Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Green Roof Trip Thursday

I've heard from a decent number of people that they are able to attend the trip this Thursday.  If you are still interested, please notify me.  There is still room on the bus.

As it turns out, I'm told we will be ending things out at SIUE at 5:30, so we'll probably be back more like 6:30.

Please send a snack with your RK so we can all avoid the afternoon hunger funk...I'm the only one allowed to be cranky.

We'll meet in my room right after school Thursday.  I'm not usually a stickler on time, but in order to make it to SIUE on time, we've got to bolt out of NCS.  The bus will pull away at 3:40, so please send word if you're running least then we can avoid an embarrassing situation where you're driving behind us flashing your lights and swerving back and forth trying to get our attention while we're obnoxiously caught up in a rousing round of Johnnie's Got A Head Like A Ping-Pong Ball...

See ya!


Monday, April 27, 2009

RSVP River Trip

I need to collect a number for Land for Learning so they'll have enough canoes for us on Saturday and Sunday.

Please reply to this email with IN or OUT status as soon as possible

We've adjusted the float takeoff time to 1pm for those coming late.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Earth Day and more

Thanks to all the kids and family members who made this Earth Day experience another success.  While we sold some items and met a lot of great people who were interested in what River Kids is and what we do, but the hit of the day was the stream table.

There were many kids and adults who visited the booth who were absolutely enthralled by the River Kids as they led lessons on the Stream Table...The kids should be very proud of their work...tired, but proud.  I know I am...proud, that is.  Actually, tired too.

Thursday will be the first of three green roof trips.  I will send a separate email with a permission slip for that trip.

Saturday and Sunday will be the annual RK Camping Trip with Land for Learning, the same crew who operates the New City 4th and 6th grade camping trips during the school year.  I'll be sending yet another separate email regarding the details of that trip along with another permission slip.

I'll be in touch soon...and then soon after...


Green Roof Trip

I need confirmation from all RK families planning to attend the Green Roof Trip on Thursday from 3:40-7pm.  We will be meeting Dr. Retzlaff at SIUE to learn about the research they have been doing regarding green roofs.  This is an amazing opportunity for our kids and parents to get the inside scoop from a leader in the field.

We have a bus scheduled to take us on the trip.  River Kids may join us with or without parents, but kids attending without parents need a permission slip.  A reply to this email with the name of the River Kid inserted below will suffice.

I give permission for ____________ to travel by bus with River Kids to Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville to hear Dr. Bill Retzlaff speak and to tour the green roof research facilities there on April 30.  I understand that my child will be leaving from New City School at 3:40 and returning at 7pm.

The number to call that evening in case of emergency:______________________

Parent's e-signature:

Kids joining us with parents will not need a permission slip, but I do need to know you are planning to attend.  Just let me know who's coming in a reply.


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Earth Day

Thank you to all the kids and family members who have signed up to take part in hosting our Earth Day booth at the Festival this Sunday. A special thanks to those who were able to dedicate hours of their free time in preparation. 18 kids showed up over the course of the three days to learn about the stream table and how to use it to teach others about rivers!

This is one event that has been on our schedule since the very beginning of River's an RK tradition. And with the weather being what it appears it will be, this will be a beautiful day to be out in Forest Park!

We take part in this festival to fulfill our mission to teach others about rivers and related issues. This is a great opportunity for the kids to be advocates for rivers on one of the largest "stages" available.

On Sunday, many of our kids will operate a stream table where they get the chance to be the knowledgeable ones, the experienced ones...the leaders. Still others will have conversations with festival goers that open their eyes to the fact that kids can do amazing things. In our circles it's common sense that rivers need to be protected, and yet there are many, often even earth-minded, people out there that still don't understand just how important our mission is. I guarantee you there will be many people of all ages who walk away from our booth with a greater appreciation for our waterways and for our kids.

Attached is a map of the festival. Although we have not been given a specific site yet, we are within section 13, Nature and Natural Resources. We asked to be near a water source, so I'm hoping they will place us very close to the side of the section by the fountain. That would mean the kids would get less of an upper body workout transporting water buckets across the site...

