Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Still Seeking Volunteers (Oct 1-3)

In case any of you are interested in a cool volunteer opportunity, this should be a great event and a great way to be involved...


Hello! St. Louis Earth Day is still trying to round up as many volunteers as possible for this weekend (Oct 1-3). We still have about 40 to go. Do you know anyone who is looking to fulfill service hours? This is a great opportunity for middle school, high school, or college students to learn about reducing waste and composting on a large scale. Taste of St. Louis (downtown) generates 30 tons of waste in 3 days. If you are not familiar with waste tonnage, that is A LOT (about 15 times the average event in St. Louis). Please help us spread the word by informing students and colleagues about the opportunity. Thank you! Registration and more info at:

Cassie Phillips
Executive Director


Hello, future movie stars... 

I've heard from a few people regarding participation in the documentary filming October 10...More are welcome.  If you are interested in participating, there will be an informational/planning meeting on Monday October 4 during which we will discuss options and develop the full plan for the filming experience. It's right after school in Shannah's Room - 3:45-4:30.  Parents and kids are encouraged to attend.  You may also help with the planning and not be involved in the filming. 

You do not need to attend this meeting to participate in the filming.  Only if you want to be involved in the planning process. 


Tuesday, September 28, 2010

RK on the River - What's NEXT?

Way to go River Kids Families! There were about 35 River Kids folks out there Saturday helping clean the was a blast for sure...just imagine (insert harp gliss here)...River Kids scurrying about in the woods filling bag with plastic bottles, tin cans, glass bottles and scraps of paper or Styrofoam...mounds bags of trash, tires, deep freezers, coolers, 55-gallon drums...5 shovels digging up a Johnny-On-The-Spot...yeah, it was that fun.

Thanks to everyone for making it a fantastic day!

Here's our next RK opportunity...Our Art Specialist extraordinaire, Shannah Burton, came across a great opportunity and thought of River Kids...In short, we would be contributing a short film segment to the One Day On Earth documentary for inclusion...Shannah sent me this invitation to pass on to all of you:

Calling all River Kid artists! This is your chance to share your message with the world through video and photography. We are looking for volunteers who would be interested in doing a river clean up on October 10th and working with digital media to tell the River Kids story. We will have a meeting or two before 10.10.10 to work out the theme and practice using the camera equipment. We welcome any parent cinematographers too!

Here's some info on the documentary itself:

From the website: Join us on 10.10.10 for an unprecedented event. Every Nation, 24 hours, and You. On October 10, 2010 (10.10.10), across the planet, documentary filmmakers, students, and inspired citizens will record the human experience over a 24-hour period and contribute their voice to the largest participatory media event in history. Founded in 2008, One Day on Earth is creating an online community, shared archive, and film. Together, we will showcase the amazing diversity, conflict, tragedy, and triumph that occur in one day. We invite you to join our international community of thousands of filmmakers, hundreds of schools, and dozens of non-profits, and contribute to this unique global mosaic. Through the One Day on Earth platform, we will establish a community that not only watches, but participates.

If your schedule allows and this interests you please let us know as soon as possible.

And if you want to help in the creative process (planning, organizing, filming, paddling) please indicate that as well.

See you on the river!


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Update on Cleanup

Hey River Kids Families!  If you are planning to attend this weekend's cleanup, you will need to read the following... please feel free to call me if you have any questions. 

See many of you tomorrow! 


"Dear St. Louis Volunteers, 

Due to the river rising the parking has changed a bit for the Great Mississippi River Cleanup tomorrow. I have linked a new map along with the parking pass that you will need to have on Saturday. Please forward this information along to any other volunteers that you know are coming! 

If you have any questions or concerns before then, give me a call on my cell phone (the number is below).


Nora Coyne-Logan
Program Coordinator
Living Lands & Waters"

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Details on Cleanup

For those of you attending the cleanup this weekend:

It's exciting to know that we'll be out on the river again this weekend with the river crew that inspired River Kids...they helped make river cleaning cool.  We keep it that way.  :)

Note - I am traveling to Southern Illinois to go camping with the 6th graders for the next three days.  I will have limited access to email and phone.  However, I will be back in town Friday afternoon in time for the RK meeting.  If you have any questions about the cleanup, or anything else for that matter, I'll be around then...

