Friday, March 26, 2010

Cleanup Tomorrow

Hello all,

I hope break has gone well for all of you!

As of right now, I've only heard from Alex P., Gerald M., and the Fee family regarding the cleanup tomorrow.  I'm sure some of you are out of town, but if you're around please consider joining me tomorrow. For the past 3 years, River Kids has been able to provide at least 10-15 volunteers, and I'd love for our tradition to continue.

The cleanup runs from 8:30am-12pm with lunch provided for all volunteers. In addition, there are prizes (usually gear from REI) being given away for interesting items found at the cleanup.

All ages are welcome!

Also, Alex and Gerald are the only ones who have signed up to paddle with Mike Clark...If "sunny, 63 degrees, and paddling the Mighty Miss" sounds like a great way to end your break simply email me to let me know how many you're planning on sending...

I will gladly take any kids who do not have transportation to the event.  I can even pick someone up if necessary...just let me know.

I hope to see some more of you out there tomorrow!

Take it easy!


Sunday, March 21, 2010

River Time!

For those of you in town looking to get in some river time, there are two major ways to get involved this coming weekend. Please take a look at the details and let me know if you will be at either or both. A quick email will suffice.

On Saturday, March 27, one of the biggest cleanups in the region is being hosted up at the Confluence of the Missouri and Mississippi Rivers. Missouri River Relief, Trailnet, Confluence Greenway and many more organizations are teaming up to bring out the masses for their annual Trash Bash. If the weather is good, there are likely to be more then 500 people out cleaning the banks of the two biggest rivers around. Last year the weather was horrible, and there were still more than 300 volunteers braving the elements!

By the way, thanks to the organizers and the people involved, this cleanup is always not only one of the biggest, but one of the most fun for all!

River Kids is registered as a volunteer group, so if you would like to take part in this cleanup, check out the details and plan to come join me for the morning. I will be at the Old Chain of Rock Bridge site, but there's a Creve Coeur site as well if that's easier for some of you. Here are the details:

Prepare to get wet and dirty, have some fun and meet other environmentally conscience individuals at the Confluence Trash Bash, one of the region's biggest river clean-ups.

Volunteers will meet on Saturday, March 27, from 8:30 a.m. - 1:00p.m. at your choice of starting sites:

The Old Chain of Rocks Bridge
10950 Riverview Drive
St. Louis, MO 63137


Creve Coeur Park
2143 Creve Coeur Mill Road
St. Louis, MO 63146

The Trash Bash will end with lunch and prizes at noon at both locations.

Also - River Kids are set to paddle with Mike Clark this day. Any River Kids and family members will be allowed to paddle (Ages 7+) as long as all permission forms are completed and turned in that morning. I will send a separate email with permission forms and more information on the paddling.

The second way to get involved is to come join the River des Peres Watershed Coalition at Mona Terrace (where we removed oodles of honeysuckle in the fall) for a native planting session on Sunday, March 28...if cleaning rivers isn't your thing, or if you've got more to give after Saturday, please come out and help this wonderful group place over 600 new plants in the ground. If you have been to this site before, but haven't gone lately, you'll be amazed at how much it has changed - for the better - thanks to the dedicated volunteers who keep showing up. Here are the details on Sunday's event:

The River des Pères Watershed Coalition
invites you to help out this spring at
Mona Terrace in University City

Native Plant Restoration
Sunday, March 28, 2010
From 12:00-3:00

*      Open to the public
*      Children under 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
*      Dress for the weather.
*      Boots needed if entering water.
*      Gloves will be provided

From I-170 : about one mile east on Olive St. Rd. to Groby


From North and South Ave. about ¼ mile west on Olive St. Rd. to Groby

Then south on Groby about two blocks to the bridge over The River des Pères at Mona

I hope Spring Break has been a break for you all...Let's hope for some more of last week's weather soon!


Paddling with Mike

It's time for another paddling adventure with Mike Clark!  This trip coincides with the Trash Bash at the Confluence.  We will be leaving from Columbia Bottoms Conservation Area this time and paddling across to Duck Island where we will spend the morning making piles of trash to be collected later by the large skiffs of MO River Relief.

You do NOT need to paddle to come to the Trash Bash, but if you are interested in paddling, I will need a signed waiver (attached) and an email reply to this permission form indicating you plan to participate.

For all those planning to paddle with Mike Clark on March 27, please read the following:

Details - We will meet at the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge by 8:15am where we will register for the Trash Bash event and meet Mike Clark.  We will then travel to our put in at Columbia Bottoms Conservation Area with Mike Clark.

Any River Kids needing transportation to and from the event should contact Ben.

We will take out at Columbia Bottoms Conservation Area around noon and return to Old Chain of Rocks Bridge Parking Lot for lunch.

The event ends at 2pm.

Weather is highly unpredictable in March, thus all participants should watch local weather predictions for the Confluence region and come prepared.  The only thing that will prevent us from paddling will be high water conditions. Mike and Ben will make the decision to cancel if necessary and Ben will send out an email by 6am on Saturday at the latest.

Lunch will be provided.

Paddlers should bring a water bottle, change of clothes, and towel, as well as snacks if so desired - all packed in a dry bag.  (Borrow or buy from Ben.)

I am aware of all the details, and I give permission for ___________________ to attend the paddling trip on March 27 with River Kids and Mike Clark.

E-Signature _________________________

Emergency Phone Number 1 - _______________________ Backup Phone Number - _______________________



Download attached file here.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Cleanup Season is Upon Us

Hey all,

There will be a number of cleanups that start popping up all spring long...You already know about the one on March 27 at the Old Chain of Rocks, but here are a couple more...attached you'll find some dates from River des Peres Watershed Coalition, with whom we've worked closely these past few years.

Please come join them if you are able!


View attached file here.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Confluence Trash Bash - March 27

I am aware that some of us will not be around to participate, but if you are and would like to attend the biggest annual river cleanup in the area, see the attached flyer and mark your calendar.

Mike Clark will be taking River Kids families out to Duck Island.  If you're interested in paddling, you can join the fun that day...we'll go rain or shine as long as the river doesn't rise.
If you just want to clean on land, there will be numerous guides taking people out to various locations that have been scouted, including North Riverfront Park again.

I'll send a reminder when we get closer with permission slips and such for paddlers.  Just wanted to give you the chance to consider it now...


View attached file here.