Thursday, April 24, 2008

It's Here!!!! Party Info!!!!

We are SOOOO close to the big event...there's TONS going on behind the
scenes and the benefit planning crew is still hard at work getting
everything in line, but it's almost party time!

I'm sorry I haven't sent anything me...woulda ifa coulda.

For today...I'm inviting all River Kids (and parents for that matter) who
are available to meet at New City from 4-5pm to hear all about the details
of the event and what will be expected of them.  We'll talk about attire,
demeanor, responsibilities, schedule for the event, secret RK only info, and
more...There will be a couple surprises at the event that I know not even
all the RK coordinators know about!

All parents need to know:

Benefit Dinner Planning Committee will be meeting at New City 3pm Friday.
They will be traveling by cars with Charlotte and Claire to begin event
preparations at City Museum.

I will be staying at New City with some of the Benefit Planning Kids to load
up the gear in the cargo van from 3pm-4pm.  I would appreciate adult help
here if anyone is available.

Thanks to Sally Molho and Enterprise, we'll have a cargo van to help move
the bigger items like the stream table.  However, it would be great to have
a second vehicle there as backup.  I've heard from some people that they can
be there, just confirm via email that you'll be there.

Other River Kids are invited to show up at the City Museum between 4:30 and
5:00pm to begin helping.  Parents are welcome to stay and help, but kids may
be dropped off with us if you need to do something before the event.

When you arrive at the City Museum, simply tell them at the front desk that
you are working the River Kids benefit dinner in the Architectural Hall.

Attire - Willy Wonk costumes are great, but I have no clue how many people
will do so...If not in costume, we expect the kids to dress a little nicer
than usual, but it's definitely not on my checklist to grade kids' for the adults, I'll be harshly critical and admonishing.

In truth, last year there was a real mix, but many of the adults dressed up
a bit...go as you please...just don't complain if your tux winds up with
face paint on it.

Demeanor - We'll be having a blast, but we expect our kids to be aware that
we are representing New City and River Kids of course...that just means I'll
have to watch the dirty jokes...the kids will be fine.

Responsibilities - The kids will need to work some of the tables - raffles,
merchandise sales, ticket sales, and stream table.  They will also need to
be ready to give their speeches (if applicable) or join us on stage when
necessary.  If they are asked to help with something, no questions
asked...they need to follow through.  That's a biggie.

Adult responsibilities...We'd love some help at the raffle, silent auction,
merchandise, and ticket sales tables, but the kids will be handling most of
the would just be nice to know that our RK parents are keeping an
eye out.  Other than that, you're there to party and be proud.  Bring a
camera...and maybe a tissue or two.

Seating - You will be given a seat by the people working the front table at
the entrance upon arrival.  And don't worry, we put the cool people at your

Tickets - If you have not done so, please pick up your tickets to the event.
You are eligible for door prizes if you have a stub to drop in the bucket at
the entrance.  Tickets may be picked up in the hall tomorrow morning and
afternoon.  If you aren't able to get them, we'll be holding them for you at
the door.

Rides/Carpooling - It's up to you to arrange for your child to be at the
City Museum by NO LATER than 5pm...before then is better.  If your child
needs a ride, of course you may ask other parents, but you may also arrange
something with Claire, Charlotte, or me.  We are able and willing to take
some kids with us in our vehicles.  Just make sure we know that's the plan.

Let me know if you have any other questions...I hope I've covered the gamut.

Rock on!


Friday, April 18, 2008

River Trip Form

This is the release form that we MUST have in hand before your River Kid leaves on the camping trip May 3.  We'll also be sending out a schedule and supply list to help out, but that's not in hand yet.

Attached file can be viewed by clicking here.


Thursday, April 17, 2008

New Map for Earth Day

Here's a much more specific map for Earth includes where the RK
booths will be as well as where all the stages are for performances.  Geez,
we're getting the royal treatment...they made us our own personal map.  In
truth, the organizers at Earth Day do love the River Kids...of course,
what's not to love?

Notice we're right by the main stage, so we'll have lots traffic and free
entertainment all day long...that is in addition to shooting spitwads at
Claire.  Don't worry, we pick all the spitwads up (at least the ones that
didn't stick) at the end of the day...sorry if you signed up for cleanup.

Thanks for volunteering your tents...Dan Welby came through early on, so I
think we're set for tents...The Birches are bringing the other...correct me
if I'm wrong...but just on that issue...on other issues, just let me believe
I'm right.

I've had a couple people volunteer to bring snacks...we'd love to get some
more...maybe a cooler of drinks?  We'll have water in a cooler for everyone
as well.  Let me know if you will be bringing snacks...the more the
merrier...Heck, worst case scenario, we have to get another tent to shade
the snacks...

