Sunday, September 28, 2008

Volunteer for Trailnet

You may already be reeling from this weekend's activities, since there
was a TON going on in STL, but if you are already able to think about
next weekend, here's a volunteer opportunity (see below)...River Kids
is already working on the backdrop to the stage for this festival...If
anyone would like to help out with the actual event, just contact Kyle
Oberle at He'll get you set up.


------ Forwarded Message
From: Kyle Oberle <>
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2008 12:07:59 -0500
To: Ben Griffiths <>
Conversation: Volunteer for Trailnet
Subject: Volunteer for Trailnet

Hi Ben,

I'm the current volunteer coordinator at Trailnet, and I'm emailing
you as a past volunteer to see if you and/or anyone you know would be
able to help at one of our upcoming events - the inaugural Route 66
Festival at the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge on Saturday, October 4. We
need 45 volunteers to help with parking, car show functions,
administration of surveys, clean up, and other general activities. We
have a variety of shifts varying in duration from 9am to 7pm that we
are looking to fill.

Thanks for your help in the past, and please let me know if you're
available to help with this event. If so, I'll put you in touch with
our program manager who will provide more details.

Also, for general info on the event please go to

Thanks again!


Kyle Oberle
Annual Fund Coordinator

1533 Washington Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63103
314/436-1324 #103
Fax: 314/436-9215

------ End of Forwarded Message

Friday, September 26, 2008

River Cleanup and Art Exhibit

If you've missed one of the earlier cleanups and were wishing for 

another, your wish is my command. See below for another opportunity 

to get involved along the RdP There's a green home and renewable 

energy festival going on in Grandel Square Saturday, as well as a 

green home tour on Sunday. I can get details to you if you want. 

Lots going on this weekend, no doubt! Have a good one!

See some of you in the library at 4pm for the RK Open House.

Ben------ Forwarded Message

From: Susan Mintz ;;


Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2008 08:00:19 -0500To: Ben Griffiths ;;

Conversation: River Cleanup and Art Exhibit

Subject: River Cleanup and Art Exhibit; 

River Clean-up and Art Exhibit...this Saturday! Get Fired Up! on November 8

National Public Lands Day Clean-up Ruth Park Woods & River des Peres

September 27 9 am - 12 pm All Ages Welcome!

Recent flooding throughout the watershed has damaged homes and added to the debris load in many local streams...your help cleaning up the River des Peres is urgently needed and greatly appreciated!

; ;;

As part of the 15th Annual National Public Lands Day, The Green Center and River des Peres Watershed Coalition are co-hosting a clean- up in Ruth Park Woods along the River des Peres. The event will include trash pickup and invasive plant species removal.

Participants should meet at the McKnight Road entrance to Ruth Park Woods (in University City--accessible off of Olive) to check in. Ample parking is available along McKnight and in the shopping center at the corner of McKnight and Olive.

To reduce waste, we ask that participants bring their own water bottles. Dress appropriately for work (sturdy, closed-toed shoes, long pants, etc.). Necessary tools and gloves will be provided, but feel free to bring your own.

For more information, contact The Green Center at 725-8314, email , or visit our website ; . 

If you'd like to bring a group to help, please contact us in advance.

Keepsakes: Nature Inspired Ceramics by Patty Sheppard

Opening Reception: September 27 12 pm - 2 pm Location: The Green Center Headquarters, 8025 Blackberry Ave.Exhibit: September 27 - October 24

Free and open to the public All ages welcome!Following the National Public Lands Day clean-up, join The Green Center for light refreshments as we celebrate the opening of Patty Sheppard's new solo exhibit Keepsakes: Nature Inspired Ceramics. Patty's exquisite works demonstrate not only an interest in nature, but a keen appreciation of the detail evident in seemingly simple objects--a wildflower, autumn leaves, a cicada's shed exoskeleton. In her ceramics, these ephemeral objects acquire a rich new life. To read more, see the artist's statement 

; ;

; ; .

The exhibit runs from September 27-October 24. Viewing hours are Monday-Friday, 9 am-6 pm, and by special arrangement.

For more information about the reception or exhibit, contact The Green Center at 314-725-8314 or visit our website ; ; .

; ;; ;Leaf Tile by Patty Sheppard

Get Fired Up! 10th Anniversary Celebration

Date: November 8Time: 5:30-9:30 pmLocation: The Green Center Headquarters, 8025 Blackberry Ave.Cost: $10All Ages Welcome!

Join us for a night of fire juggling and swallowing, spooky campfire stories around a bonfire on the lawn, and wine-tasting in celebration of the Center's 10th anniversary! Learn about the role fire plays in maintaining native ecosystems, and its use in the art of glass-making and ceramics. They'll be smores, of course, and art for sale. All proceeds benefit our Youth Education programs.

