of school. - $30 all ages (3 and under free)
   - Help acquire donations - we will be accepting donations at any time and cash pledges per ton of trash cleaned at the September 19 cleaning event.  We expect to clean 5-6 tons that day.  We'll be working on a pledge form for formal commitments, but spreading the word and getting individuals and corporations to start thinking about it would be helpful now.
   - Collect stories from river-gurus and forward them my way.  If you know someone who's active or experienced in the river world, ask them to tell you a story about a river they love...could be anything.  We just want a bunch of stories that reflect the way rivers have affected us all...These do not need to be famous people, just people who love rivers and have a story to tell.  Pictures are welcome in connection with a story as well.  We'll use them on the stand-up boards.  DEADLINE - SEPTEMBER 4.  SOONER IS BETTER!

NEXT planning meeting Tuesday, August 11 - 3:30-6pm

Please join us if you are able.  Let me know via email that you are planning to attend.

Let me know if you have any questions...some things are in the works still, but I'll do my best to keep you informed.


Friday, July 17, 2009

Invitation to Plan the Benefit

As you all may know, the benefit is scheduled for September 20 at the City
Museum from 12-5pm.  This follows a full-day cleanup with Living Lands and
Waters and A-B on September 19.  Please mark both events for that weekend on
your calendar if you plan to attend.

So far we have Recycled Rhythms percussionist Chad Dunn performing and Ralph
Rollins (local artist) building a sculpture using materials from the LL&W
barge to be auctioned off at the event as well.

We will be holding a planning session this coming Monday from 4-7pm at NCS.
We will be refining the overall plan, deciding on any decorative theme,
hiring a caterer for appetizers and drinks, planning
entertainment/activities and any other details that need consideration.

We will provide pizza for anyone staying the whole time.

All River Kids members and graduates are invited to help with this project.

Anyone volunteering during this and any future planning sessions will
receive free admission into the event a well.

Please email me to let me know that you'll be showing up to help out.



Sunday, July 5, 2009

We're on Twitter!

Starting now, our blog posts will start showing up (in abbreviated form) at Check it out!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Steve Schnarr invited us to the event "Whole Foods 5% Day"...

Steve Schnarr of MO River Relief (good friends of RK) sent me info on a fundraising event for them...Whole foods is donating 5% of their profits for the day on July 2, 11am-7pm.  So if you're already shopping, consider helping MO River Relief at the same time!

Event: Whole Foods 5% Day
      "Thursday July 2nd"
What: Fundraiser
Host: Missouri River Relief
Start Time: Thursday, July 2 at 11:00am
End Time: Thursday, July 2 at 7:00pm
Where: Both St. Louis area Whole Foods Locations!


Monday, June 1, 2009

Green Roof T-Shirts

Hello All!

I've been meaning to write to tell you about some of the summer opportunities available to River Kids families, but I thought I'd start with one more before summer even hits.

River Kids will be selling Green Roof T-shirts at the upcoming school picnic to help raise more money to fund the construction necessary to make the green roof accessible to students.

I need some River Kids and/or parents to spend a little time at the table selling the shirts.  It's an easy way to chip rain gear, paddling, or hauling trash required.  And the more volunteers we get, the shorter the shifts will be...

Please let me know if this is something you can do.



Summer Opportunities

There are MANY things that can be done in the summer to help out along rivers.  The best is to take a trip to a river and enjoy the connection with nature.

I could list literally 30+ opportunities to participate in cleanups, festivals, river races, plantings, etc.  If you want that long list, please email me and I'll send it along.

For now, I'd say there are a few really cool opportunities that I think you should really consider:

1) Mike Clark guided cleanup - River Guru Mike Clark has taken a real interest in River Kids.  He and I have worked out a few dates that Mike will be available to take up to 8 River Kids and/or family members out in his canoe on the Mississippi to clean up the river.  These would be 4-7pm trips in locations TBD. The first of these dates is August 20.  Please let me know if you are interested in participating.

2) River-related camps at NCS - As many of you know, Claire and I have been running river trips with kids for several years together.  There are three river-related camps available this summer that you should consider.

The first is our June 29-July 3 Naturalist Camp - Two days of unique teambuilding activities, such as Marshmallow Olympics and our own version of the Amazing Race, followed by three days camping along the banks of the\ Black River in southern Missouri. This is open to 4th-6th graders.

