Friday, December 18, 2009

Details on Paddling

So here are the details on tomorrow for those who are paddling -

First - we are definitely going - snow will not affect the trip at all (except to make it prettier) - rain would slow everything down, but it wouldn't stop us either...temperature will be reasonable...and water levels are at the normal seasonal low, so there are TONS of sandbars out icebergs yet, but possibly some ice chunks making their way south along with the eagles.

Second - If you did not pick up the gear you bought, Mike will have it at the river tomorrow morning.  He will also have gear there for all adults. His daughter has a house right there by North Riverfront Park so we'll have a place to go to change...Also nice to have a place nearby in case we need any additional support at any time during the trip.

The rest - We are meeting at NCS by 8am...I'll be there by 7:30am to open the doors for all who arrive after.  I'll put on a pot of coffee for anyone needing a perk-me-up or warm-me-up...

We'll leave NCS shortly after 8am and arrive at the put in about 8:50 - Mike will be there shortly after.  We'll check that everyone has the necessary gear and hear from Mike about winter paddling guidelines.

We'll portage the canoes and gear about 100 yards to from the parking lot to the river and then paddle out by 10am.

The paddle across to our camp on Mosenthein Island will take between 1-1.5 hours.

We'll make camp around 11:30 and collect firewood.  Mike will start the fire and get food out while we collect.

Lunch at noon.

Hike/Explore/Cleanup Mosenthein for about 2 hours.  Then We'll pack up and paddle back to the put in by about 4:30-4:45.  We'll change into non-river clothes and leave there by about 5:15.  We should be back to NCS by 6:00pm, hopefully a little before.

If you haven't read the email about how to gear the kids up, please make sure you read it carefully.  We are most concerned about heads, hands and feet.  And if you can't get your hands on those rubber boots, plastic bags taped around hiking boots are good...

Don't forget I have dry bags at school for anyone who wants one in the morning.

This will be a long, fun day despite the cold...we'll see things most people will never see and experience things most less adventurous beings will never experience.  No matter what happens you can be guaranteed of two things we'll all be bringing back...tired bodies and LOTS of great memories.

If you have any questions, email or call me - 314-680-9442.  Otherwise, I'll see you in the morning!


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Paddling Gear Update

Mike just contacted me about the gear...He works with several other crews around town, and some of his gear has gone missing.  He has all adults covered, but needs us to outfit our kids in the traditional pre-neoprene style.  Mike apologized for not having all the gear he thought he did.

I asked and Mike assured me that we will be fine in this gear as's not as easy or pretty as having the tetraprene/neoprene gear, but it will be fine.  He's mostly concerned about head, hands and feet.  So please take a look at the note he sent and make sure you have the right gear for this weekend or as close to it as possible.

Some of this was already necessary gear, but I'm sorry for the additional gear and the prep time that wasn't anticipated!

See you all soon!


Here's the note he sent me with how the kids should prepare:

Kids Winter Paddling Clothing
Try to avoid Cotton clothing, it won't dry and gets very heavy if wet.  Poly
blend, or wool or wool blend is best.

Three layer system + Rain / Snow layer

  • First layer = long underwear, top and bottom (can substitute sweat pants and shirt for long underwear)
  • Second layer = fleece coat and wool pants, blue jeans will work if necessary
  • Top layer = winter coat

Rain/Snow Layer
  • plastic poncho and plastic pants or rain suit
  • Head, Feet and Hands
  • Should bring two sets of each for a change just in case of wet head, wet feet and wet hands
  • Wool winter hat that covers ears + hood on coat
  • Thick Wool socks + plastic bags over socks
  • Thinsulate winter gloves, (ski gloves are good because they are generally water proof scarf to wrap around face if windy
  • Winter snow boots

Kids Clothing Tips and Notes

No Gym Shoes!!  only bring them to change into when we are done

"Farm boots" are good, they are rubber and come up over the calf.  I know that they can be purchased for $16-$20 at Wal Mart (yes, I know, I hate it too, but it's the cheapest and only place to get them easily) These farm boots will work all year for all cleanups, and garden stuff, etc.... Not a bad investment for the kids.