We will also be selling River Kids merchandise to raise additional funds for our projects. We have recently added a set of small buttons/magnets, hats of various colors and designs, and 100% biodegradable water bottles to the list of products we offer.

River Kids who have not signed up for a specific time slot may still show up to work. Again, parents are more than welcome to stay and help, but I will be there all day with other adults to supervise any kids who need to show up without an adult.

I will be providing snacks and drinks for workers throughout the day. River Kids who will be working through lunch may want to bring lunch or money to purchase food at the festival.

I did not receive any volunteers for setup on Saturday night, so if you want to be a RK superhero, this is now an easy opportunity. We are allowed in the park from 4-7pm as it turns out, so I'll be packing everything up at NCS around 4pm and heading over. With some help, we could be done by dinner time. Let me know if you can help out.

Last cell is 314-680-9442 in case you need it this weekend. If you are leaving a child with me, it would be a good idea to make sure I have a contact number for you as well.

I'm looking forward to another great Earth Day experience!


Download attached file here.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Last Minute - Something to Consider...

I received this from a friend today or I would have sent it sooner...I thought some of you might be interested in attending.  It's really only open to middle and high school students or adults, but I thought all of you might consider it...I will not be there, although I'd love to go...if you go, let me know what you hear!


Presented by the Academy of Science - St. Louis and the Missouri History Museum

Go Outside and Play: Outdoor Recreation in America
Featured Speaker: Jim H. Wilson, Ph.D., E. Desmond Lee Professor of Experiential and Family Education, University of Missouri - St. Louis and Forest Park Forever

Tuesday, April 21, 7 - 8:30 p.m.

Missouri History Museum - Lee Auditorium Lindell and DeBaliviere in Forest Park, St. Louis, MO 63112

FREE and OPEN to ALL. Middle and high school students welcome. Parking free in Museum lot or in Forest Park.

The "great outdoors" has featured prominently in family and community life throughout the history of our city and our country; and conventional wisdom has it that playing outdoors is healthy, expansive, educational and good. From fishing to football; reflection to rough-housing, we have grown up as a people enjoying the outdoors.
Skills of the pioneers became the recreation of sportsmen. Common fields of the colony became the parks of the city; and when we welcomed immigrants to our ranks, we welcomed them early to the outdoors. Today, the recreational focus on the outdoors is less sharp.
Even as research shows that time outside makes us healthy and helps us think better, the outdoors seems to hold less interest for the young.
Team sports are more and more a spectator activity and fields and streams may be seen as old fashioned and mundane compared to the electronic wizardry of the virtual world. Join E. Desmond Lee Professor, Dr. Jim Wilson as he reviews the rich history of outdoor recreation and considers current trends and implications, including a new movement to renew connections to the outdoor world.

Cleanup Saturday

There is a cleanup/planting this Saturday in Deer Creek Park from 9am-1pm. It's hosted by our great, and oh-so-active, friends at River des Peres Watershed Coalition.  I plan to be there early on.  If you can make it, come join in the last of their scheduled cleanups before summer hits!


Sunday, April 19, 2009

RK Update

There are three meetings scheduled for this week (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday) all related to preparation for Earth Day.  These are not REQUIRED meetings, but I encourage all River Kids to choose at least one day to work. River Kids are welcome to attend all three.

Anyone planning to lead on the stream table should be there at least two of the three days in order to get practice in.  There are a lot of details regarding the operation of the table that must be handled by the kids.

RK who have not signed up for a shift at the festival should stop by the PA room and choose a shift.

PARENTS are welcome to stay and help, but kids may also join us without parents.  I will be there all day to supervise, and other adults will be there as well.

Earth Day details to come - Look for another email later this week with the details that are sent to me from the organizers.  They usually send a map with our location and directions for the day.

Thanks to all the kids and parents who've been so active in this most active part of the season.  I can't thank you all enough!