At this point, there are still a few spots available for folks to join the
cleanup effort.  We are limited to 40 and we have 35 going.  If you are still interested in coming along, let me know.

Be at the cobblestone parking area in front of the Arch between 8:30 and 8:45 to register and sign waivers...Chad usually gives a speech to kick off the cleanup, then we're out and about until noon.  We eat (hand cleaner and lunch are free) and share stories of the ridiculous amounts of trash we cleaned (trash is also free) until around 1pm...then the party's over...until the next cleanup.

Attached you will find a copy of the Living Lands and Waters general liability waiver.  LL&W will be collecting these before the cleanup.  They will have hard copies for you to sign if you do not bring a copy of your own.

Anheuser-Busch will also have a waiver for all participants.  I do not have access to that waiver ahead of time, so you will need to sign it on Saturday.

Parking - parking is free for cleanup are supposed to have a parking pass in order to park for free; however, we can usually get away with telling the attendant that we were not given passes...If I receive passes ahead of time (which I'm supposed to) I will let you know and distribute them Friday afternoon in the library at the RK meeting.

How to Prepare for a Cleanup Event (from the LL&W website)

Please wear:
  • Boots or old athletic shoes
  • Long pants
  • Light colored, loose clothing for hot weather
  • Layers of warm clothes during early spring or late fall cleanups

We will provide (unless you care to bring your own):
  • Gloves
  • Lifejackets
  • Bottled Water
  • Insect Repellant

Do not wear:
  • Open-toed shoes
  • Shorts
  • Dangling jewelry
View the LL&W release form here.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

No Impact Week

Tom is putting a little blurb in this week's PL about a No Impact Experiment at New City School...I'm co-organizing the experiment with several people.

Knowing who many of you are, you should take a look at Colin Beavan's site and check out the concept...I think you'd really appreciate his experience. And we are hosting a one-week version of Colin's year-long experiment from October 10-17.  I figure many of you might like to join in the fun.

I actually get to interview Colin next week, and I'm hoping some of the River Kids might give me some questions (about his experience living "no-impact" for a year) that I can ask him...we're going to record the interview (with video) and share at least a portion at an assembly Oct 1...

So, check it with your kid about it...and if any River Kids
parents or kids have any questions you think I should ask, send them my way!



So what the hayday are we doing tomorrow?!  I apologize for the detail delay...Here's the scoop:

We will be meeting at NCS at 8:30am...we'll travel to Columbia Bottoms Conservation Area up north where we'll meet with a presenter from the CBCA...She'll be dressed up in a beaver suit... yeah, no kidding... really... a beaver suit... and she'll be presenting to us on some of the beaver habits and habitat in the area...

After that, Steve and the MO River Relief crew will be taking us out on their plate boats (the large, flat-bottom, motorized boats they use all the time to transport folks at cleanups).  We plan to tour up the MO a bit, then head up to the lock and dam...We will stop there for a visit to the museum and a possible tour of the lock and dam.  A Corps of Engineers member should be there to work with us.

Next we'll lock through and head up to the Alton area to find a fun place to eat our lunches.  We'll cruise back down and stop on Duck Island before heading back to CBCA where we'll be dropped off about 2pm.

We will be back to NCS about 3pm...

So, essentially, we get to be river rats for a day and experience a bit of what the MORR and LL&W crews get to see all the time...

Please send/bring a lunch and water bottle.  You should dress like you are going to a river cleanup...old clothes, rubber boots, and hat.  Also dress for the weather and dress in layers...these days the mornings are chilly and the midday sun is potentially brutal...

Right now, I have the following folks listed as attending:

  • Nick K
  • Gerald M
  • Rachel S
  • Max P
  • Corbin R
  • Shawn R
  • Nicholas T
  • Lawrence J
  • Elizabeth K
  • Sean M
  • Cody K

Am I missing anyone?  Is there anyone who still wants to join in?

If you are attending, I need a permission slip and waiver signed... I'm attaching the waiver. I will have them available to sign Friday morning when you drop off as well if that's easier.

Please let me know if you have any questions!


View the permission slip here. It may be filled out, attached, and sent to Ben Griffiths via his email address, or given to him in person.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

RK Update

Hello all!