Don't forget to bring a pair of sweats or some type of change of clothing for the ride home.  Let this be a reminder to all to bring something to exchange for any muddy outerwear that shouldn't be worn in the cars and a reminder to drivers that it might be good to bring an empty rubbermaid tub to throw muddy stuff into for the ride.

I will bring a bunch of small wool gloves to put on under everyone's gloves or mittens.  They are cheap one size fit all that I got a while ago.  I have enough for all the river kids.


For paddlers this weekend...I'll still be sending another email about the details for Saturday...Mike is going through all the gear tonight and will report back to me about some final details...

I do have a menu worked up...Check it out:

  • Chili = 2 versions, veggie and meat.
  • Sandwiches = hot dogs, Italian subs, veggie subs and peanut butter
  • and jelly
  • Chips = Cheez-its (river rat faves), potato chips, tortilla chips
  • Fruit = apples, pineapple, bananas
  • Vegetables = veggie tray with carrots, broccoli, and peppers
  • Desserts = Smores
  • Drinks = hot apple cider, hot chocolate, tea, water

Anything you want that's not on this list you are welcome to bring along. This is just what we are providing.  Anyone want to bake some cookies?  :)

If you are planning to eat vegetarian, please reply to this email and let me know.  I'll make sure Mike knows our veg vs meat numbers tonight or tomorrow.



Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Paddling Driver

I have one additional driver on board for this weekend...with so many people going, we'll need at least one more.  Of the 5 adults going who haven't already volunteered, is there anyone willing to take a couple additional kids?


NRS Order Pickup

I'm checking with Mike to see when he'll be around with the gear that folks ordered on Friday...I'll let you all know when that time is...if you can't make it then, you could simply show up 15 minutes early on Saturday to get geared up.

I'll send out another note with the Friday time and firm up details on Saturday soon.  Thanks!


Forms for Paddling Due Today

Paddling Forms are due today for those going this weekend.  Make sure you email a reply with this permission form filled out.

Another copy of the waiver is attached in case you still need to print it and send it in.  I can accept waivers and permission forms through Friday, but I will not be able to guarantee that gear will be available to you unless I have confirmation that you are going (and your sizes) to me by this afternoon.

There are 21 people signed up to go!  Incredible!  Looking forward to it!


Monday, December 14, 2009

River Buddies

From Lee and Sam Regarding River Buddies:

This is an email to inform you all about River Buddies and allow you to make the official commitment to the project.  River Buddies will be meeting on on the following Thursdays in Ben's room from 4-5 each time:

  • February 11 and 25
  • March 11
  • April 8

There will also be a short river cleanup on April 10 for the big finale.

As a River Buddy, you would have one first grader assigned to you for the whole 5 meetings.  You would get to know the child and hopefully teach him or her about rivers.  Each meeting with them will involve an organized activity.  We've already planned those.  All you'd need to do is help your 1st grade buddy enjoy the activities.

We need all River Buddies to make a serious commitment to be there for every meeting...Your younger buddy won't have a partner if you're not there!

So please reply to this email and tell us if you are 100% certain you will be able to be a River Buddy...or tell us that you aren't going to be one.


Lee, Sam, and Ben

RK Update

Busy meeting Friday...We kicked off 8 new projects and revived 2 older projects!

Project leaders presented short summaries of each project and the work their committees would be doing.  Then all River Kids chose a committee on which to work.

There's lots of work to be done ahead, but it was a great start. Lots of enthusiasm and creativity all around.  Rock on River Kids!

Looking Ahead:

Though it's only December, no doubt we will look back in May and wonder where the time went.  I will keep you posted on dates for events as they are set by project committees.  While you do not need to be at every event, we certainly hope that each River Kid does his or her best to chip in whenever possible.  That said, all of our weekend activities really are optional. Please decide how mcuh you and your family can do (or want to do) with River Kids...It is our intent to schedule lots of fun options for the kids and for family members, the younger and the wiser!