Green Volunteer

Is there anyone out there that would like to set up a stationary camera and shoot pics periodically on May 9 as the roof goes in?  We're hoping to capture the progression in a series of pics.

We'd also like to have someone (kid or adult), or a couple someones, using one of our Flip Video cameras to shoot footage of the event.

This is a wonderful event worth documenting.  Please let me know if you are interested.


River Kids and the Green Roof

As was discussed at the recent RK Board meeting, River Kids was offered the chance to take part in the series of field trips in connection with the new green roof installation.  Kids involved in this project will learn in detail about our green roof and then eventually report what they've learned at an assembly.

We can bring up to 20 kids on each of the trips. It's my opinion that the optimal situation would be to have a small group of no more than 15 kids who are willing to take part in all three trips - this would involve three afternoons from 3:30-6pm - dates TBD soon.

I will be receiving dates from the three locations (Jost Greehouses, River City Landscape, and SIUE) soon, and I know that the final decision to participate may depend upon the chosen dates. For now, I need some early commitments from some kids to see where we stand.

A few parents would be welcome on the trips as well.

River Kids and family members interested in participating in this project should let me know ASAP.  When dates are announced, you will need to make a final decision.



Friday, April 17, 2009

RK Camping Trip

The RK Camping Trip is coming up relatively soon - May 2-3.

There will be many more details to come, including a permission slip, suggested packing list and a more detailed description of the trip.

In short, we are planning on leaving in the morning on Saturday May 2 at 9:00am and returning May 3 at 5pm.  These details may change a little as we get closer.

We will meet Land for Learning staff at Meremac State Park for some activities.  Later we will canoe to a predetermined camping site and spend the night on the river.  We will canoe to our takeout in the morning and return to New City School by 5pm.

We understand that there are several River Kids involved in secondary school activities on Saturday morning.  If you need to drive your child to catch up to us, that should work fine.  There are some parents already planning to do so who have offered to take more kids if necessary.  Please contact me if your child will be joining us late so I know exactly who to watch for.

Looking forward to another incredible trip, minus the frost we experienced last year.



There is NOT a full meeting today, but there is a River Sisters meeting as planned.

Please contact Charlotte if you need any details about today's meeting with the HHBGC Group.


Eco Expo

River Kids are hosting the booth and the Eco Expo this weekend on Saturday (not Sunday).  We are supposed to have people there to help operate the booth (Stand and chat with passers-by) all day.  I've got lots of people for the first half of the day on Saturday, but we need some in the 12pm-5:30pm range.

Please let me know if you can handle part or all of that time.



Cleanup and Planting This Weekend

Sorry for the short notice reminder here...I've been focused on the Eco-Expo and I forgot about the cleanup, invasive species removal and planting going on at Deer Creek tomorrow.

If you're not able to make it to the Eco-Expo, it would great if you can get out and help the crew at Deer Creek Park.

They are working all day with cleanup the first half and planting the second half as follows:

April 18, 2009  - Habitat Improvement at Deer Creek Park - 9 am to 4 pm (invasive species removal from 9 to 1, planting from 12 to 4).

Busy weekend!


Earth Day

I placed the sign up sheets outside my door.  Please stop by and sign up for a shift.

There is a separate sheet for the Stream Table because this is a larger commitment that the one day at the festival.  Kids working the stream table will need to attend the work sessions April 21-23 in the science room from 4-5pm.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009


All of you, parents and kids, are simply wonderful...who else stays out on a Tuesday night to get the chance to get Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s autograph on a trashy roller skate?

Susan, thanks so much for bringing the food...I'm not proud about it, but I ate all five sandwiches on the way home last night.  Best darn 9:30pm dinner I've ever had.  And thanks for holding down the fort while the rest of us were privy to the insights of one of the most influential environmentalists alive today.

And thanks to Karen, Theresa, and Henry for being a part of the fun...

And especially to the kids, many of whom will not get this message directly (pass it along)...they were excited and energized to be there, and yet composed and poised enough to hob-knob comfortably with whomever might have shown a bit of interest.  Kudos to them!