Oh and I hear the 5th grade, or at least some of them, will be performing a
stepping routine at 4:50 in the eco-arts pavilion...that's on the map
too...the pavilion, that is - not the routine.

One more thing (as if that were true)...Parents don't have to stay with us
for Earth Day... though they are welcome...If you choose to drop your child
off, please make sure you touch base with us before leaving.  And leave a
contact number...You are welcome to send money with your child as well if
you're okay with them "losing" it when I get hungry...Or if you're okay with
them going to get food from the vendors...Or if they want to buy some of the
new tax-free, duty-free River Kids merchandise.

See you at the big event!


Anyone Got a Kayak?????

We're looking to put on a little skit before the 4th grade assembly on
Friday to promote ticket sales and raffle items.  We'd like to have a kayak
as a prop for the skit.

Is there anyone out there with one lying around that we could borrow???...we
have purchased one from REI, but it won't be in until Saturday.

Let me know ASAP...



Wednesday, April 16, 2008

RK Schedule for the Week

Hey everyone!

The Trailnet Cleanup was a blast this weekend!...Thanks to all the hard-core
river-enthusiasts who put up with the cold, the wind, and the sleet.  The
big story of the day was that the kids actually found a pillowcase full of
old jewelry and won an REI backpack for finding the most valuable prize.
What a crazy day!

I still have River Kids calendars for you all in my room...I forgot to give
them all out at the last if you would like one, swing by or
have your River Kid grab one.

These next two weeks are the craziest of the year for River hunker
down and strap in your gear...there's whitewater ahead.

We need everyone to chip in wherever possible in order to pull off Earth Day
and the Benefit.

Please sign your River Kid up for at least one two-hour shift on Sunday,
April 20.  The sign up sheet is posted outside the PA Room.  We'll need at
least one person with a big vehicle to help out with setup and one for break
down at the end of the day.  The more the merrier...Kids can stay to help
out as long as you'd like...Parents are welcome to help as well.  I'll send
a separate email with details just on Earth Day.

River Kids are all invited every day of the week to come to the PA room and
help with Earth Day or the Benefit.  There are numerous things being done on
any given day that could be taken over by a River Kid.

Ticket and Merchandise sales will continue.  Kids have signed up for
shifts...If someone would like to help sell, but can't find a slot, please
let me know.

Here's the general scoop on the daily meetings:

Monday - Bracelet/Necklace Making Session - We will be making necklaces
using 100 beads...each bead represents one percent of all water on Earth.
97 green and blue = saltwater
2 clear = ice caps
1 silver = precious one percent of all water that is useable freshwater
Our kids will talk about this with others at earth day and our benefit
dinner.  They will sell the bracelets as well.

Also Monday - Rap Group Set Designers...there are still a couple things that
need to be painted...

Tuesday - Earth Day/Stream Table Practice Session - This is a big meeting.
We would like everyone there if possible.  We will go over the Earth Day
Booth Responsibilities, practice on the stream table, discuss the bracelet
activity as well as the recycled river creatures activity.

Wednesday - Rap Rehearsal - Down to two rehearsals...everyone who is cast in
the performance NEEDS to be there.

Thursday - Benefit Dinner Walkthrough for Planning Committee Members
only...speak with Charlotte about whether you are supposed to be there or
not.  Charlotte and I will be driving these kids to the City Museum and

Friday - Large Group Meeting - Final Meeting about Earth Day to discuss all
responsibilities and practice for the event

Also Friday - FINAL RAP REHEARSAL - All cast members MUST be there.

Sunday - St. Louis Earth Day Festival in Forest Park - Shifts available from
9:30am to 7pm.

Let me know if you have any questions.  Being a River Kid is almost a
full-time job through these next two weeks.  We recognize that means some
parents will be working overtime as well...thanks ahead of time (from
Charlotte and Claire as well) for ALL the schedule shuffling, transporting,
discussion, and encouragement you'll be investing...You help make this whole
experience amazing.


REI Climbing Night 2

This Tuesday will be the 2nd REI Climbing Night.  I have a full list of kids
climbing on this night, so it is likely that you will have to get there
early and stay for a while to get two or more climbs in...It takes a while
to get through the line even with two people belaying.

Here are a couple of things that will help speed up the process and make the
evening go as well as last week' was a blast, and the REI crew was
VERY complimentary of our kids.

1) Wear thin socks.
2) Come early if you want more climbing time.
3) Sign BOTH sides of your release form ahead of time and bring it with you.
4) Be there at 5:30-5:45 for the directions so you don't have to get
directions given to you separately.
5) Make sure you leave a contact number on your release form.  We didn't
need them last time, but we want to be sure we have them.