Keep an eye on my emails for more info on some of these future events:

  1. Paddling Trips with Mike Clark (every month)
  2. Dugout Canoe Project with Mike Clark and John Ruskey (All spring)
  3. Polar Bear Pickup (sometime in Jan-Feb)
  4. Spring Break Family Outing
  5. Trailnet Cleanup - March 27
  6. Earth Day Festival in Forest Park - April 25
  7. Annual Paddling Camping Trip (Date TBD)
  8. RK Family End of the Year Party - May 21

Remember to get your paddling forms in if you're going.  I need sizes by no later than Wednesday if you are borrowing gear.

Rock on!


Jack Biggs

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Winter Paddling with Mike

I've heard from lots of folks about joining us next Saturday for winter paddling.  There are 17 folks signed up to paddle!

There is still time to join the trip...I need to know by Wed.

If you have not filled out the liability waiver (attached) please do so ASAP and return it to me.

Also, if you've not done so, please fill out the emailed permission slip (copied below).  It has a place on it where you can enter the sizes of gear you will need.  Mike needs to know this by next Wednesday at the latest, so he can organize the gear and have it ready to go on Friday night.

We are meeting at NCS at 8am.  There are lots of kids going and a few adults.  If you are able to drive a few River Kids in your vehicle, please plan on doing so and let me know how many you can take.



Thursday, December 10, 2009

River Kids General Meeting Friday

There is a general meeting for all RK members on Friday in the library from 4-5pm.

We will be discussing the year's proposed projects and dividing into groups that will serve as planning committees for each project.

Note: You will not be charged for Extended Day services on any day your child is meeting with River Kids. Your child should go straight from school to Extended Day for snack.  River Kids will then be sent to the library from there at 4pm.


Jack Biggs

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Winter Paddling

So, in case you weren't there, Mike Clark came to visit Friday afternoon and explained to the group about the necessary gear for a winter paddle.  I'm attaching the documents he brought with him...One is an explanation/checklist of what to bring on a trip.  (FYI - It includes a rental list on the last two pages that doesn't apply to our situation.)

The other document is a pricelist he put together with options for our families.  The prices on that sheet are after discount but have approximate shipping costs included.  So the price on the sheet is exactly what you would need to pay.

Mike also agreed to provide gear for any kids or adults who do not wish to purchase their own.  I'm thrilled about this and didn't know that before the meeting or I would have said so.  So YOU DO NOT NEED TO PURCHASE GEAR in order to take part in any of the paddling trips.  We will have to let Mike know what gear he will need to provide.  So I'll gather that info before each trips and forward to Mike.

If you still want to purchase gear at the discounted prices, you will need to get your order info to me by Tuesday.  Mike wants to place the order as soon as possible, so it's here for the next trip.

Please also include a check with your order for the necessary amount.  Make checks out to "River Kids at New City School" and I'll have one check made out for the whole amount.

My offer to place an order for you that will provide the basic gear for a kid at $150 (boots, wetsuit and gloves) or an adult at $180 (boots, wetsuit and gloves) still stands. However, I'd like to hear again from anyone who wants me to do so, simply because now it's not NECESSARY to purchase gear and that may have changed some minds.  Just pop me an email confirming that you would still like me to take care of this for you.  If I don't have your sizes, send that info as well.

The pricelist has many extra options on if you are interested in purchasing more than the basics, use the form and bring it to me by Tuesday with a check for the necessary amount.  Again, please make checks out to "River Kids at New City School."

The next trip is definitely going to be on December 19.  More details will be sent closer to the trip, but know that we are intending to spend the whole day from 8am-4pm on the trip.  All River Kids and Adults are invited to join us.  Lunch, snacks, and drinks (beyond your necessary water bottle) will all be provided.

Please let me know if you have any questions at all about the gear or paddling trip.  Mike has offered his contact information to you all as well: and cell - 314-610-4241.  He is willing to answer any gear questions or trip-related questions as well.

