Friday, December 10, 2010

Vote to Launch a Downtown Bicycle Station in St. Louis

Trailnet has been good to River Kids along the way..we have some common ground along the trails by the rivers…if you like the idea of more bikes downtown, there's a link in the email below that will take you to the Pepsi Refresh site where you can vote for Trailnet's proposal…If you hate the idea of more bikes downtown, you can go to Pepsi Refresh and vote for some other cool project.

Hmmm….we should make up a River Kids entry….any thoughts…?


Click here to view Trailnet email

Something Fun - A Glogster Poster for River Kids

For those if you who don't know what Glogster is, it's a free online tool for creating digital posters…5th grade will be doing a project soon in Computers and Performing Arts using Glogster…

I needed an example, so I created a poster for River Kids…Thought you all might like to take a peek…you can check it out at the following link -

Regular meeting this Friday, 4-5pm.   We have our guests from the US Coast Guard Auxiliary coming to meet us and begin developing our paddling training program.  Parents and kids are both invited to attend.

Also, there will be a Board meeting from 5-6pm…dinner and drinks included as usual.


Vimeo: River Kids

Hello again!

I forgot to send out a link to the video footage we uploaded to the One Day On Earth project…Shannah handled the uploading and sent me a link.  I just forgot to send it on to you…until now…

We were only able to upload a portion of the footage…we're hoping they'll like what they see and ask us to send them the high-grade footage for inclusion in the full documentary…How cool would that be?

Keep your fingers crossed…many fingers in fact, since there were HUNDREDS of videographers out shooting that day…Sheesh, can you imagine the footage they have to wade through?!

Take care,


You can watch it here:

Friday, December 3, 2010


Hello, RK Families!

I apologize, but I need to cancel tomorrow's River Kids meetings…I'll have to pay you all back by scheduling 25 extra events and associated planning meetings in the coming months…okay, I'm kidding…sort of…  :)

We will have a regular meeting and Board meeting Dec 10.

I would like to invite all RK Family members to attend the December 10 meeting from 4-5pm…We have arranged to have the US Coast Guard Auxiliary work with River Kids over the next couple months to teach us all more about paddling safety.  Since there really isn't a paddling safety program for big rivers in existence, the USCGAux has agreed to develop a program with and just for River Kids based on our needs.  The December 10 meeting will introduce the kids to the USCGAux crew members and their resources.  It will also give the kids the chance to help develop the program by offering their ideas regarding what they want to learn from a paddling program.

This paddling safety training program is likely to be as unique as River Kids, and having such a program in place should allow us to continue to do the amazing river trips we've been doing with a blanket of safety techniques and standards to ensure all of our brave, adventurous crew members a safe return.

On that note, it is our intention to make participation in this new paddling safety a prerequisite for paddling with River Kids on the big rivers.  We are thinking that, while there's never a true guarantee that paddling a river will be perfectly safe, what we can control is what we know and how we approach our time on rivers.

Parents who would like to paddle with us will be asked to participate in the same paddling training, and all parents (those who intend to paddle and those who intend only to wave at us from the shore) are encouraged to attend training sessions, just so you are informed about what you're kids will be experiencing.

I have also arranged to have Mike Clark, the resident river expert and ever-amazing friend to River Kids, to come share some of his river experiences and a slideshow.  Mike will be able to give us insights that only he has…there are few people out there who know as much as he.  You are all welcome to attend that meeting as well.  I'll let you know when the date for that is set…

Sorry again, for the cancellation…I'll be seeing you all soon enough…

Rock on!