Last time some siblings got to climb simply because we had less
people...While that was cool, it probably won't happen this time with such a
large group.

The climbing time is 5:30-8:30pm...see you there!


Earth Day Details

Earth Day this year is turning out to be our best BY all should
know ahead of time that this day is a LOT of fun for all...if you've not
been to the event at all, it's just a great event in general.  But our booth
experience is a ton of fun by itself.

On top of all the fun we have, it's a GREAT day to network.  The River Kids
name is fast becoming well-known around our region thanks to our involvement
in events like this.  All kinds of river/earth/friendly folks will be out
and about Forest Park on Sunday...Our kids and parents will get the chance
to meet MANY very connected people and spread their ideas to thousands of

Several of the kids have discussed this year's booth and this is what they
have planned:

1) Stream Table - kids will run 20-minute sessions with 5-10 minutes between
for setup.  These sessions will happen all day.

2) Water Necklaces - Festival participants will have the chance to buy
bracelets for $2 or make their own for free.  There will be an area where
kids and adults may sit down to create their own.

3) River Creatures - Festival participants will be invited to use their
creativity to fabricate river creatures out of recyclable materials we

4) Sales - We will also sell River Kids Merchandise to raise more money for
the benefit dinner, as well as event tickets and raffle tickets.

Stream Teams will have their booth next to ours as well.  They will have an
aquarium with live critters...they have asked us to chip in with their booth
as much as we would like as well.  So some of our kids will work with them.
Should be a fun connection.

Also know that you and your River Kid may be there for as long as you'd
like.  We created shifts to make sure that someone is there the whole day,
but the more the's a great team-building day as well.

The Rap Group will be performing at the times posted in previous emails.
Check the stage schedules for exact times at the event.  If you're there and
free, please show up to rap along...should be a hoot!

As always, let me know if you have any questions about this event.  And
let's hope for warmer AND rainless weather for next weekend!!!!


RSVP - River Trip

River Kids annual canoeing/camping trip along the Meremac River is coming up
May 3-4.  I'll be sending out permission/release forms from Land for
Learning closer to the event.  At that time I'll give you all the details.

The short description is - We leave at about 8am on Saturday, May 3, spend
the day on the river paddling up to our campsite.  Then we camp out
overnight on the river and canoe on to the end of our journey Sunday
morning.  We'll return to New City at around 5pm Sunday, May 4.  It's a
powerful trip both in terms of the connection with the river and the
connection between the kids.  Land for Learning puts together amazing

For now, I need to generate fairly firm numbers for the Land for Learning
crew.  They need to begin their preparations, especially with our group
potentially being 50 strong.

So please reply to this email explaining if your River Kid(s) will be on the



Earth Day

Hello All!

I'm looking forward to this weekend and the annual Earth Day Festival in
Forest Park.  For those of you who've been, you know this can be a very cool
event for all.

Thanks to all those who've signed up to be there so far...We've got lots of
help in the morning...that should make setup easy.

In addition to the activities we'll have at our booth, we'll also have kids
performing the H20 Rap.  I should have made this clear earlier...We don't
expect any kids from the rap group to work the booth.  However, they are
welcome if that's something they'd like to do.

Here's the performance schedule in case you need it again:

12:20—12:30    Café Stage

1:25—1:35         Main Stage

3:00—3:10         Café Stage

3:30—3:40         Main Stage

I'm attaching the event map I was given...We are in D2 and have been given
sites 1&2...not sure if the numbers start at the left or right on the map.
However, we should be on one end or the other...

I do not know where the main stage or the café stage will be either...I'll
try to find out from the organizers.

The H2O Group will meet at our booth at 11:45 and get everything ready to

VOLUNTEERS?  We like to provide snacks and drinks for the kids (and by
"kids" I mean me) all day...If you're interested in arranging the snacks
and/or drinks, or a portion of them, let me know...

Anyone have a 10x10 pop-up tent?  The Birches are loaning us one...we need
one more to provide shade...Yes, there will be sun...

Looking forward to an awesome day...let me know if you have any questions.


Friday, April 11, 2008

Confluence Cleanup Rain Info

This is the situation in terms of weather for this may check the website below for notification on cancellation.  However, it looks like the rain is moving out...of course the cold is moving in.

So it's a cleanup for the hard-core river lovers out there.  Wear your long-johns.  :)

Again, the cleanup runs from 8am-12pm on Saturday with lunch at about 11:30.