; ;; ; MDC conducting a prescribed fire of the 25-acre Calvary Cemetery Prairie ; ;; ; .

; ;

Our Mission The Green Center is an arts and environmental education organization dedicated to helping people understand the natural world through hands-on experiences, restoring native habitats, and encouraging artistic expression inspired by nature.

Forward email ;;;a=1102255760627 ;; ;;;p=un ;; ; This email was sent to by .Update Profile/Email Address ;;p=oo ;; ; | Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribe ;;p=un ;; ; (tm) | Privacy Policy ; ;;; .Email Marketing ;;; ; by

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The Green Center | 8025 Blackberry Ave | University City | MO | 63130

------ End of Forwarded Message

Thursday, September 25, 2008

RK Update

Hello, River Kids and Families!

First let me thank those of you who found the time to chip in along the River des Peres last short, River Kids provided about half the volunteers! We made a HUGE difference, and there were many grateful individuals. The attached picture is of Sara Bewen and Tyler Doll with a Stream Team volunteer dragging just a TINY portion of their garbage loot out of the river.

I'm particularly glad that several families were there for this in light of comments made at recent RK Board Meetings. The RK Board was formed to give the kids a place to share their voices and establish a direction for the organization. One of the central themes to our two Board meetings so far has been a desire to focus our attention and activity back on the rivers,learning more rivers and interacting with them directly. We'll be participating in many more river-related activities this year, including many more cleanups!

Thanks to all the RK Board members for their extra work in preparation for this year. The meetings have been therapeutic for some and empowering for all. I'm personally thrilled to hear the passion in the voices of these leaders as they tackle the issues related to being a growing organization. While the increased membership and the energy and enthusiasm for last year's projects were undeniably good things, the side effects of getting so large so quickly needed to be addressed. We are well on our way to doing just that thanks to the Board.

There are numerous changes to the RK structure and programs this year in an attempt to solidify River Kids as a positive force. We will be meeting in the library this year, instead of the congested Performing Arts space. All RK will receive snack through the Extended Day program before attending meetings to avoid distractions and cleanup issues. All large group meetings will be focused on learning about rivers and will include field trips, guest speakers, and activities designed to bolster our collective river knowledge. The benefit is being redesigned to be more directed at our selected cause(and away from celebrating RK) and intentionally designed to be less extravagant. In fact, we are starting from scratch this year and may windup with a cleanathon or concert instead of a City Museum experience. Also,there will be no new projects this year; we will focus on bringing closure to old projects before considering new ones.

Another important issue discussed by the Board was the need to be inclusive and inviting to new members, but directly requiring that members be committed to being a true River Kid, not someone who comes for a good snack and the benefit party.

The Board felt it was crucial that we communicate to families more up front about what it really means to be a River Kid. Thus, they decided to host an Open House for all RK Families, focused on sharing the goals for the year and setting expectations for all before signup deadlines roll around. That way families can make an educated decision about whether River Kids is actually for them.

This RK Open House is this Friday afternoon from 4-5pm in the library. There will be a slideshow and some small presentations from a few of the RK Board members regarding the year. Then there will be a Q&A session for all.

I'm telling you all this information because everyone would benefit from the chance to hear about the kids' plans for the year. Thus, even though this Open House was marketed to new families, I thought I'd extend this explanation of our intent and an invitation to previous members and parents as well.

I hope everything is going well for you all. Please feel free to contact me with questions, especially if you can't make the Open House!

Rock on River Kids!


Route 66 Art Project

If your child is interested in helping paint the backdrop for the
stage at
the Route 66 Festival up north, he/she may still get in on the
start painting Monday after school in the art room, 3:45-5pm.

We will paint again Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday if necessary.

Your child does not need to commit to all of these days. We will take
on any or all days according to your schedule. We'd really LOVE to have
kids come every day if possible though.

If you have any questions or need more info, let me know. Shannah and
I are
heading this up together, so you may ask her questions as well.


Monday, September 22, 2008

Art Opportunity

Trailnet is putting on a big Route 66 Festival October 4. They asked
if we
might have some kids that would be able to put together a backdrop for
stage. Shannah, the new art teacher, is interested in helping out with
this, but it would have to be done after school a few days this week and

Please check with you child and see if s/he might be interested...let me
know ASAP and we'll set up a few dates for your child to consider. We
really only need a few kids, so I'll take the first ones that respond
and go
from there.



Thursday, September 18, 2008


Hello All!