Looking forward to some EXCELLENT paddling experiences soon!


Attached files are located here and here.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Mike Clark Tomorrow

Mike Clark will be here tomorrow (Friday) from 4-5pm.  He will be talking with the River Kids about winter paddling and the gear you need in order to be safe.  He will also be showing a slideshow of images he's taken on trips to the three islands along the Mississippi just north of St. Louis - Maple Island, Duck Island, and Mosenthein Island.

Mike still plans to offer all of us the chance to order anything we'd like from the NRS catalogue at about 60% of the retail value.  This is an amazing chance to grab some gear or maybe secure a gift or two for some young paddler you know.

In order to take advantage of this offer, you may visit the online catalogue at and find the items you'd like.  Then either join us during the latter half of the meeting to write your order in with Mike, or send me an email with what you want and I'll figure your total and collect from you later on.

Mike will not be taking any orders from kids directly at the meeting.  Only parents may do the ordering.

The next paddling trip is tentatively scheduled for Saturday, December 19 - 1st Day of Winter Break - 8am-4pm.  We're hoping this will be a great way to kick off break.  We won't have the time constraints associated with the evening trips...we'll paddle out to Mosenthein Island (around to the East side) and clean for a couple hours, making piles of the biggest items and carting off bags of the smaller/lighter things.  Mike tells me the lack of leaves makes it easy to see a tremendous amount of trash, including some bigger items that will take a great amount of effort to remove.

Mind you, if we don't clean up these islands, no one else will.  There's no way to access them except by boat, so there are very few people equipped (and willing) to carry out a venture like this.  River Kids ROCK!

Mike tells me that we can take AS MANY PEOPLE AS WE WANT.  He will commandeer the boats, equipment and guides to if the ENTIRE River Kids clan and all its friends want to go, we'll make it happen.  Of course, winter paddling gear is a MUST, so gear up now and enjoy the trip later!

Hope to see you all soon!


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

River Kids Meeting Friday

Hello all,

The RK Board met recently to lay out ideas for projects for the year.  It was a very productive meeting ending with each Board member taking on the task of leading a project or two.  At an upcoming meeting, those leaders will present their project ideas to the whole group and all members will sign up to work on one project as part of a planning committee.  (Schedule permitting, and with parent permission, kids may sign up to help out on more than one committee.)

It was our intent to have this happen at the next meeting, but I've heard from Mike Clark that he is able to reschedule his winter paddling workshop with the kids for this Friday.  SO mark your December RK calendar with these changes:

  • Dec 4 - General Meeting - dedicated to presentation from Mike Clark
  • Dec 11 - (Previously a Board Meeting) General Meeting - dedicated to project introductions and committee work

We will also be adding a new date for paddling with Mike.  We are planning to shoot for a SATURDAY now, or perhaps one of the days on Winter Break.  It gets dark VERY early these days, and Mike is trying to make the switch for us this time around.

A little more info on how the committees work:

RK Projects are driven by the work done in by the small groups who take charge and lead the way.  This is a great way for all the kids to participate in some of the decision making and problem solving that has in the past led RK to success.

We will have times during regularly scheduled meetings for these groups to work.  However, many of the groups will need more time to work between meetings.  We will set up afterschool meetings for those groups in the 3:30-5:00 range and will usually work in my room when it's available.  I work with each group to pick a day that seems best for most then we will publish those meeting days and times for all.

Some will not be able to make it to those additional meetings because of other commitments.  Those who can make it do their best to keep others in the loop as decisions are made.  There's really no other way to keep things moving, especially on some of the bigger projects.

I also work with teachers to set up meetings during recess when it fits. Sometimes there's a quick decision that needs to made, or some extra work to be done that can fit in that time frame.

So, NEXT WEEK - I will send out a list of all the committees ahead of time. Project leaders will give details at the Dec 11 meeting and we'll split into groups to work.

It's been a quiet fall after the benefit, but watch out...River Kids are on the move.  :)