Here's some other info/advice from those who've been in the trenches:

  1. Wear layers
  2. Wear long sleeves and pants...RK T-shirts go on top!
  3. Bring your own heavy duty gloves...there will be lightweight gloves provided
  4. Wear sturdy shoes or boots
  5. Bring extra clothes, including shoes
  6. Bring a towel
  7. Bring something to cover your car seats for the ride home
  8. Water and other drinks will be provided
  9. Lunch is provided

Hope to see you there...if you haven't RSVP'd you're still welcome to join in the air-quoted fun.  :)

Let me know if you have any questions.


------ Forwarded Message
From: Kevin Keach <>
Date: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 16:17:48 -0500
To: Kevin Keach <>
Subject: Confluence Cleanup Rain Info

Thank you for registering for the Confluence Clean Up at the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge on Saturday.  The weather forecast for that day currently includes a 40% chance of rain.  We really do not want to cancel the event unless it is raining and it looks like the rain will continue through the morning.  If it is cancelled, we will post that information on the Trailnet and Confluence websites as early as possible on Saturday morning.  So if you have any concerns check there first before coming to the clean up.

Thanks again!

Marc Clemens
Sponsorship and Events Manager

------ End of Forwarded Message

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


There is an H2O Rap Rehearsal this afternoon in the theater from 3:30-5pm.

There will be rehearsals Friday, and next Wed and Thursday as well.

Performances are currently scheduled for April 13 at 12:30 - Thurtene
Carnival and 4 performances between noon and 5pm on April 20 at the St.
Louis Earth Day Festival.

It is VERY important that the kids in this group be at rehearsals if at all
possible.  We have a professional theater group hired to work on this.

If your child is not going to be there, but is planning on performing, I
need to know.  Otherwise, I will assume your child is not involved.



REI Climbing Night 1

The first of two REI Climbing Nights is tonight at REI in Brentwood from

As a reminder, parents are welcome to stay or go as you please, although it
would be nice to have a few parents hang around for extra support.  I'll be
there the whole time, though, so if you just want to drop them off, that's

JUST IN CASE - leave a cell number on a piece of paper in your child's
pocket or on the release form, so if we need to contact you for any reason,
we can.

I've attached the REI release form...please fill it out and send it or bring
it with you to the event.

So if you are signed up for this first evening, I'll see you there!  Should
be a blast!


This Week's Schedule

Any day - stream table work from 3:30-4:30 -  Kids NEED some practice on the
stream table, so please find a day for your River Kid to stop by the PA room
and test out some ideas for how to teach with the Stream Table.

Today - Tuesday -
   - Any kids who have the time should stop by the PA room for a briefing
on the sales of tickets and merchandise.  We will be selling merchandise in
the halls.  There is a sign up for shifts to sell, but for today, we'd like
lots of people there.

   - Earth Day Planning - 3:30-4:30 - Some of the time will be spent on
learning about the stream table...some will be dedicated to finalizing the
plans for the other activities and making signs...lots of kids could help
with this.  No need to "sign up" for this committee...just show up.

Wed -
   - mentoring group - 3:30-5pm - library conference room
   - Rap group - PA room - 3:30-5pm

Thursday - Benefit Dinner Work Session - anyone is invited to come help -
with extra time, we'll work on the stream table.

Fri -
   - Rap Group - 3:30-5pm
   - Stream Table and Sales Discussions - ALL members encouraged to attend

Sign Up - sheets hanging outside the PA room
   - Please sign up for the shift that your River Kid will be working on
Sunday April 20 at the Earth Day festival in Forest Park.
   - Also please sign up for after school sales slots

Let me know if you have any questions...

Have a great day!


Monday, April 7, 2008

Trailnet Cleanup

There will NOT be a rain date for the Trailnet Cleanup.  If it's "raining
hard" that day, they will call it off.  You may check the Trailnet site that
morning or watch for an email from me for a cancellation notice.

Looking forward to it!


Sunday, April 6, 2008

Rides & Events

In caase anyone needs it, here's a link to all the details on Trailnet's
cleanup next weekend, April 12.

Looking forward to seeing some of you out there!


Trailnet Cleanup

The Trailnet Cleanup is coming up April 12. This is a big and fun
Marc, the organizer emailed and says the weather is not going to prevent
this one unless it gets worse...The high water isn't high enough to be a
problem right now.

Marc asked for a head count...So, would you please send me a reply
if you'll be there and how many of you will be there.



Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Stream Table Invitation

Adults and Kids alike...the new River Kids stream table is up and running in
the PA room an will be so for the next three weeks.  Feel free to stop by
any day after school and check it out...

Despite the incongruous nature of a stream table in the PA room, it is
wonderful to have it around...the Earth Day planning crew played around with
it today, and you can quickly see just how much fun it can be to learn about
rivers this way!

Take it easy!