As many of you already know, tremendous damage was done by the recent flooding in Brentwood and U. City along the tributaries to the River des Peres.

On Tuesday afternoon, the River des Peres Watershed Coalition invited people out to help clean up along Deer Creek near Laclede Station and Marshall.   Since it was short notice only 6 people made it out to help...Those 6 people almost filled one huge dumpster by themselves, but there's still much to be cleaned.

At a meeting with some of the River Kids yesterday, the kids decided to try to publicize this weekends efforts and really try to make a difference.

If you have the chance, please consider joining forces with others this Saturday with the RdPWC members and River Kids as they continue the efforts.

I've attached a flyer for your sake, and so you might print or send it on to others.  The more help we have, the better this area will look come Saturday evening.

Big thanks to Jack Biggs for making the flyer!


Print it out and post it somewhere where lots of people will see it!
View the flyer here.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Flood Clean-Up Tomorrow

Take one look at the pictures attached and you'll be blown away by the
power of our local streams...

The email below is from the Director of the River des Peres Watershed
Coalition...they are running an emergency cleanup based out of Deer
Creek Park...Based on the photos, this is a disaster requiring

SO, if you can spare even a half-hour and some muscle, please come
chip's not going to be pretty or easy...but if you can hack
it, your help will be greatly appreciated!! You'll need boots or old
shoes that can get destroyed, gloves, and a water bottle...they may
have some supplies on hand, but since this is being thrown together
quickly I don't know what they will have to offer.

And if you have access to resources, like a Bobcat or a wench, I'm
sure it will come in handy...let me know and I'll connect you with the
right people.

If you think about it, throw on your River Kid t-shirt for good would be way cool to see a bunch of RK tees stretched out
across the river!

Let me know if you have any questions...


------ Forwarded Message
From: Danelle Haake <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2008 17:08:13 -0500
To: rdpwc <>
Conversation: [RdPWC] UPDATE: Flood Clean-Up Tomorrow
Subject: [RdPWC] UPDATE: Flood Clean-Up Tomorrow

Good evening!

Today I was out and saw some of the damage along Deer Creek and River
des Peres for myself. It was quite amazing. I visited both of the
sites that the River des Peres Watershed Coalition has 'adopted' -
River des Peres at Mona Terrace in University City and Deer Creek at
Deer Creek Park in Maplewood. There was more water than on a normal
late summer day, but the floodwaters have certainly come down (as you
can see in the attached photos).

As far as the conditions of the streams, the RdP (in that stretch at
least) looked relatively good - not much more than the usual trash.
Deer Creek on the other hand looked bad as can be seen in the photos.
We just had a cleanup there a couple of weeks back and now there is
more trash there than I have ever seen. At Brentwood Blvd, there are
two boats (still attached to their trailers) stuck at the bridge
pilings which are holding a bunch more tree debris which is then
holding lots of plastic trash. At Deer Creek Park (aka. Rocket Park),
there is a bunch more stuff in and along the stream. Immediately
downstream at the shopping center, there is still more trash,
including some of the lumber from an upstream lumberyard, several
tires, and even a dumpster!

Based on what we saw, a few of us at the Coalition decided that it
would be worthwhile to try to get out there and clean up some of the
mess. So, we are planning to meet at Deer Creek Park beginning at
1pm. There will be folks in and out all afternoon and into the
evening, so feel free to come out at any time! I would suggest
parking in the lot for the Deer Creek Shopping Center, as there is
limited parking at the park itself.

So, I hope to see many of you tomorrow afternoon and evening at Deer



------ End of Forwarded Message

River Cleanup Cancelled

Floods have caused the cancellation of this weekend's A-B Cleanup.
Thanks a
ton to those families who offered their time.

If you're still hoping to get out and get involved this weekend, there
tons of opportunities to help out in Brentwood and U.City where the
des Peres and its tributaries wreaked havoc. Danelle Haake (Interim
Director of the River des Peres Watershed Coalition is helping out in
Brentwood. If you want to join her efforts, call 314-941-0489.

Our friends at Trailnet suffered serious damage at their Grant's Trail
offices as well.

If you want to volunteer there, call 314-520-9999. They need
and help with cleanup.

I hope you all have managed to make it through the heavy rains alright!