The second opportunity is new.  Our July 20-24 River Kids camp is open to all 4th-6th graders and consists of 5 days of river-related trips and activities.  We'll spend a good chunk of our time near the Alton area visiting several attractions around the Confluence.  We'll tour the Mel Price Dam, visit the River Museum and paddle the Mississippi with Mike Clark.

Third, July 27-31 Claire and I operate the Extreme Naturalist Camp for 12 years up to 8th grade.  This is an amazing 5-day trip down to Tennessee to camp along the Hiwassee River.  We whitewater raft on the Ocoee, funyak the Hiwassee, hike Bald River Falls, and much more.  This camp is currently full, but we are talking about operating a second Extreme Camp either June 22-26 or August 3-7.  I'd love to hear if you are interested in either one of these weeks.  If we can get 10 kids signed up, we'll go for sure.

This would be a great way for some of the 6th graders to reunite over summer before heading off in their separate directions.

If you're interested in any of the set opportunities, you may sign up with Jason or Tobie in the Summer Camp office...If you're interested in the additional Extreme Naturalist Camp, please speak with me directly.

3) June 13-14 - MO Stream Teams is celebrating its 20th birthday with a party along the Gasconade.  Check out for all the details.

4) RK Board Meetings in August - I would like to hear from kids who intend to serve on the River Kids Board in the fall.  There will be two meetings before the school year begins to make early decisions about what the year will look like.

5) Benefit Planning - A few times throughout summer with increased activity in Late August through September 20 - River Kids interested in helping develop the Living Lands and Waters Benefit need to let me know they are interested.  We will need kids to arrange catering, develop a plan for entertainment, and design the decorations.

Thanks to all of you for a great year, and thanks ahead of time for all you will be doing to make the next one incredible!

See you soon!


Wednesday, May 20, 2009


This is a reminder that the River Kids family gathering is scheduled for this Friday at the 21 O'Fallon Building (That's the actual address.) from 4-6pm...this is the home office for the William H. Kerr Foundation.  All family members are welcome to attend.  I need to hear numbers so we can order the correct amount of pizza.  Please reply to this email with the number of people you expect to have there.

Also, River Kids and family members are invited to bring an item for a time capsule.

Kids are also invited to give a speech.  I need to know about this ahead of time.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Invitation to Parents

I would like to recruit one more adult to help out with the trip tomorrow
and Saturday.  If any of you are able and interested in joining in the fun,
please let me know.  We can do without, but it would be nice to have the
extra hands.


Last Chance

I have 11 kids in for the trip this weekend.  More are welcome, but if this
is the final number, then I may rent a van instead of a bus.  If you have
not replied, this is your last chance to let me know.

Noelle K-B
>Maddie R
>Jacob R
>Riley K
>Mary W
>Sara B
>Jessica R
>Charlie B
Maggie L
Elizabeth B
Tasha S



Just a couple reminders for those going on the trip tomorrow -

We will be meeting at NCS at 8am.  I'll be driving a van now instead of
using a bus.

Bring the necessary paperwork.  We'll get all of it in line before leaving.

We plan to leave at 8:30am.

Make sure you have -

   - A lunch/snack/drinks for Friday on the way down.
   - Rain gear - probably necessary gear this go around
   - A journal and pencils

We will return a little before 3pm on Saturday.  Parents please be at NCS by
3pm for pickup.

FYI - We are planning on canoeing out to our campsite in a private area of
the lake surrounded by next to nothing.  That said, we'll still be in cell
range.  (Ironic, huh?)

My cell in case you need to call us is 314-680-9442.  If you can't reach me,
Theresa's (Land for Learning staff) cell number is 618-967-6876.

My final count was 13...if any extra show up, they'll have to ride on the
roof!  Hee haw!


Location Info

In case you'd like it - the address for where we will be staying is 788
Hidden Bay Lane, Makanda, IL 62958


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

River Trip - Plan B

L4L crew called and they say the rivers are out of their banks right chance of us camping along a river this weekend.

Instead of canceling the trip altogether, since we're really out of possible alternative dates, we thought up a plan B.  We are going to travel to Southern Illinois to Little Grassy Lake, where L4L has its home base, and spend the night there.  This is the same location to which the 6th grade travels each year, and where 4th camped this year.