Once again, you all made me proud to be a part of this crazy adventure that is River Kids.

If you are able to volunteer for Saturday, please send me a note with a preferred time slot...or at least tell me morning, midday, or afternoon/evening.  If you can be there all day, that's great, but I'm not expecting that kind of commitment.  I haven't asked all of RK yet.  I thought if you all, who know what this is about now, can cover, any other volunteers would be able to fall in line with what you all have going.

We are encouraged to be there at 8am for setup, but I'm sure 8:30 will be early enough.  The doors won't open to the public until 9:30.  The event closes at 5:30pm.

Thanks again for all you hardcore RK kids and parents do!


Thursday, April 9, 2009

RK Update

Hello out there in River Kid Land,

I hope all is well...first, attached you'll find an invitation to the upcoming River des Peres Watershed Coalition meeting.  I thought some of you might be interested in attending.  Unfortunately, that's my son's b-day, so I'll be preoccupied...

Next, I'm cancelling the meeting for Friday.  This is a busy time for many in terms of religion and I think we're going to be meeting enough in April already with Earth Day coming around the bend.  More to come on Earth Day below.

Next next...We may be looking for some additional River Kids to come work our booth at the Eco-Expo April 18.  We are supposed to have people there all day.  If you think you can be there for any portion of the day, please let me know.

501c3 - After some discussion amongst adults and kids, it appears it may be in the best interests of River Kids to file for our own non-profit status independent of New City.  This is not so we can operate fact, we'll operate about the same I suppose, with two major exceptions.  One - money - we'll be able to pursue funding from sources that are not available to schools, but are to youth organizations.  Plus, we'll be able to receive donations from companies that have already given to NCS and have a policy against donating twice in the same year to the same Tax ID #.  2) Parent Board - We will need to form a Board that will keep us crazy River Kids in check.  If you're interested in serving on this new Board, please let me know and I'll keep you in mind as this develops.

Earth Day Sign-Up - As in the past, we will be needing people to sign up for shifts to work at Earth Day.  Kids should work out a time with parents and sign up outside my room.  Parent volunteers are welcome, but you may also drop your child off and walk around if you prefer.  There is much to see at the festival!  Barring any conflicts that prevent attendance, I expect kids to work a 2-hour shift.

NOTE - there will be a separate sign-up sheet for the Stream Table presentations...this group needs to work on the stream table during the work days prior to Earth Day to develop and practice lessons.

I'll be hanging posters around the building about Earth Day tomorrow after school.  If any kids can help, that would be great.

Merchandise Updates - We will be selling merchandise at the festival.  We have added new hats and 100% biodegradable BPA-free water bottles to the list of merchandise.  We've also extended our line of tees to smaller sizes for siblings.  No onesies yet...I should check into that...

Meeting/Event Reminders -
April 14 - 7pm - Kennedy Speech/RK Table
April 16 - RdPWC Meeting
April 18 - Eco -Expo at the Science Center all day AND River des Peres Cleanup - details to come
April 21-23 will be work days in preparation for Earth Day.  4-5pm every day.
April 25 - RdP Cleanup AND Evening Set up for Earth Day
April 26 - Earth Day
May 1 - Final Board Meeting for year
May 2-3 - River Kids Camping/Canoeing Trip with Land for Learning
May 8 - Full-Group Meeting
May 22 - Final Full Group Meeting for the year
End of the Year Party...Date TBA

Thanks to all of you for taking part in the blur of action these last couple months.


View attached file here.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Trailnet Trash Bash Pics

Here's an album taken by the photographer from the cleanup...Take a
look if you'd like to dredge up the memories.  :)


Friday, April 3, 2009

Annual Litter Pick-Up Along Deer Creek This Sunday

Some of you may remember Jennifer Fruend from the first RK benefit for
River des Peres Watershed Coalition...she was the representative there
who accepted the big check. She's a wonderful river supporter and
works hard to get her kids and families involved at Rohan Woods.