Friday, September 12, 2008

Helping Out A Friend

I know you all are familiar with Chad Pregracke's organization, Living
and Waters, but I don't know if you have met Tammy Becker, their
Program Director. She's amazing. She wrote me to tell me of a friend
hers who's moving to the STL area and is seeking a position as a
Director or
Project Coordinator for a non-profit. I don't know her myself (or
even her
last name at this point), but here's a quote from Tammy's email, and
speaking highly of someone really means something in my book:

Tammy: "Erin¹s a really spectacular personSshe graduated in 99 with a
Sociology/Women¹s Studies degree, went on to do Peace Corps for 3
years (and
also got Volunteer of the Year award!), after PC was accepted into the
Shriver Peace Worker program in Baltimore, MD, where last year she got
Master¹s in Public Policy with an emphasis on non-profit management.
Not to
mention she¹s the FUNNIEST chick with the biggest heart and more passion
than anyone I¹ve ever met! Anyone who meets her, LOVES HER!!!"

Erin is moving to town after October and is actively seeking a
position. I
know that some of you have connections with various organizations and
have some leads. If you are aware of an open position or if there's a
person to whom she should send her resume, any contact information
would be
greatly appreciated. She's searching from Baltimore right now and has
many dead ends.

You may send info to me and I'll pass it along.

Thanks for helping out Tammy in helping her friend...Tammy really
appreciates it!


A-B River Cleanup Details

Here are the details for the September 20 cleanup with Living Lands and

8:00a Registration Opens
8:45a Comments by St. Louis Mayor, A-B rep, and LL&W founder, Chad
Pregracke/Safety Talk
9:00a Everyone departs for cleanup site
12:00p Everyone returns from cleanup to enjoy free lunch &
including free A-B products
Approximately 1:00p Depart for the day!

Where to Meet:
The cleanup will launch from the St. Louis Riverfront, just below the
grounds (on the cobblestone). Parking will be available there and the
Bridge/Laclede's Landing stop on the MetroLink will also put you just
of the Riverfront but in easy walking distance-there is no provided
transportation. A-B will have a LARGE white tent set up on the
for can't miss it.

What to Bring/Wear:
Long pants (no shorts as there may be poison ivy or stinging nettles)
Old tennis shoes/boots/rubber boots recommended. They will likely get
and/or muddy. Don't wear anything nice!
Sunglasses-optional but highly recommended
Jacket/Rain coat-depending on the weather
Clean clothes/shoes-optional.but just in case you get really dirty and
want to change before driving to your next destination

What Will be Provided:
Bottled Water
Life Jackets
Bug Spray
Garbage Bags
Free t-shirts
Free beer for adults after the event

What to Expect:
Volunteers will board large aluminum work boats to a predetermined
site. At
the site, volunteers will get out of boat and walk along shorelines to
collect garbage. All metals and tires will be kept separate.
else will be put into bags (unless its really big) and all debris will
put into piles along the shoreline to later be picked up by Living
Lands &
Waters crew. Volunteers will continue to do this, likely reboarding the
boat to go to a different location after initial site is cleaned, until
11:45a when they will head back to the Riverfront. Most debris will
consist of Styrofoam, scrap metals, plastic bottles, a few tires, and
a lot
of miscellaneous items that got washed in from this summer's flood.

I am planning to attend, so if any RK need a ride, let me know.

Also, remember to wear your RK t-shirts if you go...adults can get one
me if they'd like one. Just contact me and I'll arrange to send one
with your child.




Thursday, September 11, 2008

RK Update - Important Info Regarding This Year

RK Families,

Thanks for all your notes welcoming Bella into the world...she has been
nothing but a wonder so far. We're thrilled!

RK info - After meeting with the Board last week, there are a number of
changes that will be occurring to the organization and how it operates
order to improve the River Kids experience. Here's a brief list of
some of
the changes in play:

1) Meetings will be held in the library from 4-5pm. Bigger space in
to operate.
2) Snack will be offered as part of membership through Extended Day,
as with
other Talents Classes. This should help minimize distractions. River
will get snack at 3:30 under Tobie's supervision and then come to the
library after eating. (4th-6th Grades normally eat at 4pm...RK will be
allowed to go early.)
3) Large Group Meetings will be focused on educational activities
rivers. (Small Groups will still be formed for special projects and
meet separate from the large group during the week.)
4) The benefit will be planned differently this year. This is a major
of discussion at the next Board Meeting. The central sentiment of the
was that we like giving to others and some flashiness is good to attract
attention to the cause, but we need to have a less extravagant affair
is more centered around the cause rather than just hype. We are
a variety of alternative formats, including a benefit concert, a
clean-a-thon or walk-a-thon, and others...
5) The benefit is NOT the place to focus on celebrating the year for
Kids...that needs to be a separate event for RK Families alone where
speeches are really heard and appreciated. No direct plans are in
place for
this event, but it will be in development this year.
6) The RK Board will continue to meet monthly to make guiding
decisions and
discuss issues further. The Board will be a necessary venue for
problem-solving that did not exist last year.