We'll canoe out from their main camp onto the lake to a planned destination. We'll camp on the shore of the lake.  In all honesty, having been there a number of times, I consider this a privilege.  While it's not the river, it's an AMAZING atmosphere with an abundance of wildlife and plant life, as well as the most amazing night sky views around.

Nothing will change in terms of preparation for the trip.  Pack the same.

However, because their camp is near Carbondale (3 hours away) we'll be leaving earlier than originally planned.  We'll meet at NCS at 8am, pack up and leave by 8:30am.  If this affects anyone, beyond making you a little crabbier that morning, please let me know.

We will still plan to return to NCS at 3pm on Saturday.  A number of people have obligations in the evening so we won't change that time.

Let me know if you have any questions at all regarding the new location.

And please don't forget to bring a journal, per Curt's request.  There will be an activity using them.



End of the Year Party

On the RK calendar, that's somewhere beneath the pile of May to-dos, is a final meeting date for all RK on May 22.  In the past, River Kids has turned this final meeting into a family picnic.  We have a unique opportunity this year to mix it up and have the picnic elsewhere.

Thanks to some fancy footwork by RK parent David Lobbig, we've secured the 21 O'Fallon Building as the location for our gathering.

For those of you who aren't familiar with the location, this is the home of the William H. Kerr Foundation.  It has a green roof on top with decking that allows for gatherings such as ours.  We'll be able to eat, drink and be merry while looking out at the Mississippi flowing by.

Before I go any further, let me point out that there is a 6th grade party planned for the kids that evening at NCS starting at 6:30-6:45.  We are planning on having our gathering from 4-6pm in hopes of staying clear of that party.

So here is the plan for our gathering:

4pm - Arrive and Meet the owner and director of the Kerr Foundation, Dr.
John Sweet, for a brief tour of the building and the green roof.
4:30pm - Pizza and Drinks served
   - Social time - Time Capsule
   - Speeches from select RK Members
5:45 - Cleanup
6pm - Goodbyes

There are two parts of this schedule that may need some clarification:

   Time Capsule - we are arranging to have a time capsule on site for this gathering.  All River Kids and family members may bring a small item to insert in the time capsule.  Photos, trinkets, notes, drawings, or anything else that strikes your fancy.  This will be a 30 year capsule and will be housed on the NCS grounds in a location TBD - possibly under the new deck by the green roof.

   Speeches - River Kids wanting to give a speech at the event should communicate their interest in speaking directly to me.  If there are too many people to accommodate, we'll problem solve.  Know that I will give priority to graduating members.

If anyone has any questions about this event, please let me know.  Thanks to the kids and the parents for all they've done this year to help RK continue its success.


Monday, May 11, 2009


I have not heard from enough people to know if there will be a trip this
weekend.  I need to report a number to Land for Learning by tomorrow.  So
far I have the following kids on my list as going:

Noelle K-B
Maddie R
Jacob R
Riley K
Mary W
Sara B
Jessica R
Charlie B

A simple reply with "In" will suffice in order for me to track numbers.  You
will still need to fill out a waiver for NCS and Land for Learning and bring
them Friday.  I've attached them again here for convenience.



Saturday, May 9, 2009

Stream Team Birthday

We've been directly invited to attend the MO Stream Team Birthday Party June 13-14.  I personally have plans, but I thought I'd extend the invitation to participate to all RK families.  It will undoubtedly be a fun time.

If you'd like to go, you may register yourself, or send an email to me stating your interest by next Friday, May 15 and I'll register a group.

Follow the link above to find out all the details on the event.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Green Roof Trip Tomorrow

RK Families,

Earlier today I was contacted about a second possible Green Roof Trip to Jost Greenhouses TOMORROW - May 6.  While we'd all love more notice about these things, the bottom line is, there's an opening and we're taking it.

So to all River Kids and parents who would like to attend:

Please fill in blanks and reply to this email to grant permission for children not bringing an adult.

I give permission for ________________________ to travel May 6, 2009 with River Kids by bus to visit the Jost Greenhouses to learn about the plants that will be used in the installation of the green roof.  I understand that the group will leave NCS at 3:45 and return by 6pm.

Parent's E-signature: ___________________

If you have any questions, please let me know.