Incredible weekend!  I spent Saturday on the Jack's Fork near Eminence, MO...if you're ever in the mood to drive three hours to paddle, I highly recommend visiting the Ozark National Scenic Riverways.  Fall colors are just around the corner!

Great kickoff meeting Friday!  We spent some time getting to know each other and what it means to be a River Kid.  Then we visited the green roof, where the Board presented some of the big ideas they'd like the organization to pursue.  This is not an all-inclusive or must-do list, but it gives us an idea of what might be in store.  Here are the projects/ideas the RK Board set afloat Friday:

  • Mural Project - seeking location for design
  • Herbie, Jr. - interested in finally finding a home for the VW
  • Paddling Trips with Mike Clark and/or Land for Learning
  • 2-day Camping Trip
  • Host 3rd Annual Polar Bear Pickup
  • Possible Trip to DC to clean the Potomac in 2012
  • River Quotes on the pump stations along the RdP
  • River Quotes along the trail by the RdP
  • Build a Dugout Canoe at NCS
  • RK Lock-in as fundraiser
  • Earth Day Participation in 2011
  • Big Party for Ben's Birthday

Thanks to the Board for latching on to some older projects and coming up with some wonderful new ideas.  Okay, I added the last one...can't blame a guy for trying.  New RK members will have their shot at adding to the list soon.

MO River Relief Trip this Friday - Please let me know who is planning on coming along with MO River Relief for a day out and about Friday.  I've heard from 5 or 6 people.  I'd LOVE to get a bunch more going! (Bueller?....Bueller?....)  How about this - If you join us, you're exempt from buying me a huge birthday present at the big party.  Of course little ones will still be expected.

Living Lands and Waters Cleanup - 37 signed up! Yahoooooo... we'll make up more than 10% of the crowd at this rate.  And if history repeats, we'll about 20% of the food...gotta feed those growing kids!

Attached you'll find an updated copy of the RK Meeting Dates for the year...we'll have lots of optional events hit the calendar as the year continues.  I know you were worried your calendar wouldn't fill up...have no fear...

As always, send me new email addresses to add to my list...or let me know if you are no longer interested in receiving emails about River Kids.

See you soon!


View the attached document here.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

RK Board Meeting

I apologize for the late notice!

We're going to have a River Kids Board Meeting TONIGHT!

We'll meet in the Library (or my room if that's taken) from 5pm - 5:45.

I'll order pizza and drinks, to make it a little easier to get everything in tonight.

If you have a River Kid who has already served one year as a member, they may attend as a Board Member.

We also have our first regular River Kids meeting of the year TOMORROW from 4 - 5pm in the Library... kids should all go to Extended Day first for snack. They will be sent to me at 4pm.


Let me know if you have any questions!


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Me Again...

Fingers don't fail me now...I've got another opportunity to throw out there at all you River Warriors...I just got off the phone with Steve Schnarr with MO River Relief.  You know that Confluence Watershed Festival we were invited to participate in on September 17 (No School Day at NCS)?  Well, it's been cancelled...booooooo!

Apparently there were some serious issues within the Hazelwood School District and they decided to pull out...That left them without any students to which they might present.

I know...sounds sad.  But wipe away the school district's political firestorm is another River Kids' incredible opportunity.  You see, Steve called to see if River Kids would like to throw aside our plans to operate a booth and, instead, join them for a day of adventures on and around the rivers.  They already have presenters from around the state booked and boats ready to roll.  They have connections to all kinds of folks who want nothing more than to share some river time with the River Kids.

If we want to join them, we could spend the day boating the MO, touring a water plant, touching live river animals, cleaning up a section of the river, and on and on...Bottom line is, we'd get our own personal watershed festival of sorts.

Here's the topper, Chad Pregracke and Living Lands and Waters are already in town for a cleanup that weekend in Alton, so we are going to try to get them involved in whatever we do as well.  And if they come along, so might the Discovery Channel crew that films them in action...and it's all about face time on the DC.. oh, wait... it's actually all about the rivers, but it's sure fun to be on TV.

So what I need from you all is to check the calendars...see if you can throw everything out for the day and commit to spending the day on the river.  It will definitely be worth your while!

Yes, parents are welcome...yes, kids may come without parents as well. You'll just have to sign one of those awesome RK waivers and we'll arrange transportation/supervision.  We'll work out those details as necessary.