Additional Plans/Thoughts:

- RK will not be taking on any new projects this year. We will be
on bringing closure to old projects and educating ourselves more about
- RK will be involved in more cleanups this year. Hands-on
involvement is
part of being a River Kid.
- This year we will host a River Kids Open House on September 26, 4-5pm.
The goal will be to present potential members with the most up-to-date
accurate information regarding the organization and expectations for
members. Our primary goal is to steer away any kids that are only
superficially interested, or interested only in the benefit dinner
of its flashiness. We also hope that returning members might be able
to get
their heads wrapped around the year by being there. So ALL RK
families are
invited as well. The Board members are expected to be there if
possible to
give a presentation.
- Field trips and Guest Speakers should be considered as part of

Projects currently in play:

1) Rain Harvesting - Installation being completed this fall.
Unveiling/Recognition ceremony in development.
2) Herbie Project - Herbie is still waiting on a home. City Museum has
assured me that we will be able to discuss possibilities very soon. The
completion of the new roof complex has occupied them since we first
this idea to them.
3) Mural Project - No new info. We were officially denied permission to
paint at the end of last year. However, we are considering working with
Trailnet to seek out a new location that will be okay with all.
4) River Kids Urban Exchange (Mentoring Project) - This group will
need to
begin meetings early to decide how this project evolves.
5) Benefit - This group will be starting from scratch this year to
how this event can be dramatically improved.

I hope this update gives all of you an idea of how much consideration
been given to improving this organization. The Board Meeting was a
testament to the passion that River Kids have and should have for being
people who truly affect positive change. I've never been prouder to
be a
part of River Kids.

Rock on, River Kids!


P.S. For those looking for river-friendly events:

Here's the address for the Confluence Greenway website. If you're not
familiar with them, take a closer look...they are tied to many amazing
active living projects and river-related events. Their event calendar
filled with wonderful opportunities!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

RK Events - Don't Miss Out!

The Board Meeting was fantastic the other day...Thanks to this
enthusiastic group for spending the extra time. I am working with
Tobie to
schedule the next Board meeting and the new member meeting we discussed.
I'll keep you posted.

If all goes the way this Board Meeting did, this year will be
better than any previous year.

For now, I'd like you all to know about three specific River Kid-
events. They are optional, but more than ever, I think it's important
River Kids and their families to make a strong showing whenever
Those of you who have attended cleanups together know just how
powerful the
hands-on experience can be. It opens eyes, poses questions, and
our cause...It's the most tangible way to feel like you're making a
difference. So here are the events to consider:

1) This weekend - Friday, if you're off school or want to take off,
there is
a HUGE river festival up a the Columbia Bottoms Conservation area. RK
with the idea of running a booth, but our group skipping out on school
seemed a bit unreasonable...and it's not a fitting field trip for the

RK did sponsor a booth though...the H2Orchestra (water-based musical
instruments) will be there thanks to us. I'll be going up there for a
while just to represent River Kids a bit...Anyone else would be
welcome to
join me.

2) MO River Relief Cleanup - this Saturday. Following the festival is a
huge cleanup...MO River Relief has been doing this for a long time and
know how to make these events a TON of fun...Worth going if you can
make it!
You might see Chad Pregracke or Jeff Barrow (co-authors of From the
Up) there as well. You can get details and register for the event at

3) Tammy Becker, of Living Lands and Waters, emailed us to invite
River Kids
families to attend their upcoming re-scheduled Anheuser-Busch Cleanup
downtown on Saturday, September 20. If you're interested in attending
one, let me know and I'll get you details about where to meet and
registration for that one. You would undoubtedly see Chad and the
rest of
the crew there...And if you've never seen them in action, you're really
missing out! They are a hoot!

4) Watershed-Wide Water Monitoring Day with the River des Peres
Coalition in Forest Park...October 4. No training necessary. Join
experienced STREAM Team members at 9am at the Forest Park Visitor's
and head out into the field to assigned sites. Lunch is provided at
the end
of the monitoring around noon. This would be a GREAT chance for some
of our
kids and family members to get acquainted with water monitoring. We
need to
let them know if you are joining, so if you are interested in this one,
please tell me soon.

So I know this is pre-season for RK, technically, but for all you die-
river-lovers, these are some GREAT opportunities.

Let me know if you have any questions!


Monday, September 8, 2008

The latest Griffiths-Hill addition...

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to the world the latest Griffiths-Hill addition...Hayden
finally made her way into the world Saturday morning, September 6 at

She was 7 lbs. 1 oz and 19.75 inches. Both mom and baby are doing
wonderfully, and her big brothers couldn't be prouder!

We'll come visit soon!