There is already a River des Peres Watershed cleanup on Saturday, but
if you can't make that one or want to do two in one weekend, here's
another opportunity as sent from Jen. They would love any help you
might be able to offer...and spread the word if you can!

The location to which she refers is one that RK have been to as's near the intersection of Marshall and Laclede Station...

Here's Jen's email:

Hi fabulous friends and families of Rohan Woods School!

I simply wanted to invite you all to join our annual spring Stream
Team Litter Pick-Up event this Sunday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. or some
timeframe within there. We will pick up trash along Deer Creek in
Maplewood. A few adults or older groups may venture east of the park---
there is always a lot of trash along there. We are hoping to clear the
banks to make the invasive plant removal and native replanting event
there (April 25) even easier and eye-catching.

We will have a huge trash dumpster from MSD to fill!

Please let me know if you can join us---I'd like to make sure I have
enough gloves, fruit and water available for our helpers!
Thank you for not only helping St. Louis look better and be
healthier---but also every place downstream along Deer Creek, the
River Des Peres, the Mississippi and eventually the ocean!

Jennifer Fruend
Science Specialist
Rohan Woods School <>

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

RK Update

RK Families,

Thanks again to all the families who toughed it out at the Trailnet
Crazy cool to see so many people braving the elements. Special kudos to
those who came out for their first cleanup...Let me tell you - it will
get worse, so next time will seem like a breeze. And extra kudos to Tim
Fox...super dad came out to join us on his birthday!

This weekend there are two opportunities to help along the RdP. There
is a
cleanup and honeysuckle hack along that section of the RdP near Mona and
Groby again. However, there is a native species planting going on at
Park Woods with some cleanup involved there as well if you're
Both opportunities are in the 9am-1pm range. Rain gear not
it is, we're all heading to Starbucks...we can pick up trash in their
lot on
the way in.

There are two more cleanups coming up April 18 and 25 as well. I'll
details about them as they approach.

There is a Board (not bored) meeting this week. We'll meet in the
conference room to discuss several major changes to the benefit and the
possibility of an RK celebration in lieu of the now-absent benefit this
spring. And a pay raise for Ben.

The STL Earth Day Festival is coming up fast - April 26. Please note
there are three work days in the schedule April 22-24 in preparation
for the
event. In order for the kids to be skilled at leading others on the
table, we will need this time to practice. (Excepting certain child
prodigies who never need any practice.) Please try to have your
non-prodigious River Kid at at least one of those work days...and more
possible. We will also use this time to prepare all of the materials
transport and display.

I will be posting an Earth Day schedule outside my room starting next
so you may sign up for shifts. Each shift will be 2 hours, although
you are
welcome to stay all day eating donuts and drinking juice boxes if
you've got
nothing better to do. There will be a setup shift on Saturday night
of Sunday morning. There will also be a breakdown shift to take
things back
to NCS around 6pm. The more the merrier at that point.

This year we will have a specific sign up for working the stream table.
Those kids who sign up will be expected to lead activities while other
Kids support them. It will be even more important that these kids
the prep sessions leading up to the event. They will be developing and
practicing the lessons they will teach. Oh what will the great sagacious
River Kids com up with this year????

Thanks to those families who have volunteered to work the table at the
Science Center on April 14. Those kids working will be able to attend
speech as well. Kennedy promises to speak about our responsibility to
preserve our Earth for future generations...and here our kids are that
generation and they're already taking responsibility...ahead of their
game I

The eco-expo (check out the website at looks to be a
wonderful experience for all ages. If you are planning to attend,
shoot for
Saturday when the RK booth will be there! Stop by and check it out!

See you out and about,


St. Louis Science Center Eco Expo

Attached you'll find a flyer on the Kennedy event at the Science Center.
Please forward to as many people as you'd like. Kennedy speaks April
14 and
the expo is on the weekend, April 18-19. River Kids will be operating a
table April 14 and a booth at the expo April 18. Join us if you can!