For now, please let me know if you are interested in this opportunity. Steve is getting back to me in a couple days...I would like to be able to offer him some numbers.



Another River Cleanup THIS WEEKEND

Hello all!

Thanks for all the replies to my last email regarding the September 25 cleanup with Living Lands and Waters.  Looks like we'll have at LEAST 25 people there!

Some folks reminded me that there is another cleanup this weekend in St. Charles with an equally impressive organization called Missouri River Relief.  I am planning to be out of town, but I figure a River Kids group could still be arranged.

This cleanup is from 8:30am (signing in) to about noon.  It will be a lot like the LL&W cleanup I described.

If you are interested in the details, check out the following link:

You can certainly register on your own and attend; however, if you'd like me just to count you in the River Kids number, I'll take care of the registration for you.

PLEASE LET ME KNOW TONIGHT OR TOMORROW if you would like me to count you in the River Kids number as I register.  All I need is the number of folks you'll be bringing.



Living Lands and Waters Cleanup Info

Hello there RK Families!

If you are planning on joining the River Kids (and about 300+ other good folks) at the Living Lands and Waters Cleanup on the Mississippi September 25, please:

1) Sign up on the sheet hanging just outside the PA room


2) Email me (include the number of people in your group)


3) Go outside and dance down the street playing air guitar - actually, this won't get you signed up at all, but it will help spread the word about the event when people ask you what the devil you're doing.

I need to hear from you by Wednesday afternoon.  If you do not get your information in by then, you may still be able to join in, but you won't be guaranteed the free parking pass for the riverfront lot, cool t-shirt/water bottle, or lunch) (A/B sponsors, so there's beer/energy drinks/soda as well.)

More details on the cleanup:

We will meet at 8:30am on the riverfront (cobblestone parking lot) in front of the south foot of the Arch.  We will sign waivers and be assigned to groups there.  We may also meet some of the LL&W crew who usually speak at the beginning to get everyone revved up.

The actual cleanup usually lasts from about 9am-12pm.  We will be traveling out onto the Mississippi in motorized plate boats to cleaning locations along the shoreline chosen by LL&W in the days prior.

We will return to the Arch at approximately noon for lunch and celebration of a highly successful outing.

A little advice for the newbies and reminders for the river-wise -
  1. Your health and safety should come above and before ANYTHING ELSE! Do not touch or attempt to move anything that makes you nervous.  Do not venture into areas that seem dangerous.
  2. Dress in layers so you can adjust to the temp as it changes from morning to midday
  3. Know that you will be working physically hard the whole time we're out and about, and you may be walking through wooded areas with mosquitoes, chiggers, and itch-causing plants.
  4. Wear clothes that you don't mind getting REALLY dirty.
  5. Wear rubber boots that come up calf-high or higher.
  6. If you bring a small backpack, you can carry a camera, water bottle, and snack with you - however, water bottles will be available where we are working, so you do not NEED to bring anything.
  7. Work gloves are provided.
  8. Do not try to do too much - if you've never been on a cleanup, it may shock you to see all the trash.  That can be overwhelming, both physically and emotionally.  Some of you may want to get it all in one trip, and that's not realistic or even necessary - we will be back!  Also, bigger items can be moved with machinery that LL&W have.  If we let them know there's something we can't get, they will mark it on GPS and come get it later.
  9. Plan on having fun - no mudball fights will break out, but we do like to joke around and have a good time.  We'll have a little contest amongst River Kids to find the most interesting item and (if possible) bring it back!

So, I thought this email wasn't long enough, so I'm adding in this line just to make it even longer.  You don't really need to read it.  There's absolutely no reason to read it.  In fact, it's kinda silly that you still are reading this.  I'm starting to think that you need to get out a bit more if all you do is sit around and read pointless lines in emails like this. Seriously, there's absolutely nothing else of value in this paragraph.  Well since you're still reading, My favorite color is purple; I have a cockapoo named Ollie. My kids are named Gavin, Jackson, and Bella...Two of them think it's really funny that some people might still be reading this.

Really, because of who LL&W is (and who we are), this will undoubtedly be an amazing event.

Oh, and FYI - We are limited to bringing 40 people, and 16 are signed up already!

Looking forward to the first cleanup of the year!!!

Rock on, RK!
